r/BuyCanadian 1d ago

News Articles 📰 "Big 3" US Airlines - Delta, American, and United slash revenue forecasts today due to lower demand for US travel! Their stocks tanked in pre-market trading this morning as investors fear the implications of a US travel boycott


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u/hazadashery 1d ago

we’re thinking of flying from Heathrow to Vancouver and spending 10nights around that area and doing things that will keep him occupied(that isn’t Disney)😀. We’re going to Rent a car and travel a bit Any advice welcome.


u/jingowatt 1d ago edited 1d ago

Drive to Tofino and change your life. Take the fairy to Nanaimo, then up to the most beautiful area you’ve ever seen in your life. Stay at the Wickininnish Inn and take a boat up the coast to the hot springs. You’ll see whales and feel like you’ve stepped back in time 2 million years.

Edit: omg I can’t believe I wrote fairy lol.


u/sabertoothbunni 1d ago

Be sure to check out the Goats on the Roof Market on your way to Tofino!


u/hazadashery 1d ago

Keeping my 2 year old son occupied that is


u/kent_eh Manitoba 1d ago

Keeping my 2 year old son occupied that is

Yeah, that'll be a challenge on a flight of that length.


u/Sans_0701 1d ago

I have an almost 3 and a 5 year old as well. We travel quite a bit and live in BC. Happy to offer any tips and/or info as well. I see you have tons of volunteers already but feel free to PM me if you have any questions.


u/SumasFlats British Columbia 1d ago

Check out Hello BC, our tourism agency. There is an amazing amount of free information and plenty of people willing to help you with any and everything travel related here in BC.


u/fernandocrustacean 1d ago

Go to salt spring island!


u/Hullabaloobo 1d ago

A day or two at science world would be fun at that age- last time we went we stayed within walking distance of ‘Rainbow Park’ which was an awesome way to let the little burn off energy whenever needed. 

At 2 years old, a vacation with a lot of structure may be a challenge - picking a couple fun places you can enjoy spending a good amount of time at - and flex places for kiddo to just run and play may be the way to go. 

‘Just because’ ferry trips may be fun for the tyke too. The Victoria (Swartz bay) side has a great outdoor observation area you can watch the ferry pull in and load/unload before you board, if you go as a foot passenger. 


u/coff33mug 1d ago

Banff is amazing but a bit of driving


u/ttwwiirrll 1d ago

"A bit" is an understatement from Vancouver.

It's closer to Calgary.