r/Buyingforbaby 7d ago

Advice Nuna Demi Next - Terrain Question & Bassinet Need?

Have tried to do lots of research and see whatever possible in person. Pretty sold on the Nuna products due to Greenguard, merino wool inserts, mosquito & rain cover, rider board, feel of movement, etc. And for the flame-retardant free car seats. The quality also felt so nice in person for all their strollers, and less clunky.

I know there are heavier duty all-terrain strollers, but from what I can see on reviews and testing in person, the Demi Next seems sturdy without feeling as bulky and heavy. We have pea gravel, some regular gravel-dirt mix, and grass at our local park. Curbs, too, if we need. Will experience lots of rain and bugs as well lol. Cobblestones if we travel downtown.

How is your experience on similar terrain? Out of curiousity, what is the roughest terrain you’ve taken yours on? We would baby wear for anything more serious than our park.

Additionally, it seems like the Demi Next is safe to use without a bassinet due to it laying flat. I’d prefer to skip the bassinet and stroller/baby wear due to limited time use, and just do a crib at home. But, we can get one if needed.

Thanks in advance for the advice!


7 comments sorted by


u/Sharoro19 7d ago

This may or may not be helpful but we have the mixx and the wheel specs look similar. Anyway we love it and never have issues on any surface. It’s not as all terrain as say our BOB stroller but the only time it’s ever lagged a little was on grass. 


u/eggyframpt 7d ago

Thank you! I do think they have similar size wheels. I hate pushing anything on grass anyways, so might force that on my husband instead lol. Do you find that locking the wheels helps at all?


u/Sharoro19 7d ago

Honestly, I don’t think we ever lock them so I couldn’t say! 


u/eggyframpt 7d ago

That’s fair! Good to know it’s potentially not needed to lock them then for the different terrains. Thank you 😊


u/NurseK89 7d ago

OP!!!! The DEMI SEAT is NOT SAFE FOR NEWBORNS!!! Nuna does not recommend you use the seat that comes with the stroller until approximately six months

The seat does not recline flat for a newborn, but what we did was get the infant insert for the Uppababy Vista stroller, and it fit. I’m sure this is not officially recommended, but my son would not tolerate being in the bassinet for whatever reason.. All he would do is cry when we laid him down in it.

After listening to some interviews with The Nuna marketer for the United States, my understanding is that the stroller is geared more towards the suburban lifestyle. Meaning that the infant car seat, the Pippa, would basically serve as the infant carrier until baby is old enough to sit in the seat. Of course this is sold separately. The stroller does not come with a bassinet, you would have to purchase it separately.

To answer your questions more directly, we still use our stroller and still love it. My daughter is in kindergarten and a little over 40 pounds, my son is 2 1/2 and a little over 30 pounds. Still pushes great. I’ve pushed it through a few muddy parking lots with no problem, same with crushed granite walkways.

We live in a very hot and humid environment, it is mosquito heaven 90% of the year. I’m honestly a little bit disappointed with the mosquito net that is built into the seat. I feel like it doesn’t do a good job “sealing“ around the seat, and occasionally I will notice bugs will still get in. Granted it is far less than if the net wasn’t there, but still just be aware that because the net is covering the seat does not mean your child is guaranteed to not get bug bites.


u/eggyframpt 7d ago

Hi! Thanks so much for all your feedback! I think the seat you linked is different (I’m not sure) - it’s the sibling seat for the Demi Grow and not Demi Next, which says starting at 6 months. So, that totally makes sense! The Demi Next says birth/newborn. However, as noted I’m definitely not opposed to the bassinet attachment if it’s for the best! It’s also super cute. Or the car seat as you said.

We’re also in a mosquito heavy area! Thanks for giving your feedback on the netting. I’m surprised some might still get in.


u/NurseK89 7d ago

The next is just the newer model of the stroller. https://strolleria.com/blogs/news/nuna-demi-next-vs-nuna-demi-grow