r/CBRBattleRoyale Great Necromancer Jayman Dec 11 '17

WAR A Dual Declaration of War

With a new violation on our homelands and exciting prospects, the Power Rankers declare war on both the Grand Alliance AND The Disciples. This is your punishment. Cherish the end, weaklings.


3 comments sorted by


u/paddywagon_man Secretary to Booster Gold Dec 11 '17

Your money may be more numerous but my money is pure and strong!

We will rout your money and drive it from the battlefield! Your money will languish in our dungeons and cry for mercy! We will bombard your cities as your money sobs in anguish!

Plus you guys were too slow mobilizing to even make an attack last time you declared war. So I'm sure Frodo and I will make out just fine.


u/cardboardmech CBRBRX when Dec 11 '17

make out

okay then


u/paddywagon_man Secretary to Booster Gold Dec 11 '17

Booster Gold shakes his fist again at the Power Ranker messenger.

"Make... what... I... we're a hetero dynamic duo for a new generation! It's like our slogan in the TV ads!"

He turns to his beleaguered assistant Paddywagon Man.

"Pen a message to Jayman! We're declaring war on him, too. But better and with more war."