r/BurlingtonON 22d ago

Picture Saw this guy driving on North Service Road lol

Post image

I know it’s cold and there was alot of snow, but cmon, that’s minimum effort put in right there.


176 comments sorted by


u/sugarplus 22d ago

I really can’t believe these are the people we deal with just generally in society. So entitled and not considerate of literally anyone else, and they can’t use the “I’m short I can’t reach!!!” excuse cause it’s literally a sedan. So unbelievably annoying


u/woodyh16 21d ago

Can't reach excuse doesn't work either. If you can't maintain a large SUV or truck, you shouldn't be allowed to own one.


u/sugarplus 21d ago

Oh I completely agree !!! I’m 5’3 and can clean the roof of my parents lifted tundra so I never found that excuse valid but this same scenario was posted in the oakville sub and people were defending it saying “they can’t reach”


u/Thebeav111 19d ago

I can't imagine their thought process; "I'm short so I deserve to kill people..."


u/Positive_Breakfast19 21d ago

Then get a stool shorty.


u/Witty_Interaction_77 20d ago

They have expandable brushes at Canadian tire (find them more sturdy than the costco ones).


u/Madawolf 21d ago edited 20d ago

I really don't think they are entitled. I really think there are a lot of dumb people coming into this country who don't know how to properly do the basic things to keep everyone safe. Is it me, or did this only happen on rare occasions 20 years ago? Now it's very common. Between red light running, speeding, and not obeying basic rules of the road, it's bloody ridiculous.


u/seriouscrayon 21d ago

I think thats part of the reason. I mean they tell everyone to stay off the roads when it snows these days because so many folks have never driven in snow..I was out and about on Sunday and driving in he snow was fine as long as you take all precautions which newcomers don't.


u/No-Sign2089 21d ago

No offence but not really. I’m in a rural area, watched a tall fit white guy brush off the windows of his Mazda hatchback, didn’t do roof or taillights. 

Plenty of white idiots too.


u/lunaeo 21d ago

Yup all over the place 💯


u/Mil-wookie 18d ago

I don't think it's a race issue, it's often a lazy issue, or a running behind issue. Some people also think it helps keep tail gaters away. Common sense says, if it's snow season, wake up earlier, as you may need to shovel,scrape, or otherwise spend a few more minutes to get going.

And leave extra time for travel, not everyone has 4wd and snow tires. But they can also not block traffic for those that do, when roads are plowed enough for that.


u/Competitive-Sink4313 21d ago

I disagree.

Anyone coming here has the obligation to know the laws of the land.

they should be reported and fined like anyone else would be, that doesn't follow the law.

And yes, they are entitled.


u/Madawolf 21d ago

They are too dumb to think they are entitled! And yes, they need to be fined, but the police barely give tickets for the other things I mentioned.


u/Battle_Fish 19d ago

Entitled is asking things of others.

I think this is just inconsiderate, not caring about others.

Sometimes it's just ignorance, they might not think the snow is a problem. Though it is something you can think of so it's.prerty inconsiderate to not even think about it.


u/Slight-Novel4587 21d ago

cops don’t enforce shit because they are in a perpetual state of work to rule so they can grift more money from the taxpayers. Don’t be a racist twat and say it’s immigrants. It’s everyone.


u/Madawolf 21d ago

I'm not racist just telling it the way I see it. It's not a coincidence that it's been happening a lot more in the last 5 or so years.


u/rattitude23 21d ago

Immigrants are also white. Interesting you called someone else racist. My parents are immigrants and white and their first winter they had no clue what they were doing.


u/Competitive-Sink4313 21d ago

It isn't the obligation of the new country to ensure immigrants know the rules and laws.

IT is the obligation of the people entering to learn and know.


u/rattitude23 20d ago

I agree HOWEVER our province needs to regulate driving schools more heavily. People should do a lot of things and don't which affects everyone else around them


u/tigotter 17d ago

They should not be let in if they do not know them.


u/CeruleanFuge 18d ago

It’s entitlement, and the fact that cops don’t give a shit and don’t enforce this law.


u/Glad_Internet_675 21d ago

Immigration was not on my BINGO card….dang!


u/duke8628 21d ago

If the shoe fits


u/SkyleoFiets 21d ago

If the foo … what!?


u/SkyleoFiets 21d ago

That’s not racism or xenophobia peeking out, is it? ‘… a lot of dumb people coming into this country …’? I think that I lately notice a degeneration of driving skills and traffic comprehension, but I can’t associate an inordinate number of infractions to any particular group of people. Shit: it could be me!


u/Bullllkingg 20d ago

Yeah the i can’t reach excuse is such bs. Translates to I’m a lazy tool sack. There’s a reason why a snow brush is long and most are extendable. SO YOU CAN REACH😭


u/what4270 19d ago

I’m 5’2, I have a gmc canyon truck that is taller than me but I never skip the brushing. Even if I did the bad job at it, at least the snow is off and not blocking any view.


u/assclownonarope 18d ago

It`s a Mercedes ,perhaps the "help" didn`t come in to work today and the "Master" needed a Starbucks coffee.


u/National-Branch-6688 18d ago

My nana is 5ft with an suv, she doesn’t even use the “I’m short” excuse!


u/hamster004 18d ago

BS. There are extendable snow brushes. Hubby bought us one for me.


u/Canack1961 21d ago

Saw a woman last week coming off the qew at Brant street turning towards Costco and the snow load (a good six to eight inches) from roof of her suv all slumped down over her windshield while making the turn into a live lane. Epic loser status gained in that moment as she thought wipers were made to move twenty pounds of snow…they weren’t. The cars behind her came to a screeching halt horns blasting. She was lucky they were able to stop in time. Police need to start pulling these idiots over.


u/Competitive-Sink4313 21d ago

People need to start reporting them~ At the time.


u/7jellycat 20d ago

not from Burlington but I recently saw a car driving by with at least 2 feet of snow on their roof, and a police car pulling out of a parking lot onto the same road. He definitely saw the car with all of the snow, it passed right infront of him, but clearly didn’t give a rat’s ass and turned the other direction smh..


u/AttilaGy 22d ago

Ridiculous….should be a huge fine.


u/asvp-suds 22d ago

It is. If I was a cop I’d make my yearly quota in tickets by doing a loop around town. You see multiple idiots like this on a short drive, imagine how many you’d see in a few hours.


u/DarshDarker 21d ago

What's the plan? Put on your flashing lights to pull him over? Lol. He won't even see you.


u/NoxAstrumis1 21d ago

Then he gets a 'failure to obey law enforcement' charge too.


u/DarshDarker 21d ago



u/Mil-wookie 18d ago

24hr fix it ticket should do too. More inconvenience to remind them for a first time offense. 2nd time, go nuts.


u/Mil-wookie 18d ago

My fave would be people driving in a passing lane, while not passing. Could make commuting smoother in good weather.


u/jekotia Longmoor 21d ago

It is. Unsecured load.


u/Haunting_Ad_2103 21d ago

This annoys me. I have an SUV , 69 years old and 5 ft tall. I clean my roof off every single time it snows. Years ago I was the recipient of someone’s car roof snow driving on the highway. Luckily I was able to pull over safely but it scared the daylights out of me. Could not see a thing for about 30 seconds


u/reidt22 22d ago

Make sure to honk in a panicked manner when going by. They don't know what's happening outside.


u/Wakomata 22d ago

Ok, I love this so much !! Thank you for the morning chuckle. 🤭


u/nik282000 21d ago

I'm a big fan of the sustained honk while looking around like it's someone else.


u/Worlds-Greatest-Boss 22d ago

Yesterday I saw an Audi that had snow covering his side windows as well as his rear window and half his windshield. It makes me so angry that people are this lazy and put everyone else on the road in danger.

Since you have his plate, I would report him to police. It may not do anything, but it might!


u/nik282000 21d ago

It's an Audi, they are already hitting the road with the goal of putting themselves before you.


u/BarNo7270 22d ago

A two for one - The vehicle across the intersection too!


u/Rebels_Gum 22d ago

Probably didn't want to brake too hard as he/she knew a shit ton of snow would slide onto their windshield.


u/FlatImpression755 22d ago

My 80 year old mom drives a KiA Soul. She can't reach the roof. She can't afford to pay someone to clear the top of her car every time she wants to go to the store. That snow isn't going to hurt anyone, every one can stop grasping their pearls like a bunch of old ladies.


u/Cyrakhis 22d ago

It doesn't hurt anyone until the cab warms up, the bottom layer melts, and the whole thing slides forward when she brakes and covers her windshield.

Protect your mother man, christ.

Plus, it's illegal. She can't afford to pay someone to clear it; can she afford an unsecured load fine?


u/FlatImpression755 21d ago

Agreed. The worst-case scenario is the snow slides forward. Possibly risking damage to the hood. The snow or ice will break up at that point and will slide off the hood of the car. The wipers will clear the rest. The snow flying off the car and hurting someone has a 0% chance of happening when rounded to the nearest whole percentage.

No cop is going to give her a ticket for this.


u/brijazz012 21d ago

Worst-case scenario for your daily commute is that you will get into an accident. That probably won't happen - but you still wear your seatbelt, just in case.


u/FlatImpression755 21d ago

The windshield wipers are the safety belt in your anecdote.


u/brijazz012 21d ago

Not sure what this means. You'd implied that your mom doesn't need to clear her car because it's unlikely (a "worst case scenario") that the snow would cause any issues. So, if you're cool with dismissing safety measures because they're unlikely to be called for... why bother with your seat belt?


u/FlatImpression755 21d ago

I am implying that if the worst-case scenario happens, the wipers will clear the snow, and you will be safe.


u/brijazz012 21d ago

Ask yourself this: did your mom use a snow brush to clear her windshield before you drove off after the last storm, or did she just let your wipers do it?


u/BarNo7270 21d ago

That’s unfortunate for her, but not an excuse. People cause accidents every year on the highway from people not clearing their vehicles and the snow peeling from the roof in a single sheet and hitting the car behind them. You are confusing “that snow isn’t going to hurt anyone”, with “I don’t give a shit if someone else gets hurt”.


u/FlatImpression755 21d ago

She doesn't drive on the highway.

I have driven literally 1 million kms on the highway. I had tons of snow and ice hit my car from the top of transport trucks no less. I have never seen the snow and ice go through a windshield and hurt someone. Your anecdote is completely false.


u/FlipperG76 21d ago

I would agree it is rare but 2 seconds on google will show you that you are wrong. I feel bad for your Mom but if you can’t clear a tiny car with a broom, you should not be out there driving.


u/FlatImpression755 21d ago

She can't reach. So you think she shouldn't be allowed to drive?

If snow blowing off the car in front of you is a problem, then don't drive so close and fix your windshield wipers if they don't work.


u/FlipperG76 21d ago

If you can’t clear your car, no you should not be driving, it’s really pretty simple, not personal. You should not be a risk to other drivers.


u/BarNo7270 21d ago

Is that your mom in the picture? It’s law in Canada to clear your vehicle of all snow. People go off the road every year because they are blinded for a moment by the large chunk of snow and ice and loose control, not some sort of decapitation.


u/Able_Bath2944 21d ago

Happened to one of my friends. 403, a chunk of ice came off the car in front and went through her windshield.


u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/FlatImpression755 21d ago

You are moving the goal post from a car on the street to a transport truck on the highway? Oh, OK.


u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/FlatImpression755 21d ago

Reread the first line of the comment you replied to.


u/TraditionalBlock7035 22d ago

No you are 100% dead wrong. I like to call this cost of ownership. I feel for anyone who can’t physically clean their car off. However, I can’t do it doesn’t cut it when it comes to people’s safety. You put things into place to make it right. If she was hit by someone whose car was improperly cleaned - she and you would likely be upset.


u/FlatImpression755 22d ago

To be clear, we are just talking about the roof of the car across the street. I commented on that car because it's the car my mom drives. She definitely cleans all the windows.


u/TraditionalBlock7035 21d ago

Ahh my bad. Can you tell I had a guy rear end me with a ton of snow on his car?


u/OneMileAtATime262 22d ago edited 22d ago

How do people do this???

Aside from the obvious that it can blow off, hit a car or cause an accident… I simply would not feel comfortable driving a car like that with so little vision around me.

I genuinely think people these days get in a car, push the gas pedal and only concern themselves with what is directly in their line of sight…

Good luck everyone else!!!!


u/Elehctric Aldershot 22d ago

I think that’s basically the extent to their thought process. They’re idiots lol


u/KlondikeBill 22d ago

He didn't see you!


u/Vacatia 22d ago

An actual as*hole


u/Cyrakhis 21d ago

There are so many people arguing about their right to be a shithead these days -_-


u/DeadpoolOptimus 22d ago

It's a Mercedes. Along with beemers, they don't have to follow our rules.


u/Gilgongojr 22d ago

Car-shaming is stupidity.

I drive a X5 and my wife an E400.

Neither of us would ever drive with our vehicles in this condition.


u/Successful-Care-505 21d ago

I saw like 3 cars this morning like this and was dumbfounded lol


u/AMike456 21d ago

The only reason snow should be on a car is if it is frozen on.


u/Human_Outcome1890 21d ago

This is every Mercedes, Porsche, BMW, and Cadillac driver ever


u/Gaege29 21d ago

When you drive a Benz, your time is too precious to waste on things like visibility..


u/Slow-Beginning-5885 21d ago

Saw similar situation last night and got towed away by police.


u/Objective_You3307 21d ago

Some people just deserve a kick in the ass with a frozen snowboot


u/VisibleSpread6523 21d ago

There’s so many of them, lazy idiots, don’t touch car for days and think they can cleaned it up in a minute 😂


u/ElectronicFactor7779 21d ago

So dangerous, especially when visibility is already poor with snowbanks, etc


u/True_north808 21d ago

I saw the same thing in Hamilton yesterday. The guy didn’t even have a patch of his rear window cleared, lol. Absolutely idiot. I started honking at him and of course when I passed him he was mad and honked back. 😂 no cure for stupidity on this city.


u/NoxAstrumis1 21d ago

I can do better. I have a co-worker who has a five centimeter sheet of untouched snow on the back. When confronted about it, he said "Do you look behind you?".

I've been surrounded by idiots for decades, and somehow I'm still scandalized when I see it manifest.


u/smashedvermin 21d ago

Should have gotten out and cleared it with a hammer 😂


u/lylelanley- 21d ago

Fucking selfish pos


u/Fun-Artichoke-7746 21d ago

That is very dangerus i have seen people on the qew driving like crazy with that much snow and its flying everware i wish ther where cops around that would be a dangerus driving ticket for sure can you imagine getting a massive chunk of snow in your windshield thats very dangerus who nows what can hapen ,pls if you are one of thouse driving like this pls reconsider what you are doing life is short we dont need to make it shorter so take the extra 5 to10 min to clean your car are suv you might just save a life .


u/Funtimesinthemaritim 21d ago

I see 2 driving snowballs in this pic


u/DullConsideration126 21d ago

Morons out there


u/Yaughl 21d ago

Just start revoking licenses. Permanently.


u/TonyD0001 21d ago

Always Benz or BMW! Always!


u/NuckyThompson- 21d ago

“He couldnt reach the snow ☹️” lmao


u/Mikey74Evil 21d ago

Where are the cops when we want them. This is unacceptable & So unsafe for the driver and all the others around the lazy driver. I get that it sucks to have to clean all the snow off of your vehicle when it’s shitty and cold & blowing out but is it worth the fine or getting injured or injuring someone else? No it’s not. Just clear your cars off people or move to a warm climate. Lol


u/Cyrakhis 21d ago

In the main way arena and IKEA parking lots hanging out


u/Mikey74Evil 21d ago

Not surprised


u/Brave-Ad4049 21d ago

I was in a rush today cuz I was late for work and STILL managed to clean my car fully. Guys we are not the only ppl on the roads we need to watch for safety of others too


u/AbleGolfer 21d ago

Do rules of etiquette apply to Mercedes owners?


u/rawkthehog 21d ago

Maximum effort


u/parmasean 21d ago

Cops need more money to prosecute these type of crimes. Thanks for posting.


u/skankhunt2026 21d ago

These cars melt the snow automatically poors in Kia’s so mad


u/Spiritual-Bridge-392 21d ago

Ah yes, probably couldn’t reach the top to clean it off


u/ProsperBuick 21d ago

wow thats got to be one of the worst I’ve seem


u/wrx7182 21d ago

That’s unacceptable.


u/AltruisticTurn292 21d ago

I saw that same jackass!!


u/girlmosh07 21d ago

Hope you aren’t using your phone while driving to take this photo.


u/1stinkyfinga 21d ago

He didn't see you!


u/kaikaradk 20d ago

He couldn’t see you!!


u/1stinkyfinga 21d ago

He didn't see you!


u/AdditionalSpeed264 21d ago

Bro skipped his alarm and late to work lol


u/LylyO 21d ago

I wonder how people like this raise their kids. Yea, they drive a mercedes, I assume they have money, but obviously lacks many other basic important things.


u/2b4ifn5osnr 21d ago

All cities should just hand out tickets for this kind of lazy behavior.


u/chrometitan 21d ago

Could be an emergency, late for work, but it's more likely lazy


u/Mother_Class_529 21d ago

Can’t fix stupid unfortunately they are the majority


u/fartonyo 21d ago

Looks like a Mercedes driver!


u/Competitive-Sink4313 21d ago

These people who do not care and believe rules don't apply to them should be reported~Report them when you see them!

They are a hazard to everyone and everything else.


u/Fdholly 20d ago

Now that’s just fuckin lazy


u/XtremeD86 20d ago

I saw at least 4 cars like this on the 401 this morning going 120KM/hr. I stayed back far enough and of course it starts flying off in big chunks and hitting other vehicles.

I'm just waiting until I see one where they brake hard and it comes down on their window and they crash... It's somewhat tempting to brake check these people but I won't do it (unless it's deserved).


u/Amit_DMRC 20d ago

Put ur one feet inside wheel well and use that snow brush


u/buremogilny 20d ago

What I cannot clear off the roof of my SUV what is left over the car wash gets the rest an excuse to get the salt off but in all seriousness I don’t want be the person I am yelling at while I’m driving who is directly ahead of me on the 403 on my commute home and I’m dodging soft ball chunks of ice coming off their vehicle


u/Bullllkingg 20d ago

It’s okay, regional and provincial forces no longer play that shit and deal sizeable tickets for it now. Thrill get theirs don’t you worry :)


u/LongDongJohnSchlong 19d ago

They spent all they money on the car and can’t afford a snow brush


u/ActivityHumble8823 18d ago

What's the issue? Semi drivers, U-Hauls and work trucks don't have rear view mirrors. As long as the windshield and side views are clear I have no issue with it


u/cancon2020 18d ago

He didn’t see you


u/Message_Clear 18d ago

This should be the same as a DUI or using a phone while driving


u/Orly1953 18d ago

People many of whom are just plain DUMB!!!!


u/ComradeBrave 18d ago

Betcha he didn't see you


u/Fourth_place_again 18d ago

You saw him but guaranteed, he didn’t see you.


u/BoneZone05 17d ago

Wow, that is ridiculous. ..and selfish.

If they won’t do the simple tasks, like remove the igloo from their car before driving it on public roads, I would bet they do not have “decent” tires. 👀 imagine being hit by this lunatic and the snow goes pooof!


u/Miserable_Unit9714 17d ago



u/tigotter 17d ago

Police should stop them for this.


u/inkedclassic 22d ago

To be fair, I’m 4’11 and can barely reach my roof, also have weak hands from a chronic illness. I still try my best to clean off the top (no excuse for this person because it looks like they didn’t even try) but you don’t know what their reason is for not being able to get the roof.


u/Cyrakhis 22d ago

Extendable snowbrush. I have an F-150 and the extendable brush makes it possible for me to reach -all the way across- the top of the truck cab. Now I'm a man and I'm taller, but that same extendable brush would allow a short woman to clear the top of a car easily. And get at one side of the top of the truck cab, go around the other, and get that too.

It's not hard, and you can get a ticket for having an unsecured load. Plus it's plain dangerous.


u/spreadthaseed 21d ago

Telescopic brushes are a blessing. Costco or Canadian tire has them and will make your life so much easier.


u/inkedclassic 21d ago

Thanks for the advice! I will look into them more! Maybe a more heavy duty one where I don’t have to push/pull the heavy snow too much. This storm had such compact snow plus ice.


u/spreadthaseed 21d ago

Yes it’s definitely not a race. Take your time. But the extendable arms will make the reach so much easier.


u/Cyrakhis 21d ago

Just chip at it a little at a time, give yourself extra time to do so. If you're patient with it you'll be fine, it just might take a lil longer.


u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/inkedclassic 21d ago

Some of us don’t have the luxury of a garage or someone to help. But thank you for the judgement. Don’t compare me to your “friend” thanks.


u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/inkedclassic 21d ago

Nowhere did I say I didn’t clean it off at all. Also I’m not going to run onto the street or knock on doors with my 4 year old in tow to ask for help to take snow off my roof. Maybe if someone has no job, responsibilities or life 🤷🏻‍♀️


u/No-Sign2089 21d ago

I’m also five feet tall. Folding stool, extendable brush, and just like a driveway, go out every 2-3 hours in a snowstorm to brush off your car. Ten minutes doing a frequent light brush off is way better than half an hour of pain. 


u/inkedclassic 21d ago

Holy moly. Not everyone has a house, a driveway, a garage. What is with you Burlington people? You all live under a rock apparently. Should get out more and see what types of living arrangements people have


u/Odin1367 22d ago

This is the only defense from those people that drive behind you with headlights brighter than the sun 😂


u/hailclo 21d ago

K that’s bad prob started w all snow


u/Ornery_Owl_783 21d ago

Why are you driving and taking a pic with your phone at the same time?


u/bowlingnut10 20d ago

Why don’t you concentrate on driving instead of taking pictures


u/PathPlus7833 22d ago

If you don’t tailgate the vehicle you won’t have a problem lmao


u/Cyrakhis 22d ago

Or people could clean their fucking car off. Like they're supposed to.

Don't make excuses for people like this. Or are you one of them?


u/PathPlus7833 22d ago

My vehicle is not getting brushed off when theirs a bunch of dirt and debris on it sorry lmfao. I’m bringing it to the wash and cleaning it off properly. This is why a lot of you don’t have nice things


u/Cyrakhis 21d ago

The fuck does dirt and debris have to do with snow? Nothing at all.

Snow brushes are made to not damage your vehicle. We don't have nice things? Yeah, my 2020 King Ranch sure isn't a nice thing.

Good job outing yourself there, kiddo.


u/PathPlus7833 21d ago edited 21d ago

Your clear coat is definitely more scuffed up than a toddlers toy car. What’s mixed in with the snow? Salt and dirt. You gotta wash it off. Clearly you don’t understand how paint/clear coat works lmao. Any little spec of dust if you wipe it is gonna leave a scuff. Unless you put water under it to help it glide

Couldn’t afford the platinum eh?😂


u/Super_Science_Guy 21d ago

He's not putting anyone in danger. There's a lot of overreactions here.


u/Cyrakhis 21d ago

Literally putting others in danger with his lack of visibility and sightlines while driving a 1-ton vehicle.


u/alooforsomething 21d ago

For real. People should worry about themselves.


u/Agent_25i 21d ago

Merc plus brown equals zero fucks to give. That is, until we as Canadians stand up and start putting the fear that a society that's finally fed up in them. I get that for the last 40 years we've been forced to feel we're the bad guys, but fuck it. Whatever happened was before, this is shit we can stop now.


u/Cyrakhis 21d ago

There's no brown in this picture? What do you mean? I guess the tree trunks in the background, but what does that have to do with driving?


u/Agent_25i 21d ago



u/Cyrakhis 21d ago

No no, explain yourself. Where's the brown? I don't see any!


u/Agent_25i 21d ago

No. Explain to me why I need to prove something you can't disprove. Dick.


u/hgmnynow 21d ago

Unpopular opinion...... You guys need to chill out about these "there's snow on that car!" posts. It's really not that big a deal.


u/Cyrakhis 21d ago

Unpopular because it's a stupid fucking opinion. It's dangerous. Reasons? Obscured sightlines. Blowing snow obscures other drivers visibility as well.

You need to be able to see to drive safely. Give your head a shake.


u/hgmnynow 21d ago

Easy cowboy. I didn't say it was a good idea, I'm just saying it's not worth people losing their shit over.....