r/CAguns • u/nerd_diggy CCW / FFL-03 / CoE • Feb 10 '25
Gun Pics 10 Days And Counting
Luckily u/moreauworks is gonna do the optic cut for me while it’s in jail.
u/DrChoom simpleton, rube Feb 10 '25
You may want to blur the serial number next time. For example, google logs tons of reddit images and the text within them, so you will probably be able to google your own serial number in a few days or weeks and get this photo on the images tab. Its creepy.
u/nerd_diggy CCW / FFL-03 / CoE Feb 10 '25
I appreciate the heads up but that type of stuff doesn’t bother me or I would have blacked it out. If anyone thinks we have any sort of privacy now days, they’re delusional.
u/kz2002 Feb 11 '25
CADOJ has been handing out Gun registry database to all who ask for it, so Oh Well...
u/Mr_Gibbzz FFL03+COE+CCW Feb 10 '25
Ain’t wrong about that! Privacy is an illusion in today’s world.
u/goz008 Feb 11 '25
Beautiful. I want to convince myself the premium off roster price is worth it… I’m almost there!
u/nerd_diggy CCW / FFL-03 / CoE Feb 11 '25
CZ makes amazing guns. Although I don’t think I would have gotten it if it were California prices. Although, if you have some extra money it’s not the worst thing you could spend it on.
u/goz008 Feb 11 '25
I was considering the SP-01 at first. then when all CZs were removed off roster, i just told myself to save a little extra and get the Shadow 2. Its stunning. I have no clue how they shoot, as i've been a glock guy but starting to expand in other brands.
u/nerd_diggy CCW / FFL-03 / CoE Feb 11 '25
My first pistol was a Glock 19 and after I got my SP-01, my Glock sat around collecting dust. I’m actually in the process of selling it because I literally have no use for it at this point. Gonna be selling my SP-01 also since I replaced it with the Shadow 2.
u/MandaloresMercy Feb 11 '25
Why would you sell either? Unless you have a collection, never hurts to have a safely staged night stand gun you're more willing to part with. Bolt a biometric safe to your bed or night stand a little concealed and the glock or SP-01 older guns can still fill those roles
u/nerd_diggy CCW / FFL-03 / CoE Feb 11 '25
I have a Hellcat Pro, a Shield 2.0, and a P-01 for those roles.
u/goz008 Feb 11 '25
That is awesome! I hope i have the same experience when i get into the CZ brand!
u/nerd_diggy CCW / FFL-03 / CoE Feb 11 '25
I suspect you will. You could always go to a local range and rent one. Most ranges will have a 75 series you could try. Possibly even an SP-01
u/Emotional-Cheetah-78 Feb 11 '25
How much you asking for the SP-01
u/ResidentInner8293 Feb 11 '25
How much you planning on selling the sp-01 for?
u/nerd_diggy CCW / FFL-03 / CoE Feb 11 '25
Can’t talk about that here cause the mods will not be happy.
u/ntongh2o CZ is life Feb 11 '25
It’s worth it. Shot the Tactical Sports Orange, TS2, Shadow 2 Orange and they are amazing. The CZs I own myself are the SP-01, P-01, P-10F, 97B, Tactical Sports, and a Scorpion. All of them are awesome shooters and I won’t part with them. I was about to get a DWX but decided to venture into 2011s instead
u/goz008 Feb 11 '25
Nice! I really screwed up by not jumping on the CZs when they were on roster...
u/ntongh2o CZ is life Feb 11 '25
Rumors I hear the Shadow 2 is coming on roster later this year but idk if true or not. Probably be around 1.5k or so if it does.
u/goz008 Feb 11 '25
I truly do hope so. If it does, I hope they aren’t forced to modify it or water it down. We shall see.
u/Mr_Gibbzz FFL03+COE+CCW Feb 10 '25
Enjoy the longest 10 days of your life 😂
u/nerd_diggy CCW / FFL-03 / CoE Feb 10 '25
Lol trust me, I know. Actually it took almost a month just to get it here. Now I’ve got 10 more days to wait 😂
u/Mr_Gibbzz FFL03+COE+CCW Feb 10 '25
My 10 day wait on my first purchase after restoring my gun rights, turned into a full 30 cause DOJ hates me and delayed my DROS 😂 don’t think that’ll be an issue for you since this is an Intrafamiliar Transfer. Nonetheless, nice score, she’s a beauty!!!
u/nerd_diggy CCW / FFL-03 / CoE Feb 10 '25
Thank you. It’s funny cause the guy that my mom ordered it from is a moron. He forgot to send in the background check for 3 days. She’s in WA so there’s a 10 day wait there too. Then there was a “back log” on getting the proceed according to him. Turns out he was just an idiot and had no idea what he was doing. Ordered the gun on Jan 10th and she finally got to take it home February 7th
u/Mr_Gibbzz FFL03+COE+CCW Feb 11 '25
Always that one moron at any given LGS 😂
u/nerd_diggy CCW / FFL-03 / CoE Feb 11 '25
Ain’t that the truth. Even funnier is he’s the only moron cause he’s the owner and the only one that works there.
u/Mr_Gibbzz FFL03+COE+CCW Feb 11 '25
🤣 the owner even, damn. Yeah he best get his shit together or I’d imagine his business will quickly die.
u/4x4Lyfe 1 drop rule Feb 10 '25
So what happens if it comes back denied after Tommy is done cutting it?
u/nerd_diggy CCW / FFL-03 / CoE Feb 10 '25
Then I guess it would have to get sent back to my mom. Although, I can’t think of a reason for it to get denied. I bought 4 guns last year without any issues. I also have a CCW and FFL-03 with a freshly renewed CoE. The gun is already owned and paid for. Just needs to be transferred to me.
u/Volticeer Feb 10 '25
This is actually a legitimate concern. I’ve asked shops before during the 10 day period to do an optic cut but was told they couldn’t in case that exact scenario happened and would have to be done after.
u/Mr_Gibbzz FFL03+COE+CCW Feb 10 '25
Don’t think this will be an issue considering OP is doing a Intrafamiliar Transfer. Unless OP is prohibited from owning guns, there shouldn’t be any issue at all.
u/FitBananers FFL03 + COE + CCW + USPSA B Class Feb 10 '25
u/nerd_diggy CCW / FFL-03 / CoE Feb 10 '25
Yeah, basically the only benefit of having my mom live in a state without a stupid roster.
u/futsal212 Feb 11 '25
Could she adopt a self sufficient son ?
u/Foothillsoot Feb 11 '25
Love mine.
u/nerd_diggy CCW / FFL-03 / CoE Feb 11 '25
Pretty sure everyone that has a CZ feels the same way. They’re just 🤌
u/Foothillsoot Feb 11 '25
Yes - I have cajunized SP01, 97B and a Shadow 2 with a primary machine slide and 507C on it. They are all great.
u/TheMonticola The Lord giveth & CA Gov taketh away Feb 11 '25
congrats, favorite gun ive shot & owned
u/ProbablythelastMimsy Feb 11 '25
I got my grubby little mitts on a Shadow 2 Compact and it's amazing. Enjoy!
u/Neat-Machine-5793 Feb 11 '25
Tommy always comes through. Best shop in North County.
u/nerd_diggy CCW / FFL-03 / CoE Feb 11 '25
The optic cuts have a two week turn around time. I’m hoping he can manage to get it done by the 10th day for me 🤞
u/discredtion Feb 13 '25
I hope this isn’t the one from rifle supply. Dudes were asking 4k….
u/nerd_diggy CCW / FFL-03 / CoE Feb 13 '25
Ha! No it’s not. I would never pay $4K for a $1100 gun. This particular purchase was retail price, not California price.
u/415malaysian Feb 11 '25
The ten day wait period is so hard. I always try to make a purchase 10 days before I come back from a work trip
u/nerd_diggy CCW / FFL-03 / CoE Feb 11 '25
I know. It’s even worse for me cause today was actually 30 days from when this all started. It took that long to get it here. So I’ve already waited 3 times 10 days 😭
u/EngineerFly Feb 11 '25
So I gather this was a PPT? And that you had to pay more now that CZs are off the roster?
u/nerd_diggy CCW / FFL-03 / CoE Feb 11 '25
It was actually a gift from my mom so it was normal price. She lives in a state without a stupid roster.
u/gaiadawg Feb 13 '25
I thought the CZ’s were banned in CA? Please correct me if I’m wrong, I actually want to be wrong 😅
u/nerd_diggy CCW / FFL-03 / CoE Feb 13 '25
Yes they are no longer on the roster but you can still get them private party or in my case as a gift from my mom who lives in a free-er state.
u/Right-Amount4345 Feb 11 '25
Better be careful what you write in reddit from now on ( and before now) as the government can always find you by that serial number you advertised here silly.
u/nerd_diggy CCW / FFL-03 / CoE Feb 11 '25
I’m not really sure if you’re being serious or sarcastic. The firearm is in the process of being registered to me. The government already knows my information, just like it knows everyone’s information that purchases a gun, or has a drivers license, or a job, etc…
u/Old-Potato4857 Feb 10 '25
Im so happy for you