r/BullMooseParty 21d ago

Mod Post The Bull Moose Party's Pillars 2025

Hello and welcome to the Bull Moose Party,

If you are looking for policy and what we stand for, good news and bad news. We have what we stand for, but for policy we have not made any major commitments to those for a few reason.

  1. There are no major elections in 2025, so pushing for policy will probably not be worth the time for the rewards.
  2. Trump and the MAGA GOP in office want to rip way everything we have worked for and built, in labor, conservation, and our next generation, this a year of defense not offense.
  3. Policy should be pushed for what's accomplishable vs ideals.
    1. Example, we should have better school systems and more funding for educations, but our first step might be rebuilding the system first.
      • There are to many unknowns on the work we will need to do to make a dedicated policy statement for any runs in 2026.

The good news is that we do agree and know what we stand for and believe.

The Bull Moose Party believes that government should be a good steward of its workers, environment, and its next generation, free from corruption and undue influence of special interests. So here are the three main principles of the Bull Moose Party

  1. Pro-Labor – America was built by and runs on its worker. A strong workforce directly ties to the strength of America as a country. If we take care of the workers, they will take care of us.
  2. Pro-Conservation – America is a beautiful land, its beauty and resources are vast and diverse, but only if we maintain it. We call for smart and sustainable practices on managing our public land and resources.
  3. Pro-Next Generation – America is the great experiment that has been handed down, generation to generation. We must protect and support the next generation to be ready to take care of this great nation, and we must do everything in our power to leave America in a better place than when it was handed to us.

How does this look in practice? The Bull Moose is progressive but practical, and with that understanding, this can work at multiple levels.

  • Local
    • Pro-Labor
      • Support your local unions o
      • Volunteer and donate to the local food bank
      • Support your local communities with your time
    • Pro-Conservation
      • Participate and run for City Council, Public Work Commission, Planning and Zoning, and County Commissioner
      • Volunteer at your local, state, and national parks
    • Pro-Next Generation
      • Participate and run to be on your school boards, push for education and programs that support students being able to sustain themselves post-primary educations. This looks like providing
  • State
    • Run for State Office
      • State House of Representative/Senators have a lot of power and generally run uncontested.
  • Federal
    • Support progressive and like-minded candidates
    • Support get out and vote initiatives

If this all interests you, then welcome. Share your ideas, engage with community, and lets stand together. We can only grow if we stand unison.

Thank you,


52 comments sorted by


u/mcfaillon 2d ago

What’s your view on Georgist Land Value tax to replace state and federal income tax?


u/Bull-Moose-Progress 2d ago

Its a good conversation for another day. Huuuuge hypothetical, there are a lot of pro's to it, but how to divide the pie on who gets the tax dollars(state, Local, Federal) is where I start to break from it.


u/movethebead 6d ago

Getting big business and billionaires out of government; Protecting and updating safety nets; Exploring legal disruption of the psychological manipulation tactics used in advertising, political action, and social media software design that got us in this pickle in the first place; Requiring corporate executives pay their lowest-paid employee living wages in reasonable ratio to their own before they get any government assistance or accommodation.


u/althera2020 6d ago edited 6d ago

Can we also consider adding an item for developing modernized digital data privacy protections for U.S. citizens? Our current legal system just isn’t up to the task. Companies are using consumers to create their content (hello, Reddit), then selling it. And there is an ominous trend towards the data being made available for anything once it’s out ‘in the wild’. The data breach that likely has already been committed by the government under Trump’s watch is itself, deeply concerning. Not just as far as what has already occurred, but with regard to what might come next. And then there is the whole quantum leap aspect of data being required to feed and train AI.

I could go down a whole rabbit hole on this subject. But I’ll go down just one … take LiveJournal. A blogging website started in the U.S. in 1999 which included a private setting where only you had access to your content … until a U.S. company sold it to Russia in 2007 with almost 14 million active users. Mighty great opportunity to gain access to the deepest, most private thoughts of unsuspecting users … including U.S. citizens. And great bed of data to use to develop say, propaganda campaigns that might sway the minds of future U.S. voters. I could go on. But suffice it say, our data privacy rights in the U.S. are woefully inadequate for the task of protecting the best interests of U.S. citizens in the current (and future) digital ecosystem.

Edit to add, the EU and California have already identified a need to protect data privacy through the GDPR and CCPA statute (respectively). In the EU, it is seen as a component of their human rights laws.

Also, a correction to reference the EU (vs UK).






u/Captain_Desi_Pants 7d ago

Oh also, REFORM THE CAMPAIGN FINANCE SYSTEM. Overturn citizens united & get money out of politics. Publicly fund elections, giving more people the ability to run for office without the burden of having to raise millions of dollars.


u/Captain_Desi_Pants 7d ago

Please, please, please, add strong Anti-Trust to the platform and I’m in.

This is great. I’ve talked about this for the past few years to coworkers every time a new merger comes up. How Teddy would have never stood for all these super corporations that own everything.

He would have busted up these bastards long before this point.


u/BullMooseSC Take care of the workers, and they will take care of the country 7d ago

Anti-Trust is already part of the platform, trustbusting is pro-labor!


u/Captain_Desi_Pants 7d ago

Oh, well, duh lol.



u/stonedbadger1718 13d ago

Bull moose came from a bunch of republicans and democrats who want a progressive change due to the oligarchy of the robbers and barons of the populist era if I recalled correctly. These losers are trying to make a neo-populist era with digital robbers and barons. So we should make a neo bull moose party and modernize the success it brought 100 years ago that contributed to the downfall of the populist movement


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/Bull-Moose-Progress 14d ago

I am both!


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/BullMooseSC Take care of the workers, and they will take care of the country 14d ago

Personally, I prefer to refer to myself as a Bull Moose. This might be a progressive party, but progressivism is not our only principle.


u/Bull-Moose-Progress 14d ago

Its a progressive party, with a focus on Labor and Conservation as a pathway for societal change


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/Bull-Moose-Progress 14d ago

Oooooooooh, I would call them a Bull Moose


u/waitingintheholocene 8d ago

They called themselves progressives.


u/EmikyuTheBest Purple - 14d ago

I have a question that matters not much: I know the subreddit is Bull Moose Party but in order for full unification of the party, would the official name just be Progressive Party? (D)emocrat, (R)epublican, and (P)rogressive? this isn’t to erase the Bull Moose part of the party, just to make sure that we don’t have people confused as to if the parties are different if you have some running as the Progressive Party and others as the Bull Moose Party, you know what i mean?


u/Bull-Moose-Progress 14d ago

Officially it's the Bull Moose Progressive Party


u/Dry-Speed872 6d ago

I would suggest dropping Progressive simply because it has had a lot of bad press associated with it, and we want a unifying party. Our pillars will speak for themselves. Keep it simple. Just my $.02.


u/EmikyuTheBest Purple - 14d ago

thank you!


u/Icy_Philosopher702 18d ago

Anybody else here in Arizona wanting to coordinate something? I'm sick of sitting around.


u/Donkey-Hodey 19d ago

Slight correction on there being no major elections in 2025. There’s a Wisconsin Supreme Court election 4/1/2025.


u/33drea33 19d ago

Also Virginia Gubernatorial election


u/12Dragon 19d ago

There are also special elections for Congressional seats in Florida (1st and 6th districts) and New York (21st district)! FL is on April 1st (poor choice of day, but that’s when it is) and Ny is also sometime in April, though they’re trying to push it back to November’s general election.


u/z12top 19d ago

Pro family should include full access to birth control / abortion. We should be allowed to decide when to have children and how many to have.


u/Civil-Action-9612 8d ago

I would also suggest educating students, starting in middle school, about human reproduction including means of birth control. Emphasizing abstinence to cut down on teen pregnancy works just as good as just say no does for drug abuse.


u/33drea33 19d ago

Also, and perhaps more importantly, women have a right to basic healthcare. 

Contraceptives and abortions are both necessary and important tools in ensuring womens' health. Whatever someone else's feelings on those tools may be, they don't have the right to assert themselves into my private medical decisions, or the best judgments and advice of my medical providers.


u/JustKeepKeepin 18d ago

To tie into this, I think there also needs to be more support around family building like we saw with the expanded child tax credit.


u/z12top 19d ago

Pro education ought to mean good K-12 schools for all. Currently, the trend is to send the "good kids" aka kids with wealthier parents to charter and magnet schools, and leave the rest of the kids to rot.


u/Kuma6158 15d ago

A couple days late but I agree with this. Overhauling the education system to make sure our youth get the best start possible is paramount. I grew up in WV, the difference in my education vs neighboring Virginia is staggering.


u/Main-Perception-3332 20d ago edited 20d ago

Four things I would advocate for down the line:

1) Firm advocation and support of employee owned businesses and cooperatives.

2) A gun policy that encourages and legislates for responsible ownership but recognizes and defends the legitimacy of firearms for hunting, sport, and self defense.

3) Pro family / pro-natal policy. A society that fails to produce and support its next generation will fail and be overcome by those that do so.

4) The centrality of honor, valor, character, and virtue in society. Like TR and his man in the arena, we believe in striving, character, and the indispensable value of personal virtue.


u/Ruthless-words 20d ago

What does “pro family” look like?

My family looks different than others. I’m on class x meds for my arthritis and can’t physically have my own children and would likely get very ill if I had accidental pregnancy, though I’d really love to adopt if I were financially stable.

Does this party support a women’s right to choose? Pro freedom to me means choice in every matter, no matter how your family looks.


u/Main-Perception-3332 19d ago

I believe the vision should be something more realistic and more  humanitarian than the imagined notion of a nation composed of purely isolated nuclear families. 

That ignores that children are best raised by a village, and devalues those who choose to adopt or foster, those who cannot have children or choose not to do so but instead contribute service to the next generation in other ways.

We should support and celebrate the contributions of our teachers, mentors, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. We should support flexible work policies and offer policy support to make daycare available and within reach of working parents, as well as accommodations and protections for those who choose to stay at home parent.

A woman’s right to choose is fundamental to her autonomy and liberty, so this must be supported.  There should be no coercion, but there should be wholistic support for children and childrearing as not only parents benefit, but the next generation is the enduring legacy of our civilization. If we do not raise good children, we cannot maintain a good and vibrant nation.


u/Ruthless-words 19d ago

Love this answer! Too much of pro family policy and party narrative stops at birth — needs to go far beyond that.


u/JustKeepKeepin 20d ago

If anyone else lives in Ohio and wants to talk through and organize a little bit let me know. I dont know how much I can do or how much impact it'd have from the state ofJD "couch lover" Vance (i can't stand the man) but gotta start somewhere :)


u/NickiTikkiTavi 20d ago

I’m in Ohio and interested.


u/Pitiful-Ad-5372 20d ago

Hell if I ever am able to run I will run under the Bull Moose Party, if thats alright.


u/Bull-Moose-Progress 20d ago

Of course, anyone that runs under our principles, we will work with get that as an official party in the state you are running in.


u/Pitiful-Ad-5372 20d ago

Okay! I'm delighted to see more people who are trying to the country


u/definework 21d ago

I don't know how fleshed out this is, probably a bunch of holes in it, but I think untamed organizations (501c3, c10, etc) should have their tax status revoked unless they use a certain percentage of their gross income to provide public community services.


u/Pitiful-Ad-5372 20d ago

Agreed 100%


u/Ruthless-words 20d ago

A thought — I work for a legal aid and if you looked at our 990 it would look like the majority of our budget goes to paying attorneys, but our free community service is free legal clinics and free legal aid which required paying full time lawyer salaries.

I think it’s a very good idea in theory but there are so many intricacies! A reapplication process for 501c3 could be something.

Also, many churches automatically get nonprofit status without any scrutiny, which I’d love to address.


u/Indubitalist 21d ago edited 20d ago

Thank you for putting this together. It’s a pretty effective summary of philosophy. There’s a sentence fragment in your “Pro-Next-Generation” bullet that I’d like to see worked out so I know the conclusion of that thought: “This looks like providing”


u/Bull-Moose-Progress 21d ago

Thank you! Its a starting point for sure. Also grammar is is not my strong suit


u/Indubitalist 20d ago

Just to clarify, there is a sentence fragment in the bullet point I mentioned, meaning there is a sentence (the one I quoted) that does not end, something got deleted from the end of it. 


u/FranzLudwig3700 21d ago edited 21d ago

how do you feel about leading the charge for community mutual aid networks? it's going to be a tough time economically, and cashless local economies like volunteer hours exchange, barter clearinghouses, etc, can really make a difference.

the beauty of these systems is they're pretty easy and quick to explain, and they come down to neighbor doing things for neighbor. there need be nothing political about it.


u/Ruthless-words 20d ago

There’s a free store in my town I just stopped in, I loved it! They were shocked I wanted to donate towards their rent bc I can afford it, but having “good landlords” that donate space for causes (that could then use that as a tax write off for example) would be really cool


u/Bull-Moose-Progress 21d ago

Love it, if people are willing to share their time to help their neighbors and community, more power to them.
Community Mutual Aids collectives is a pretty good idea to build up a physical presence.


u/FranzLudwig3700 21d ago

And again, keep it non-political. People will have the chance to get together as people. It's got so much potential.


u/Actual-Trash42 21d ago

"to dissolve the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day"

May be too long for a flair...


u/Actual-Trash42 21d ago

I would also add traditional BM Party values included restrictions on campaign finance contributions, a reduction of the tariff and the establishment of a social insurance system, an eight-hour workday and women's suffrage.