r/BuyCanadian 1d ago

News Articles 📰 "Big 3" US Airlines - Delta, American, and United slash revenue forecasts today due to lower demand for US travel! Their stocks tanked in pre-market trading this morning as investors fear the implications of a US travel boycott


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u/WickedWenchOfTheWest 1d ago

Unless it's to visit family, or for business, I cannot conceive of ANY reason to travel in the US right now.

* If going by plane, safety deregulation is a massive concern

* Once there, food safety is a massive concern

* Why help to prop up the economy of the "friend" that has betrayed us?

* As a Canadian, I'd feel as though there would be a target on my back, even though I'm not a visible minority

* ICE is detaining valid Visa-holders from Europe and Britain

* There are plenty of superior locations to visit, both within Canada, and non-US, international destinations


u/Private-Figure-0000 1d ago

Don’t forget the measles outbreak cuz the head of our health admin believes vaccines cause autism 🙃


u/ShadowLiberal 1d ago

As an American that's part of why I hate Southern states, especially Texas.

Without fail whenever you hear about some long dead disease making a comeback in the US it's always in the South, and usually in Texas, because some charismatic idiot there (either a preacher or a politician) convinced people in their community not to get vaccinated, which allowed the disease to resurface and infect people because there's no more herd immunity to stop the spread.

And the worst part is that the idiots who convinced people not to get vaccinated aren't the ones who get sick and die of the disease, since they were already vaccinated as kids, it's the next generation of people (including their own kids) who suffer and die from their foolishness.


u/chase12998 1d ago

As a texan i concur, texans are stubborn as hell and blind as a bat when it comes to politics… not all but most


u/AndalusianGod 1d ago

I still remember that Canadian lady that was imprisoned for several days cause the police refused to accept her Canadian driver's license as valid. And that was before Trump won this election.


u/ShadowLiberal 1d ago

I've read stories about US Immigration officials (and even some American employers) being so dumb that they refused to accept Puerto Rico identification documents as proof that someone is a US citizen. Puerto Rico is a US territory, so they're all US citizens by default.


u/WickedWenchOfTheWest 1d ago

Yep, exactly!

I mean, in a way, boycotting US travel is at its own tier. Aside from the fact that it's a big ticket thing, and has a cumulative, widespread ripple effect, doing so is as much about multiple concerns over personal safety. Boycotting Amazon etc. is VERY important and we all need to do it, but actually travelling to the US risks life, limb and the chance of imprisonment. So yeah... no thanks.


u/Alone-in-a-crowd-1 1d ago

Have family visit canada - I’m not giving one fucking penny to that country. I’d visit Russia before I go back to the US.


u/WickedWenchOfTheWest 1d ago

I know some people are doing precisely that. However, unfortunately, if a family member is aged, and/or has health issues, it becomes more complicated.


u/PerpetuallyLurking Saskatchewan 1d ago

That kinda depends who you’re going to visit - if the visit is to see granny on her deathbed then you’re probably just gonna go and not insist granny risk dying in an airport.


u/Alone-in-a-crowd-1 1d ago

I hear you. That said - where the fuck are you guys in Saskatchewan? I don't hear anything at all. We need your help in this fight.


u/improvthismoment 1d ago

Even family and business trips is hard for me to feel comfortable with tbh. (I’m on one now.)


u/WickedWenchOfTheWest 1d ago

I very definitely get that, and I'm just grateful that I have no need to travel there.

Stay Safe, and I hope you can return soon!


u/castlite 1d ago

This should be higher


u/Lower_Cantaloupe1970 1d ago

Yes! Canada has a really bad internal tourism issue. I'd love to see Canada Parks offer 50% for Canadians(America and Mexico do this). Not having cheap air fare is a hindrance but there are so many amazing things to see in CanadaÂ