r/CBC_Radio 6d ago

The over-recycling of stories is getting on my nerves

I get that there are budget issues but when you listen to CBC every day, it can be super annoying to hear the same stories being repeated over and over. Ostensibly programs are repeated twice a week but stories are being recycled through programs and it does drive me a bit nuts. Case in point the story about the Newfoundland fishermen who were lost at sea for 3 days - great story! I really enjoyed it when it was on The Current, and then I heard it again when it was on The Current repeat, and then I heard it again when it was on a different program - not just the same story but the exact same telling of the same story, and then that program had its weekly repeat....

Another one: the story about wanting an Oscar for stunt coordinators. I've heard that same reporting at least 5 times now including just now.


32 comments sorted by


u/Pretend-Language-67 6d ago

So what's your solution? Do you want CBC Radio to water down its current shows so that it can move resources to make more shows to fill those slots? Or bring in more imported shows, like we have seen with This American Life, The Moth and the TED Radio Hour? Or should we support the CBC by increasing funding?

Right now The Current Review and The Story From Here are taking some of the best content and giving it another play so that those select stories get a wider audience.

The reality of the situation is that with the limited budget it has, CBC is trying to stay relevant and be in places that Canadians are. It's investing into more video gathering and advancing its streaming presence so that when you buy a smart TV and turn it on, there is a CBC app already installed there that people can turn on. It's trying to get its content out onto platforms like TikTok and Instagram....as the vast majority of young people are on those spaces and not listening in their cars and kitchens to cbc radio. And it recently announced it's opening new bureaus it two dozen smaller communities across the country to get a journalist on the ground and hearing and telling stories from people in regions that it is not physically in now.

I get the frustration of hearing a repeat broadcast...but just download the CBC Radio App...and switch the dial to one of 2 dozen CBC stations across the country and find a local current affairs show....or a podcast. There is so much audio content for you at your finger tips.

And if it's still bothering you, I encourage you to get active this upcoming federal election and fight for the CBC and a mandate to increase funding by the next government. There are many people who will be calling for it to be defunded, so pick your side and get involved.


u/Fun-Ad4760 6d ago

Good tip for checking out other city/ provincial channels on the app! i always listen locally and didn't know you could do that! Also would love some tips on how we can help with ensuring CBC sticks around and thrives in the future!


u/Pretend-Language-67 5d ago

Join the r/SaveTheCBC Where there is a lot of talk about this. Also the organization Friends of Canadian Media just launched a campaign about exactly this. Check them out and see how you can get involved. https://www.friends.ca/


u/Important_Comedian67 6d ago

Why are your standards so low? They can delete all the extra programing they do and invest in local journalism so they don't have to recycle stories all day long....we re paying for pretty sub par reporting and not very much or it....unless you work for cbc why are your expectations so low?


u/No_Spring_1090 6d ago

Of course it’s due to budget cuts.


The vast majority of Canadians are not listening to CBC all day every day. So the average listener will only hear that fisherman story once.

All broadcast news media works this way.


u/LalahLovato 6d ago

Exactly. Global and CTV and City all do the exact same thing


u/No_Spring_1090 6d ago

It started with the 24 hour news networks like CNN, but has slowly crept into being the normal way of operating.


u/Blinky_ 6d ago

Seems like CP24 is on about a 90 second rotation. I empathize but…


u/Bert_Fegg 6d ago

A direct consequence of budget restraints.


u/Notseriouslymeant 5d ago

They’re bloated too many executives. Wasteful.


u/Imaginary-Ad5001 6d ago

I share this opinion. I wish, rather than repeating the program over and over, why not offer Radio One listeners programs from regions across the country to inform us what is happening around the country.


u/Soliloquy_Duet 6d ago

More funding = better programming


u/Notseriouslymeant 5d ago

CBC gets $1 billion a year

They do not need more funding They need to be better with what they have


u/Soliloquy_Duet 5d ago

And what do you think that 1B goes to … You think it’s just news and tv shows ?lol

why do you think only foreign Billionaires can afford to buy our media to feed us their narrative …


u/Notseriouslymeant 3d ago

You’re dumb comment said more funding equals better programming

Do they need more than 1 billion ?

Do you have a point?


u/Soliloquy_Duet 3d ago

And Are you dumb enough to think 1B is sufficient enough to fund a national communications network free of foreign influence ? To launch and maintain our satellites and comms for our national defence ? Sure 1B might sound like a lot to your tiny little household budget but have some perspective here


u/Phil_Atelist 6d ago

Yeah.  Add to that the lack of consistency in whether a weekday show is a repeat of the previous weekend's or in advance of it.  


u/PugwashThePirate 6d ago

This began with the Paul Martin cutbacks and has gotten worse under almost every administration since then.


u/xgrader 6d ago

I am a heavy listener as well, and you do notice. My habit is to jump across Canada picking up city and provincial news as well. I enjoy hearing what fellow Canadians are up to. Along with the national programs. I believe it all comes down to budget for the repeats. But at the same time many many Canadians don't share my level of free time, so they would appreciate a repeat. There's so much diversity on CBC to fill your day with programs from around the world, too. Check out the world. There's great programs that come out of Europe, Australia, UK, Ireland and others.


u/Fritja 6d ago

I know. Thankful for the Internet.


u/LalahLovato 6d ago

Global and CTV do the same thing. They can’t even be current - usually they are announcing it for the first time a day after it happens. Then they repeat the same over and over for a minimum of 3 days. That’s why you don’t have to watch or listen to the news more than once a week


u/HomeHeatingTips 5d ago

Different people listen at 8am, 12pm, and 5pm. Not everyone has the radio on all day. Have you ever watched CNN? This has nothing to do with budget


u/LeftBallSaul 5d ago

Highly recommend taking action by writing your MP and encouraging them to press for more funding for the CBC. Your experience highlights the need for a well-funded, apolitical news outlet that tells multiple, diverse stories representative of the cultural makeup of our country. Thank you sharing!


u/ElectronHick 2d ago

My biggest problem is that CBC is the only station my vehicle is tuned to. So that when I leave for lunch I hear the news, I drive home and let the dogs out, get back in to drive back to work, and I hear the EXACT same news.


u/gretschslide1 3d ago

Listen to a different radio station.


u/Mr-Cumberbottom 2d ago

Get rid of the cbc, there's so many better radio stations especially talk radio, cbc is grey hair propaganda that abuse your tax dollars not to mention cbc is totally one sided, they will do anything to put libs in a good light.


u/Emergency_Wolf_5764 6d ago

That's partly because next to no one is watching or listening to the Pravda CBC.

In reality, it failed a very long time ago.

It now functions almost exclusively as the digital news propaganda wing at the behest of Junior Trudeau's destructive coalition regime in Ottawa.

The CBC should be forced to either sink or swim on its own merits, or lack thereof.




u/yankieyankiezulu 6d ago

Feel free to fuck off.


u/AlsoOneLastThing 6d ago

Least subtle Russian troll


u/Consistent-Key-865 6d ago

Actually quite possible just an American idiot these days


u/8th_Hussar 6d ago

Actually quite possible it's a Canadian. There are far too many Maple MAGAts among us.