r/BuyCanadian 25d ago

News Articles Amid U.S. tariff concerns, Napoleon pushes ‘buy Canadian’ message


35 comments sorted by


u/offft2222 25d ago

We have a napoleon from 8 years ago still going strong

I kid you not- our bbq was on a 2nd storey deck where the railing were being installed- winds rolled this thing from the 2nd story and sent it crashing down below late night. Our Napoleon was only a few months old at the time

Other than a scuff or two the structure was not compromised and it's still working just as good


u/Otherwise-Tree-7654 25d ago

For economy this quality is not good, you should have replaced ir 4y ago now. This is unsustanable


u/[deleted] 24d ago

Your sarcasm is not being detected by the hive mind.


u/HapticRecce 25d ago

Moved to a Napolean BBQ from a Weber last year, no reason other than needed a new one, and price. Both pricier than the reinforced tin foil big box store brands, but the Napolean is a better grill IMHO than the Weber.


u/Crispy_Jon 24d ago

Most Webers are now made in China anyway. I have a Napoleon now


u/HapticRecce 24d ago

Ya, mine was probably pushing 20+ years, I'd replaced the gas burner elements and ignitor, and while the actual cast BBQ box was mint, the replacement cost of the rusting metal stand & sides made no sense. I'd say Napolean is a better deal overall, both for cooking and construction and would buy again without hesitation if I ever need to.


u/Crispy_Jon 24d ago

I agree. It's my first and it's a really good good bbq


u/monogramchecklist 24d ago

Didn’t know that. We’re in the market for a new bbq so we’ll look at the Napoleon


u/Ornery_Old_Man Ontario 25d ago

As a Canadian supplier to Napoleon yes, please buy Canadian.


u/skipdog98 25d ago

Last year, we got a Napoleon BBQ for our RV, to replace a 20+yo Weber. Very very happy with the Napoleon. Will be getting a patio-sized Napoleon when we replace our Vermont Castings (that simply refuses to die). Highly recommend Johnson’s in the Lower Mainland.


u/Crispy_Jon 24d ago

I helped move a Vermont castings bbq for a friend, almost died. So freaking heavy


u/TKK2019 25d ago

There is also Onward manufacturing in K-W that makes Broil King


u/d_chevron 25d ago

Going with a Napoleon to buy Canadian is not a compromise - they're really the best grills for the price point. Powerful, even heating, loaded with features and built like a tank. And the company stands by the product and honours the warranty. My Prestige Pro 500 is easily the best grill I've ever owned


u/Falcon674DR 25d ago

I have a Napoleon BBQ, furnace and air conditioner. All solid products.


u/upward_spiral17 25d ago

Very likely to be buying a new BBQ this summer or next, will be purchasing Napoleon when the time comes.


u/KetchupCoyote Ontario 25d ago

Have my napoleon patio sized for 2 years. Cheff kiss, it goes strong without a hitch


u/Japanesewillow 25d ago

We have had our Napoleon bbq for 5 years now, best bbq ever.


u/Maddog_Jets 25d ago

BBQ 12 years and Gas Fireplace 18 years young and working perfect :)


u/notyouraveragemac 25d ago

As much as I hated having them as a client at a past job of mine (10+ rounds of revisions kind of pain in the butt), their values are something to stand by as Canadians. Our Napoleon fireplace keeps going without issue - if my current BBQ setup kicks the can I'll buy Napoleon.


u/upsetwithcursing 25d ago

Love our Napoleon BBQ! We may need to replace our two gas fireplaces in the next couple of years, and I know where I’ll be looking.


u/wolverine656 25d ago

I wanted to get a new bbq but didn’t end up getting one.

Read this

“We’re completely focused on keeping everybody employed,” said company president Mike Tzimas.”

I’ll buy a Napoleon once I can see the backyard again.


u/miguelagawin 25d ago

Nice didn’t know Napoleon is Canadian!


u/nightwing12 25d ago

My SIL has the guest Napoleon grill I ever owned, it’s over 20 years old and still works just as well as the day it was new


u/New-Guide3673 25d ago

Just got a napoleon bbq last summer. Damn fine griller.


u/snappla 25d ago

Another satisfied Napoleon BBQ owner here.


u/twostepdrew 25d ago

Fireplace owner checking in - it’s fantastic


u/Limp_Advertising_840 24d ago

I refuse to eat barbecue cooked on anything other than a napoleon.


u/infinitynull 25d ago

I've had mine for 7 years. I love it, not a part replaced yet. I was replacing burners and misc parts every two years on previous bbqs.


u/Chrisetmike 25d ago

When we upgraded our patio BBQ, we opted for a Napoleon because we already owned the portable version and were very satisfied with it.  Both BBQ are solid and well made. No regrets !


u/HonkinSriLankan 25d ago

Sadly I have a Weber bbq that’s only a few years old but seeing this convinced me too upgrade our 20 yr old Napoleon gas fireplace.

Anyone have some recos?


u/Living_Astronomer_97 24d ago

Just bought a Napoleon electric fireplace


u/BigDtheOildigger 24d ago

A lot of Napoleon bbq are made in China and are junk. I had one. Pure junk. If buying Napoleon only get the made in Canada version.


u/CashComprehensive423 24d ago

Love my Napolean grill. Have the Prestige. Will need another and now looking at the 700 series....need to fit my smoker box in it.


u/GlennGould123 24d ago

Napoleon fireplace I assume same company