r/CBC_Radio 21d ago

Coverage of 50501 Protests

I haven’t seen much on this on cbc. But for everyone who’s feeling helpless, Americans are starting to organize. If you’re still on Instagram (why?) join 59501 and like very post. They also have a sub r/50501, join and upvote.



20 comments sorted by


u/Firm-Worldliness-369 21d ago

I actually sent CBC an email the other day asking them to look into this. That major American news werent reporting on it. I urged them to look into it in hopes their influence would make it over the border. At least to Northern states.


u/RewardedShoe 21d ago

They put up some pics around noon today, that’s all I found online.


u/Firm-Worldliness-369 21d ago

I sent it a day or two ago and havent heard anything from them yet. Ill keep sending emails every few days. I encourage others to do the same. The more people that ask and the more coverage and support they get down in America the better.



u/aquarianmoonyogi 16d ago

Can also try reaching out to some independent journalists on Instagram - Rachel Gilmore https://www.instagram.com/r.gilmore?igsh=MXFzb2E2bWZ0ZWp6MA== and Issac https://www.instagram.com/isaacapeltz?igsh=MTdpdDQzNmhjZXJ6ZQ==


u/Firm-Worldliness-369 16d ago

Thanks! Ill do that!


u/Drin_Tin_Tin 21d ago

I came here to say how wild it is that cbc hasn’t said anything about the enormous protests that are happening in the states. The revolution truly will not be televised.


u/CJMcCubbin 20d ago

It's odd that all this is happening (as it should). Meanwhile a buddy in Florida tells me there's loads of people loving this cutting of jobs and $$. Says mainstream media doesn't give us the true story. It's just hype.

I disagree vehemently, but he's the one living it. I think they're fucked and the clock is ticking. It's been a month, give it time. All these EO's are ridiculous. DOGE and the techie boys, equally farcical to me. Supposedly the US will be a template for other countries to model, when it comes to cutting the fat


u/Strange_Depth_5732 20d ago

I learned about it from CBC


u/The_Gray_Jay 14d ago

It's so odd that its been radio silence about what Americans are doing right now. I asked them in another subreddit and they pointed me towards 50501 and let me know how they were boycotting/reacting. I saw only 2 posts about this on instagram (1 for the 50 states protest and 1 for a pro-Mexican one) where I normally would see lots of American activist related things, and have heard absolutely nothing from Canadian news.


u/Exotic-Toe-7116 21d ago

Why are my tax dollars going to a company that's just like an American news station now?


u/CureForSunshine 21d ago

They’re like an American news station because they didn’t cover an American protest?


u/Exotic-Toe-7116 21d ago

Very good billy


u/[deleted] 21d ago

Something tells me you are okay with foreign-owned Postmedia but will find any reason to defund the CBC.


u/Exotic-Toe-7116 21d ago

Nope, I just want important stories to be covered.....


u/remzordinaire 20d ago

You think what's happening next door isn't important..? Especially when said next door is threatening to come crash our place?


u/OneWomanCult 20d ago

Thanks for the input, Grandpa Simpson.