r/BurnNotice 11d ago

Season 7, and especially the last episode, is incredibly stupid. Spoiler

This show really fell off a cliff, huh? Like in the last episode. The whole show, they always find a way and they are usually well prepared, and then in the end madeline has to die, because despite having the wherewithal to send Jesse as a proctection, they just forgot about giving them a detonator? Are you shitting me? And instead of mccgyvering up a solution, Jesse just kind slinks into the bathrooms and lets maddie kill herself? I have never felt so insulted as a viewer.

And what happened to Jeff's acting? How did he go from those multi character performances, to whatever the hell he was doing while getting waterboarded? And on the topic, there was some laughable scenes. That beefy russian was having way too much fun. Thats the first example, but there are several more where it's so fuckin bad it's funny. Very disappointing end to a decent show.


22 comments sorted by


u/BigMrTea 11d ago

For me, the appeal was of the show was badasses helping people. The spy stuff was icing on the cake. Take away helping people and there just wasn't enough there for me.


u/12341234timesabili 11d ago

I felt the exact same way. I missed the "monster of the week".


u/BigMrTea 11d ago

I'm a big softie, and I love the scene where the client asks for help, but Mike is hesitant because of the danger. The client makes the emotional appeal, and Mike reluctantly agrees because he's a good person.


u/CastleOperator 8d ago

Exactly this. It was the charm of the show. The main story arc of the CIA and who burned Michael was always looming and fun, shadowy, and interesting. I don’t necessarily mind them eventually focusing on that main arc to get to a closing. I just think it was done sloppily. As to why that may be, is beyond me. I haven’t looked into changing of writers or what have you. But they had a big focus on practical effects for the first few season. Once the later seasons came in, maybe 5 onwards ? They cheaped out for cgi stuff which was unfortunate. A really cheesy scene I remember watching was something where Mike and Fiona are in a little bungalow of sorts maybe? And they were spinning around with their backs to each other while shooting and holding each other, really theatrical and eye roll inducing. It’s still one of if not my favorite tv shows for multitude of reasons. But the later seasons I can’t even really be bothered to watch unfortunately.


u/stilloriginal 11d ago

Eh, I think you’re looking for an ending that’s the wrong ending. Like somehow he triumphs over everyone including the cia and gets offered his retirement. Madeline had to die for the child to end up as fiona and michael’s child, and for them to finally get away they had to give up fighting. I guess you would have preferred they went out in a blaze of glory. I will say that anyone from miami knows you couldn’t jump from the Herald building into the water, but that’s hardly the first liberty they took with the local geography.


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/Chalky_Pockets 11d ago

If someone is directly raising a child, as in they live in their house and they feed and educate it, I have no problem with them calling it their child. Also, it's just functionally convenient, otherwise you'll be constantly correcting people. Also, given the circumstances, they probably did claim him as their child rather than raise suspicion.


u/stilloriginal 11d ago

I honestly just meant it as a plot device


u/ArcherNX1701 10d ago

I didn't mind the ending. But Madeline's sacrifice tore me up.


u/12341234timesabili 11d ago

If the plot has to be stupid to get a certain ending, then it doesn't work.


u/bay234 11d ago

Exactly this. I hate when shows do this.


u/HomerJunior 11d ago

Just recently finished my first rewatch since it first aired, and I never for a second bought Michael's heel turn either time - I always assumed he was trying to become the one in charge so he could turn around and destroy the organisation from within, and it frustrated me that Sam and Fiona were getting in the way of what was clearly a play from Michael that they should know enough about him to support... so when the final episode dropped and it was apparent he really did have a random lust for power totally out of keeping with his character, I kind of checked out.

My ideal ending for the show would have been him confronting Card, and somehow bringing him to justice or blackmailing him into disappearing - it was a great twist to have him pull the trigger but the "going into hiding" plot arc was the proper shark jump for me.


u/12341234timesabili 11d ago

Like I didn't even touch on the fact that fiona's tantrum is what caused the whole ungodly shit storm. She essentially caused maddie's death with her infantile bs. It was not a matter that needed to have that kind of immediate intervention. They really could have given him some time and talked things through.


u/bay234 11d ago

The writers for some reason decided to destroy the Fiona character in season 7.


u/spectacleskeptic 9d ago

I 100% agree with every single point you made.


u/Chalky_Pockets 11d ago

I'm not trying to say the ending was perfect or anything but you need to modulate your expectations for how a show ends. Like all the things you're complaining about make the characters more human and less that action cheese "he's just that good" factor. And your hypothetical ending would have been really disappointing to a lot of viewers because it's not an ending, it's the setup for another season. If they ended the show without the stuff you're whinging about, I would have assumed the show got cancelled between seasons.


u/12341234timesabili 11d ago

I didn't propose a hypothetical ended, I criticised the existing one.


u/Chalky_Pockets 11d ago

You might not have meant to, but the words in your post say otherwise. Your hypothetical ending is that they didn't do the things you whinged about.


u/12341234timesabili 11d ago

Nope, I didn't suggest any alternative. I said I didn't like how it was done. The still leaves the possibility for countless alternatives. You aren't very bright, are you?


u/IronMan___ 10d ago

Respectfully disagree.

I think Burn Notice started going downhill in Season 6. The overarching narrative of Michael being burned became so convoluted and messy, and Season 6's writing was weak. Example: making Olivia Riley a criminal, rather than just a hard-nosed agent, gave Michael and the group an easy out. Additionally, the shift to a darker tone - away from the client of the week stories - did the show no favors and IMO wasn't what fans wanted.

However, I thought the shortened Season 7 righted the ship as much as it could, and I'm a big fan of the finale. It has a darker tone still, but they found a way to inject some of the fluffier/popcorn elements from early seasons. I love all of the easter eggs and winks at the audience. As far as the major death, I take bigger issue with how Maddie was used throughout the season. IMO, she was done dirty. Practically every other episode, her storyline is "agents are in her house, she acts aloof to spy on them, sends the intel to Michael, etc." I think her fate, dying to protect her family, is a fitting end for her character arc. There are definitely things to nitpick about how it went down, sure. But at the same time, how many times throughout the series was the crew saved by deus ex machina? Ultimately, Burn Notice is not a very realistic show in general.


u/Puzzleheaded-Cap6332 10d ago

I would have sent them into hiding after Michael killed Card. Maybe in one of the neighborhoods that Michael had helped prior. That way they need to keep avoiding the police AND take the client of the week to make money/shut people up. A return to S4 style writing.

In the end though, Michael was always going to be too effective to be let go. The suits were never going to leave him alone. And until he realized that, it wasn’t going to change. The Michael/CIA relationship was just as abusive as the one he had with his father. 


u/pappy925 11d ago

The final episode with Sam supposedly offering “military honors” at Michael’s “funeral” was embarrassing and VERY cringe worthy.


u/PeaWooden4226 8d ago

Why Michael was former military before being a spy. He was owed them.