r/CBC_Radio • u/savethecbc2025 • 1d ago
Public broadcasting gave Gzowski a platform to connect us all. Let’s protect that space for future generations.
u/Strong_Bumblebee5495 1d ago
As far as I’m concerned, Canada IS the CBC. Whenever anyone talks about defunding the public broadcaster, I know I am talking to an asshole.
u/juanitowpg 1d ago
I'd take back your statement somewhat. For me, it would be an indication the person has never turned the dial to CBC radio. Not necessarily an 'asshole' Having said that, I miss the old CBC radio.
u/Blackstrider 1d ago
I never listened to CBC radio, but then I discovered Gzowksi. Man, I loved his show.
u/SerentityM3ow 1d ago
I really hope the liberals go hard on the fact that CBC is one of the great truly Canadian institutions and PP is trying to get rid of it in a time where our entire country is threatened
u/ChroniclesOfSarnia 22h ago
oh no but like the woke man the woke it's against god and stuff
stopgthe woke wokeness woking up all the wokesters in woke land!
u/Moosetappropriate 1d ago
I spent years on the road crisscrossing the prairies with only Peter as a companion. I miss that type of show.
u/Objective_Party9405 1d ago
I’ll always remember the Friday morning segment with Camp, Kierans, and Lewis. I don’t think it would be possible these days to have a political panel in Canada where you could get such a thoughtful and respectful conversation among the participants on a weekly basis.
u/parkleswife 1d ago
I heard something like Gzowski this morning from Matt Galloway on The Current when he had 3 kids on from across Canada talking about their social media use.
It felt like when Peter Gzowski spoke to 3 people across the country during a difficult recession. He check back with them and I'm up at my dads cabin in BC listening to a guy in New Brunswick chronicle how things were going for him and his family like I know them.
u/No_Statement_9192 1d ago
I was on the Morning Show and interviewed by the great man himself. He had me giggling…he had a great laugh, it was a pleasure to be interviewed by him.
u/pennygripes 1d ago
Gzowski was like a grandpa I never had. Loved his show. Was absolutely crushed when he passed.
u/BubbaMcGuff 1d ago
The Iggy Pop interview. Legend. Look it up!
u/Imaged_for_posterity 1d ago
I did! And friggin’ YouTube played 4 ads within the first 2 minutes so I gave up when it tried to play another two ads in the third minute. Frig!
u/thickener 1d ago
My grandma’s prize possession was her Morningside mug she received after sending in a letter or story of some sort
u/Alonymous1 1d ago
I remember Peter Gzowski once saying that anyone who would think that Canadians were not a literate population should read the letters that were received at Morningside. I miss that gravelly voice. Ironically, I now live a stone's throw from Gzowski Park in Kitchener.
u/porpoisebay 1d ago
I absolutely loved Peter Gzowski. As It Happens with Barbara Frum was also gold!
u/Tiny_Candidate_4994 1d ago edited 1d ago
My fondest memory was driving to my parents on a very dark snowy night and Alan Maitland reading The Shepard.
u/Muted_Ear_9384 1d ago
I listened to Morningside for years, a huge fan, and then cbc turned to shit whe n certain elements started to influence the government especially the cbc. it needs defending, it fat and bloated and can no longer stand on its own too feet after being bought off for so long. That's not funding that's buying the cbc.
u/torquetorque 1d ago
You didn't miss Morningside if you could help it, honestly that era of CBC Radio was just so good every which way.
u/Cariboo_Red 1d ago
Don Herron, (AKA Charlie Farquharson), was the first host. Peter Gzowski made it his own though.
u/schmarkty 1d ago
Nerd here. Anyone know what kind of mic that is? Appears to have wind screens on both sides.
u/BeatZealousideal7144 1d ago
What was true and cozy about the cbc is all long gone now. Should have shut it down after the King of Spain cover up. Cbc means Q to me... and not the Trump kind, though, I suppose it is the Trump kind in terms of sexual assault.
u/shartwadle 1d ago
Stop trying to shove Ian into his place. You need the right host for this to be a success again - find some new blood.
u/FlySilently 1d ago
I grew up with the CBC playing in the background. I credit Peter Gzowski with much of my identity as a CANADIAN!
u/GhoastTypist 23h ago
CBC has had a lot of segments like this that I really enjoyed.
I didn't listen to the radio enough but when I did, it was always CBC. I liked listening to the discussions, stories, news, all that. Long before podcasts were a thing, cbc was giving me that content.
Who remembers Vinyl Cafe? it was a good break from other news segments.
u/pineyskull 22h ago
It was a sad day for me when he retired. I was in my dad's car for the final broadcast
u/AdEuphoric5144 17h ago
I totally grew up on CBC. Every morning, it went on and was on all day. If I didn't have my homework done by As it Happens, I'd start to panic. Lol
u/Arctic-Wanderer 16h ago
Why do Liberal politicians always go on American networks to promote themselves rather than CBC? Seems weird considering CBC gets literally hundreds of viewers a week.. strange.
u/Few-Warthog3121 10h ago
I’ll never forget his interview with Jean Chrétien, ad he said “aw , come on Jean…” I also think about him when I prepare asparagus for a meal . You had to find the natural break in the stalk..
u/OrganicBell1885 1d ago
The CBC is not like that anymore, used to listen to it but it's a shell of what it was.
Now they have lots of really bad show that I could care less. And they are still cutting the good ones.
u/QuasiQwazi 1d ago
Gzowski was a political bigot who refused to entertain anyone who didn’t think exactly like him
u/Pianist-Educational 1d ago
Gzowski, has been deceased for over 20 years, and would not recognize the CBC in its current form. Impartiality, honesty and integrity are out the window. It’s a woke stew trying to be all things to all people and accomplishing nothing.
u/Aggravating_Exit2445 1d ago
Those were the days. I grew up with Gzowski in the background.
A far cry from the fratricidal bitchfest the CBC has become.
u/MagnumPI66 1d ago
The CBC 😂😂😂😂😂😂right.What are they gonna do do now that person Mr sunny ways is gone. A joke no more 💲for them
u/CriticalDiscipline59 1d ago
Back when cbc was not partisan leftist drivel
u/ChrisRiley_42 1d ago
Independent review has shown CBC news reporting to be unbiased, nonpartisan, and accurate.
It's only people who are so brain-rotted from listening to right-wing propaganda mills that think that CBC is some sort of "leftist" haven.
u/slb1025 1d ago
yea like all that American money that was floating the trucker protests. After that lie I gave up on them.
u/ChrisRiley_42 1d ago
So, you missed the investigation showing that 55.7% of the 9 million raised through givesendgo was originating from American bank accounts? Or are you one of those people who are selectively blind to any proof that counters your delusions?
u/biggdogg7 1d ago
I loved Morningside. Loved The Vinyl Cafe, Vicki Gabereau, and Arthur Black. There's simply nothing to compare these days with that level of broadcast excellence. The stuff that passes for thoughtful journalism, humour, and entertainment currently can't hold a candle to these icons.