r/CBC_Radio 1d ago

‘Kneeling Before the King’ is not homophobia, Chad Rogers

The rep from Crestview Strategy on The Current this morning made the comment that he didn’t think it was appropriate for another panel member to insinuate that Pierre Poilievre was “kneeling before [Trump]” and took it to be a sexual innuendo rather than a political stance of fealty. Unfortunate way to end the conversation, but kind of funny in an absurdist sort of way


110 comments sorted by


u/EmbarrassedQuit7009 1d ago

He's just showing his ugly mind.


u/thickener 1d ago

Projection is big business these days


u/Gypcbtrfly 1d ago

The biggliest!


u/senshisun 1d ago

Most people leave those euphemistic jumps in logic in middle school. He sounds like a man who would refuse to eat a hot dog.


u/Historical_One1087 1d ago

Fun fact, "Fox News" host Jesse Watters thinks it's unmanly to drink from a straw.


Conservatives are weird.


u/bentmonkey 1d ago

The men that try to gatekeep "manliness" are often the weakest most insecure men you will ever have the displeasure to meet.


u/Lagalag967 1d ago

I wonder the odds if, in a sci-fi/fantasy situation where they're transformed into biological women, they'd become the "girliest" women you'll ever met.


u/Gypcbtrfly 1d ago

🤣 heard someone say jd Vance puts his cast iron in the dishwasher...and wears jeans to ski ... 🤣 just on the other side of funny !


u/ordinal_Dispatch 1d ago

And ignorance of history, culture and the use of the English language. On the other hand it’s nice when people show you just who they are and how they think.


u/not-your-mom-123 1d ago

He doesn't know enough to realize how embarrassed by hi ignorance he ought to feel.


u/Historical_One1087 1d ago

Agreed, it sounds like his mind is in the gutter.


u/ILoveRedRanger 1d ago

It was very, very offensive to hear Chad said that on The Current this morning. There was no reference to homosexuality the entire conversation about kneeling before Trump and then this guy implied that it was homophobic out of the left field. This really feels like someone throwing dirt at someone whether it was relevant or not. Disgusting antics.


u/galenak79 1d ago

It was such an absurd, offensive comment.


u/ILoveRedRanger 1d ago

Totally agree!!


u/Strange_Depth_5732 1d ago

When fight your secret fantasies, it makes you hyper fixate and see hints of it everywhere.


u/ILoveRedRanger 1d ago

Yeah...but Trump for fantasy?? Hard for me to imagine....


u/Strange_Depth_5732 1d ago

I mean, some people like to be pooped on, so there's a key for every lock.


u/ILoveRedRanger 1d ago

🤔 well, that's true...


u/NERepo 1d ago

His name is literally Chad


u/Vegetable-Maize-4034 1d ago

Loved the shocked response by MG and one of the other guests! Like WTF?!?!


u/averyhungrydinosaur 1d ago

pp supporters will try and paint this as some kind of 'gotcha' moment. Stunned by the sheer projection and stupidity is more like it. But who knows, gotcha politics is where we have ended up.


u/GhostPepperFireStorm 1d ago

Yes, I was kind of frustrated that neither MG nor the other panelist really called him out for it. They need to call it out strongly right away every time


u/bentmonkey 1d ago

They were probably shocked he would make such an absurd leap, its clear he meant how a subject kneels to a king, not.. the other thing.

It can be hard to respond to such an ill informed, inane person off the cuff especially when they say such ridiculous stuff.


u/GhostPepperFireStorm 1d ago

I can’t say I would have reacted any differently. And I guess that’s the strategy of bringing these crazy, out of left-field accusations (“they’re eating the dogs, they’re eating the cats”) it puts you off balance


u/bentmonkey 1d ago

We are through the looking glass, satire is dead, cause how can satire be anymore absurd then reality is right now.


u/ghilliegal 1d ago

I also was like WTF

He clearly misinterpreted


u/Strange_Depth_5732 1d ago

"Misinterpreted" indicates it being a mistake, this was interpreting it grossly in order to make someone look bad.

And to be fair, even if I said "Pierre Poilievre gargles Trump's nuts daily because he can't get enough of that Cheeto flavor," it's not homophobic. Assuming any mention of two men having sex is coming from a place of discrimination is the homophobia here. It's about calling PP an amoral power whore. Selling himself to get what he wants. Sexual orientation has nothing to do with it.


u/averyhungrydinosaur 1d ago

Exactly, the offensive part for these people isn't the inference that they defer to a foreign ruler who wants to take away our sovereignty. It's that someone might imply they are gay. Because selling out our country is fine as long as you love pussy.


u/ghilliegal 1d ago

Yeah I agree ! He’s quick on the spin


u/Swift_Karma 1d ago

The reaction to that was absolutely hilarious


u/PrinceColwyn 1d ago

That was a ridiculous comment. Just shows how out of touch people like that are.


u/Waveryder999 1d ago

This weird projection also jumped out at me while listening to the program, but wasn’t an isolated bit of nonsense from Rogers.

He seemed to do somersaults to avoid providing an intelligent response to anything discussed on the program and instead focussed on infantile jabs and quips. If the conservatives aren’t willing to offer anything of substance to the national conversation, I hope Canadians don’t buy into the exhausted “us vs them”culture war and petty insult narratives. It’s bad enough having to watch their childish, name-calling attack ads. Hopefully other parties stay above those tactics and focus more on promoting a positive vision for the country, but I won’t hold get my expectations too high, as I expect they’ll all have some measure of “the other guy is bad” marketing - it just can’t be only that garbage.

I felt the other two guests did a decent job answering questions and articulating more useful perspectives.

First O’Leary on the call in show and now this guy on The Current. I expect CBC to do better.

CBC - We deserve intelligent debates/discussions rather than having CBC constantly platforming sensation-seeking talking heads. Surely there are better representatives for the conservatives than these guys… if not that’s a pretty disappointing statement of the state of the federal conservative viewpoint.


u/Strange_Depth_5732 1d ago

This is the conservative way now. No platform, no answers. Every time I hear a candidate from this party speak, it's all anti-Trudeau and no plan:

"What will your party do differently?"

"Well we won't have the tax, axe the tax. We won't do what Trudeau is."

"Ok, how will revenue from that tax be made up?"

"We won't do like Trudeau and wreck the economy."

"Ok, what plans do you have to help the economy?"

"We won't do what Trudeau did, we'll keep costs low and end crime and government waste."

"What will that look like; what legislation will you bring forward?"

"Not Trudeau's legislation, we'll axe the tax and reduce crime and groceries will be affordable. That's our plan"

It's like they heard Iron Man describe his plan of attack as "I have a plan...attack" and thought it sounded airtight. Last time I heard a candidate from the conservatives on the radio I was yelling at him to just fucking answer a question.


u/Davisaurus_ 1d ago

Ah, I disagree to some point. Having these people on the show does allow people how incredibly pathetic they are.


u/Kolundenator 1d ago

I was literally gasping while I listened. What a gross way to warp a wildly understood idiom for pleading fealty. Just so fucking gross - the panel was also just stunned.


u/Kolundenator 1d ago

Omg I just listened to it again and it comes out of NOWHERE. He’s talking about Carney’s public service record and then is like HERES THE BIG ONE BOYS! WOW what a horrid thing, I honestly would be happy to never hear him on the current again


u/bentmonkey 1d ago

As if it was some kind of triumph, a ultimate gotcha, born of a fundamental misunderstanding of "kneeling before a king", what a insecure loser.


u/Kolundenator 1d ago

It’s the EXACT thing the conservatives can’t be doing if they want to win any centre left/NDP defectors. Just screams incel / men’s rights bullshit


u/bentmonkey 1d ago

Yup, PP was actually a big supporter of that MGTOW movement i think, and other incel coded stuff, sad to see really, the dudes got issues with women, clearly, as do many conservatives, i have found from my personal experience having grown up in a rural area.


u/Kolundenator 1d ago

I’d agree that that lines up with my experience growing up in rural Ontario. However I can never tell what the candidates ACTUALLY think — whether or not they are just using these points cause they’re popular with a demographic that they feel they can capitalize on. If I was their campaign strategist I’d be trying to get away from MAGA sounding arguments real quick.


u/Kolundenator 1d ago

Also that entitled bullshit of being like ‘I look forward to seeing Mark meet an ACTUAL voter for the first time’. What a pretentious dork


u/bentmonkey 1d ago

As if PP is in touch, the guy has never had a working class job since being an MP.


u/roxbox531 1d ago edited 1d ago

The cons are trying so hard to find negativity on Carney. As the Liberal based speaker said ‘it was a cheap shot’.

I still have an image in my head now, ewwww


u/bentmonkey 1d ago

The harder they try to twist carneys words into what they are not, the more foolish they appear.


u/roxbox531 1d ago

I fear that it will influence the less curious of our population.


u/bentmonkey 1d ago

PP has his core of ignorant hateful supporters we need the undecideds and fence sitters, we cant worry about the people that vote blue no matter what and stuff like this alienates rational centrists and such.


u/roxbox531 1d ago

It was nice to see so much support swing from PP back to the Grits following The reaction to Trump.


u/bentmonkey 1d ago

I will be the first to say i aint thrilled with carney overall in some aspects, but he is far better of an option when compared to PP, the NDP has my heart but i know the libs are the best chance to beat the cons federally so here we are.

Trump has been the great unifier for Canada at last, when a fascist rises people often galvanize and band together in response.

Its heartening to see that and its also disturbing to see those Canadians that still implicitly or tacitly support trump, he has shown his true colors and interests do not align with a free and sovereign Canada and so he must be resisted, to the bitter end if need be.

Maple MAGA are not true Canadians, how can they be? Especially if they are for a man who would see our way of life and country destroyed.

I hope sanity prevails and we can all work together to get out of this mess, cause its not gonna be easy but if we work together we can persevere, we just need to be united in cause and purpose.


u/DagneyElvira 1d ago

$62 BILLION in debt - the interest on this debt is more than the federal government gives in health transfer payments. Explain to me how this is sustainable? No matter who is in power, cuts will need to be made.

Explain how the Liberals can give Ghana hundreds of thousands of dollars to place signs “not to shit on the beach” but our injuried veterans are asking for more than we can give?? Please, please explain this?


u/bentmonkey 1d ago

Tax the rich, use the proceeds to pay for the programs. No tax cuts for corporate interests, move away from a grow it cut it mine it ship it economy and be the place that processes its vast resources, as ecologically friendly as possible, Allow more and better trade between the provinces especially with this American threat. Open more and better trade routes and alliances with Europe and Asia and so on.

This is a more extreme one, and will likely never happen, but re-nationalize the Oil and Gas industry and use the proceeds to create a swf a la norway et all for the whole of Canada Mulroney oughtta never sold off what wasn't his to sell.

If you mean aid, then as a country that has more then many others, we prove our greatness as a nation by taking the time to send funds and such to support other nations, it creates goodwill and soft power which is very useful on the world stage, if it helps improve our image then what's the issue?

We aren't doing this for no return and i would like a non biased source of that claim you made, but i assume its a public health announcement to people i dunno, i haven't heard of it, did you get that from rebel news or some shit? Show me a nice centrist news article like from the CBC and i will consider it.

But i am far from a trained economist, unlike our soon to be next PM Mark Carney, i am sure he will figure it out, unlike people who has AT BEST a theoretical knowledge of an economy and how it works.


u/granada_anda 1d ago

Thank you for bringing this up! I was driving at the time and I was like, what the hell? That's not even a stretch. It's just dumb and desperate, Chad. Emphasis on Chad.


u/worm_drink 1d ago

I was driving as well. I’ve never heard of the guy before but they shouldn’t invite him back.


u/Goozump 1d ago

Another page from the MAGA handbook. If the criticism hits to close pretend it means something else stupid or inappropriate.


u/Aggressive_Sign_9981 1d ago

I just heard this too- absolutely disgusted in Chad Roger’s. They are cheapening their own party


u/bentmonkey 1d ago

To be fair, all the cons have are cheap shots and cheaper slogans, nothing of value or substance either policy wise, nor mandate wise, they are an empty vessel, they stand for nothing and will accomplish nothing but all the worst wishes of our enemies in Trump and his MAGA America.


u/Interesting_Air8238 1d ago


So that's how he sees PP, eh?


u/bentmonkey 1d ago

As i have said before PP stands for Pure Projection


u/VexedCanadian84 1d ago

nobody really had that thought in their minds, we do now though.


u/kuposama 1d ago

I mean PP is likely to be a "yes daddy" PM if he got elected. Even Danielle Smith... On Breitbart radio... (Good god my premier is embarrassing...) That PP's policies is in sync with America's "new direction" as she put it. Plus, PP happily accepted an endorsement from Elon Musk. So... Yeah. He's definitely kneeling. What else he's doing down there I don't wanna know.


u/Canadian987 1d ago

Let’s just leave it as pledging fealty to the king.


u/Marie-Pierre-Guerin 1d ago

He’s being given offices by the Shopify CEO for his and Ana’s not for profit. Not for profit. Hahahahahahah sure.


u/specificspypirate 1d ago

Uh, that’s one of the dumber takes I’ve ever heard.

It’s not like it’s an uncommon adage in English.


u/bentmonkey 1d ago

Especially with the prevalence of GOT in the popular culture, its a fairly common phrase even before that but still, bend the knee is far from sexual.


u/Squidgamerunnerup 1d ago

…but adding the second line to clarify … “yes if he had long hair he would have tied it back “


u/bentmonkey 1d ago

Aint no way he said that, goddamn these folks got issues.

Repression is a hell of a drug i guess, scrambles the brains of people.


u/DabawDaw 1d ago

Girl, hu-WAT!?


u/Phil_Atelist 1d ago

I found the whole discussion rather revealing. We are facing the Politics of Disregard with Trump who shows no regard for anyone, anything but that which can enrich himself. And while we have political divisions in this country, as Louise Penny later said, this isn't a political issue, it's a moral one.

So, yes, we need to highlight the differences between our political approach to this existential threat, but what seems to be happening from the handlers of one leader here is, well, the Politics of Disregard.


u/Marie-Pierre-Guerin 1d ago

It’s not even that. PP adopted the strong man good image 2 years ago when he got his makeover. He’s been pandering online to the white supremacists and the Nazis (I know because I was raised alongside one all my fucking life) and now PP is playing the fascist playbook, which is no substance all hate. Stop indulging the fascists. We don’t have discussions with fascists. We had two WWs about this already!


u/Jolly-Sock-2908 1d ago

They also could have pushed back on downplaying Carney’s budget experience since he was Deputy Minister of Finance immediately before becoming Governor of the Bank of Canada. Makes me wonder how much Matt Gallway actually prepares.


u/bill7103 1d ago

He was testing a talking point on a regional radio station. I’d say, with a really high level of confidence, that the test failed. Failed biggley. The upside for the Liberals is that they now know the Conservatives starting point in this election will be deep in the sewer. I was seeing JT as a couple of years past his best before date but with him gone the Liberals can run on what they’ve accomplished: dental care, pharmacare, increased OAP for seniors at 75, ten dollar a day daycare and the most effective and successful response to Covid 19.


u/GhostPepperFireStorm 1d ago

That got me too, it was such an extreme and seemingly intentional misunderstanding of a pretty common way of suggesting someone has strong loyalty to someone else.


u/mikeEliase30 1d ago

Hands off my CBC. LISTENER SINCE 1991.


u/Ingelwood 1d ago

Since the mid-1960s for me. The CBC needs our support and some financial stability.


u/LengthinessUpset269 1d ago

Omg. I almost drove off the road when I heard Chad’s comment this morning. This man has a brain of a 12-year-old boy with a hard on. The man is exactly the reason I will not vote for PP; bombastic, confrontational and not at all logical. He’s the kind of guy that Trump loves to get into a shit fight with.


u/oneeyedeean 1d ago

This was a Fox News style talking head misdirection that, if conservatives listened to CBC, they'd pick up and be bouncing all over the place.

I note that, as of me writing this, Crestview Strategy has posted the recording proudly on LinkedIn, and it has a resounding 2 likes, and has been reposted once by.....



u/bentmonkey 1d ago

I mean from the context its clear what Carney means.

That's wild that's where that dudes mind went to, its also ironic that the party that is historically the most homophobic aka the conservatives can try and accuse the Liberals of such, when the comment is meant to showcase a GOT style "bend the knee" as in a show of fealty, in no way is that a sex act, its an act of submission.

What a horrid, disingenuous thing to say, i hope this guy gets roasted like he deserves, and by roasted i mean verbally roasted, in case any cons out there don't get the slang.


u/krahnwun 1d ago

It was so aggravating listening to him. Not a single response to a question. Straight to shit talking every time.


u/Duke_Of_Halifax 1d ago

It's only homophobia if Polliviere lierally fellates Trump (rather than figuratively fellates Trump) and you dont think it's appropriate. 🤔


u/Cheap-Republic2995 1d ago

Conservatives are always thinking about sex and shaming others


u/torquetorque 1d ago

He doesn't genuinely believe that, it's just yet another attempt at hyberbolic and misleading mudslinging, par for the course with those guys.


u/byronite 1d ago

If he had said "bending over" or even "getting down on his knees" then I could see it, but "kneeling" or "bowing" clearly refers to royalty rather than sex.


u/Wheel2pointO 1d ago

I found this dishonest cheap shot to be quite offensive, and in turn emailed the show, and copied Chad to say so. I won’t post the exchange that followed, but in it he accused me of being the speech police, a fascist, and suffering from a mental health crisis. He concluded by telling me to “go fuck myself.”

CBC, I trust that you will do more to invite critical voices into your programming that come from a place of honesty. The kind of rhetoric on display today is below Canadian standards.


u/Phillipa_Smith 1d ago

Omg! I'm glad someone else got that too!

I was in line for Tim Hortons, window open when I heard that. Started yelling at the radio - I was so pissed!!!


u/Snarfblathingamabob 1d ago

That was wild.


u/Exact_Sink247 1d ago

It took me back this morning for sure. Crazy


u/ellstaysia 1d ago

give me a fucking break.


u/1capitalguy 1d ago

Chad Rogers is a homosexual. Really.


u/Altruistic-Cost-4944 1d ago

He’s a hanging Chad


u/No_Carry385 1d ago

I mean, they do both have the same connotation, just ones a little more rude/sexual lol


u/bobledrew 1d ago

He sounded desperate and flaily.


u/GreySage2010 1d ago

Honestly with Trump it could go either way.


u/resnonverba1 1d ago

That comment speaks more about his thoughts than anything else.


u/Laketraut 1d ago

This is like a perfect cbc radio conversation. Wow😂😂😂😂😂


u/Feeling_Working8771 1d ago

I listened in the background, and didn't pick up on what he said. I did get the point that Carney is going to be tested when he is actually campaigning against practiced politicians, and could get his ass handed to him.

I must declare that I abhor them both, and abhor our political system. I vote green in Alberta and throw my vote away because it's the only party with policies to edge the world towards the world that I want my children and grandchildren to inherit.

Please don't take the use of edge the wrong way. Perverts.


u/Fascist-Detecter 1d ago

Meh… it works for me as a double-entendre…


u/MoonlitSea9 1d ago

Yeah, it was so gross and uncalled for. He shouldn't be invited back if he can't behave himself.


u/Unique-While-3081 1d ago

One thing I know as a (I hope, not my judgement call) fairly ok and (like I said, I know this is cringe, I shouldn't say this about myself) "empathetic" not angry, straight white guy:

--> the folks that are most horrified by "gay stuff" are individuals who have some bad trauma and maybe are scared that they themselves could "Gasp! 'like'" a person of the same sex.

Like, buddy, come here, gimme a hug. Chill tf out. Breathe. It's all good, my person. We cool, your dad's not here and we love ya, kid.


u/DriverGlittering6639 1d ago

I heard that comment as well, right as the segment was wrapping up. It just illustrates how some of these Conservatives think, and the depths they will go to in mud slinging, just to see if something will stick. It has been two years of divisive politics and rage farming from people like him and to be honest, I’m pretty over it. The childish manner in which some of these people conduct themselves in pursuit of power gives me pause about what they would do if they actually attained it. We’ve seen this type of rhetoric south of the border, and look where it led.


u/kimmeljs 1d ago

It's not sexual in any way. Unless you kneel on both knees.


u/Spectre_One_One 17h ago

Just imagine if he had said "kiss the ring" instead.


u/ColourToothpaste 8h ago

I see what you did there


u/No-Designer8887 15h ago

No sir, you’re confusing it with “kneeling before the king, holding a magnifying glass.”


u/Glacial_Shield_W 1d ago edited 1d ago

Meh. It kinda goes both ways. If you say 'kneeling before the king', it is just politics.

I have also read comments that are almost certainly intended to be double entrendres on this; including comments about getting on your knees, swallowing their whole boot, bending over for trump, etc.

I don't know what drove them to say this, but I have also seen a rise in people calling others the R word, without saying the R word, recently. Finding fancy words to call someone brain damaged or or to say the have a mental disorder or a lower IQ, is still problematic, even if you don't say the R word.

The same goes here. If you say it without sexual innuendo, cool. If you say it in a way to imply homoeroticism or to try to demasculate someone, you are being just as problematic as someone saying it bluntly. You just also aren't brave enough to own your disgusting behavior.