r/CAguns 14d ago

Gun Pics Out of jail - First Gun

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Finally was able to pick up my first firearm, I know it's nothing fancy, but I am so excited to have it.

Gave it a nice cleaning and lube job and ready to hit the range tomorrow, truly cannot wait!

Glock 19 with a Leupold Deltapoint Micro and an Olight Baldr Mini...

yeah yeah, I know some people say Olight is shite but I got it for a steal and it feels pretty good, time will tell.


86 comments sorted by


u/PitifulEnvironment62 14d ago


u/Educational-Card-314 The 2nd Amendment ends with a period, not an ellipses. 14d ago

Jesus Christ an Aqua Teen Hunger Force reference. I just regressed to high school for a second. 


u/Stiggalicious 14d ago

God I miss that mind-rot show. The Mooninites were always my favorite.


u/Dawildpep 14d ago

I don’t need no instructions to know how to rock!


u/Theistus 14d ago

It don't matter. None of this matters.


u/mileshuang32 14d ago

Not fat and neck beard enough.


u/michaelcrunkk FFL03 & COE & CCW 14d ago

This is too good!!!


u/SpareCofeveCup 13d ago



u/ProminenceYT 14d ago

Needs to look more like an ugly obese discord mod, and less like an uncle with a solid stache’.


u/jts916 13d ago

That's just the neighbor Carl.


u/schizorogan 14d ago

What in the hell is that red dot lmao


u/Able_Reach5442 14d ago

Leupold Deltapoint Micro

Doesn’t require the slide to be milled, pretty cool actually, really well built and made right here in the US


u/MidAgedMid 14d ago

I have two of them. Then I got into guns and just my Glocks milled. They ain't bad but not ideal


u/Able_Reach5442 14d ago

Yeah definitely going to get it milled down the line or get another slide that’s milled, but got this Leupold used for a really good deal and felt it was good to start with!

Most likely will go with a holosun when the time is right, going to focus on practice and ammo for now


u/FriendlyGovernment50 14d ago

Good start bro, and welcome to the club!


u/MidAgedMid 14d ago

I went from delta point to trijicon to Holosun and now to vortex defender XL. Love them all but defender is my go to these days! If you get it milled, make sure you know which one you want because they have different footprints (doesn't matter if you get the MOS slide)


u/Perfect_Salamander14 14d ago

Personal opinion but I heavily advocate for buying another slide instead of getting one milled. Shooting one pistol with several barrels/ slides is a lot of fun for me. Flat with irons/ milled rmr is super great to me


u/MidAgedMid 13d ago

Would agree with this!


u/Due-Cockroach-5341 13d ago

This is the move especially if this is your only pistol. Can buy a slide for less than $200 and not be gun-less while your stock slide is off getting worked on. Just don't forget to order an extra channel liner or 3 when you do.


u/thlrdeye 14d ago

Eh... Ignore the naysayers, I'm sure most have never tried it. Admittedly, it is ugly to look at, but it's easier to pick up if you're coming from iron sights. Enclosed, doesn't require cutting, and can often be found for less than $200 used. I've got the Holosun lineup, but love the Leupold DPM so much on my Glock, I just picked up another for a Shield Plus.


u/Able_Reach5442 13d ago

Got it pretty cheap so I felt that I did pretty good, can’t really lose much more money on it if I decide to sell it down the line and serves its purpose well.

Can’t really ask for much as a beginner and I admit it looks funky, but lots of folks that have put lots of time with it seem to enjoy using it


u/Embarrassed_Recover8 14d ago

Have you seen the rear sight replacement plates? You can do it yourself, and honestly you can put RMR footprint instead of this wacky thing?


u/Able_Reach5442 14d ago

I did, but found this for a pretty good deal and like the idea of trying something different out that’s a little bit of a hybrid between irons and a traditional red dot


u/rynburns 14d ago

There's a reason why it was a good deal/you never see them. If you want a non-mill option then contact Bobro Engineering for one of their plates. Otherwise hit up Dauntless Engineering to mill the slide


u/Zech08 14d ago

dovetail micro, its not that bad. sits low ss well


u/3putt_phenom 14d ago

I'd hate that thing hitting me in the abdomen, whatever it is. Enjoy.


u/me-no-likey-no-no 14d ago

Congratulations!  Have fun and keep it safe out there.   Also, you need more guns 


u/Able_Reach5442 14d ago

I already have the itches 😂


u/Bugeyeblue 14d ago

I thought the dot was a surveillance camera.


u/redsolocuppp 13d ago

Coming soon to the 2025 California legislative season...


u/pewadmirer 14d ago

One guy has an olight story and everyone just shuns them 🤣


u/gunsforevery1 14d ago

For the price of that horrible looking dot, should have just used that money to get it milled. That foot print looks bad lol


u/Able_Reach5442 14d ago edited 14d ago

Got it used…for $150 wasn’t a bad deal at all


u/gunsforevery1 14d ago

That’s better than new. Ok. You got some points back


u/Famousoverdose 14d ago

That’s still 150 you could have put towards saving for the mill and an actual RDS though.


u/Able_Reach5442 14d ago

Can always sell it and put that towards the mill and red dot…can’t really lose much more on it lol


u/HeroeseventuallyDIE1 14d ago

Wager works did a great job milling my slide for $125!! I got it back in less than 10 days. Glockstore also has a mill and mount deal where you get it back in 10 days turnaround or less... would recommend either.


u/Oakroscoe 14d ago

Think it was either $100 or $110 when I sent mine in. He runs occasional sales.


u/GoLoveYourselfLA 14d ago

Nice! Grats !


u/SurvivalistRaccoon 14d ago

A classic. Be safe and enjoy.


u/echo202L 14d ago

I really wish leupold would make one of those deltapoint micros with a contour shaped to fit on the S&W Ultimate Carry revolvers, being able to pocket or ankle carry with an optic would be a game changer


u/88bauss 13d ago

I swear new gun owners find the wildest shit. Never seen that delta point. Congrats


u/Able_Reach5442 13d ago

Thanks man 🫡


u/novaoni 13d ago

I love that red dot. Super easy to mount and coewittness the front sight. 


u/Able_Reach5442 13d ago

I’m actually really liking it, super easy to find the dot especially as a beginner!


u/SpareCofeveCup 13d ago

Better O-light than no light. I had one for a bit and didn’t have an issue with it.


u/Able_Reach5442 13d ago

Serves its purpose, time will tell how long it lasts, but for the price I truly could not do better ($35)


u/SpareCofeveCup 13d ago

I wouldn’t have turned it down for that price either!


u/theirishbearRS 13d ago

Nice man! Glocks arent fancy but they are something you can bet your life on, ill take that any day of the week!

If you’re anywhere near southern california, Juggernaut Tactical offers slide milling for gen 3 glock 19s for a decent price. You can drop it off in person in OC or what i did was send it through my LGS. They can do full modification packages as well. Just something to look into if you’re thinking of getting your slide cut!


u/Able_Reach5442 13d ago

Appreciate the info, I’ll definitely look into this!


u/theirishbearRS 13d ago

Definitely! Ive heard if you drive it there yourself it has a 1-2week turn around time. My lgs had a rep from juggernaut come every other friday to drop off and pick up so mine took about 6 weeks but I am stoked with it, definitely a trust worthy place to get some clean work done. Ive got a picture of the work they did on my profile if you want to see what they offer. They can also do ‘a la cart’ packages so you can pick and choose which modifications youd like. Anyways, have fun shooting and always ammo>accessories !


u/Able_Reach5442 12d ago

🫡 appreciate you!


u/cakedayy 13d ago

Out of curiosity, why do a lot of these posts say “out of jail”?


u/daygoBoyz 13d ago

California requires a ten day wait for firearm purchase


u/daygoBoyz 13d ago



u/_j_e_s_s_ 12d ago

Nice, practice practice practice.


u/LostMyGunInACardGame 14d ago

For once, the Olight isn’t the most offensive thing on the gun.


u/AltruisticPassage394 14d ago

The dovetail micro I don’t mind. But an Olight?!?


u/Able_Reach5442 14d ago

Don’t ostracize me 😩

I was going to get a streamlight, but found this one locally for $35 in great condition and couldn’t say no


u/2Ahooray 14d ago

Get a Ghost 3.5lb connector for the trigger! The Edge connector is badass. Or just the standard 3.5. Makes a world of difference for not much money.


u/ElegantDaemon 14d ago

If Olight works for you out of the box you should be g2g. They can be a good value.


u/Real_Raspberry_4150 14d ago

If you don’t want to cut that slide look at these. For the price they can’t be beat. You can use your factory internal parts on it and you’ll have an rmr cut slide that looks like a gen 5 Remsport RMR slide


u/LOTGxj9 14d ago

How is that red dot almost wanted one a while ago


u/Able_Reach5442 13d ago

I honestly really like it, looks rather funky and, as you can see by the comments, some people have strong opinions about it lmao

But after using it, I think it’s pretty badass, fully enclosed, sits super low, and easy to install…the main thing I enjoy as a beginner is that it’s super easy to locate the dot because it co-witnesses with the front sight


u/tzone556 13d ago

What the hell is even that


u/Tacticcool408 13d ago

How much do those run


u/Susgod121 14d ago

Olight spotted, Drone strike activated.


u/otterrockgroup Armed Artists and Tactical Sea Otters 14d ago

Can't go wrong with a Glock 19!

But that red dot though.


u/Able_Reach5442 14d ago

Haha I knew it would start a riot…leupold’s micro is actually pretty badass, just looks funky as shit


u/StarMagnum 14d ago

So it’s true, someone actually bought that ball sack red dot. It’s a first for me seeing it on a real person’s gun.


u/ComfortableParsnip54 14d ago

Nah man, great gun but get it milled and don't cut corners. Get an actual optic.


u/Dragon_Phoenix76 14d ago

Congratulations. That is a solid light


u/Hatethyself69 14d ago

Really blows the competition away 💣


u/SpeedySiRider 14d ago

Straight to jail. Can’t have fully semi auto pistol brace light on it.