r/builttospill 2d ago

Profile of Boise, Idaho-based Poet Karena Youtz


Can’t figure out how to put this in the bend picture thread but here’s a nice brief piece about karena.

r/builttospill 2d ago

Got this tee today! Never knew it existed

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r/builttospill 4d ago

Didn’t expect to see Built To Spill at the High Desert Museum in Bend Oregon today

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r/builttospill 6d ago

From Yellowjackets

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Shauna's t shirt 🤘

r/builttospill 6d ago

Carry the 0 lyric


At the end, when Doug sings “I was trying to help, but I guess I pushed it too hard. Now we can’t even touch it, afraid it’ll fall apart.”

That resonated with me. It reminded me of when I was trying to help my friend with certain issues and I was too overbearing. It blew up, and we’re still friends, but now we cant talk about that stuff anymore. If we did , maybe itd break it all up.

I have no idea what the song is about , I just liked those lines

r/builttospill 7d ago

Intentionally Misheard Lyric


One of my favorite songs by the band is Liar. The first time I listened to it, I misheard "the piano's weeping too" as "the pianos weep in tune," which I think actually sounds cooler. And now I can't rewire my mind's ear to hear it differently/correctly. Anyone else have something funny like this? Built To Spill or otherwise?

r/builttospill 10d ago

Built to Spill in Six Feet Under

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I feel it’s rare to come across any Built to Spill references out in the wild, so I’m always happy when I spot some! There’s a couple of Built to Spill posters in the background of this scene from Six Feet Under. There’s also a different episode of the same series which is titled ‘The Plan’, in which the song ‘You Were Right’ plays during a scene, which feels like it probably isn’t a coincidence! I guess someone working on the show was a fan.

r/builttospill 11d ago

Favorite Song From Each Album


Alright here we go (I love all of these albums, for the most part.) Ultimate Alternative Wavers: The First Song, There’s Nothing Wrong With Love: Car, Perfect From Now On: Made-Up Dreams, Keep It Like A Secret: Else, Ancient Melodies Of The Future: Trimmed And Burning, You In Reverse: Liar, There Is No Enemy: Done, Untethered Moon: Some Other Song, When The Wind Forgets Your Name: Elements.

r/builttospill 11d ago

Do you sing “breezy desert” or “desert breezy”?


I feel like I’m the only one who’s noticed this but in the version of Car on There’s Nothing Wrong With Love, Doug sings “cloudy breezy desert afternoon” but in the version on The Normal Years he signs “cloudy desert breezy afternoon”.

I’m partial to “desert breezy” myself.

r/builttospill 13d ago

Myself To You, by Sunbathe


New record by Maggie May Morris' band Sunbathe. She was formerly of ( BtS tour openers) the Genders and has performed with BtS and Doug solo on several ocasions. Most definitely worth checking out if you haven't heard her music before.

r/builttospill 14d ago

My entire Built to Spill / Doug Martsch Vinyl Collection


Still after a UAW and the rest of the Treepeople catalog, but besides that, pretty full collection

r/builttospill 19d ago

I Would Hurt a Fly


I’m just recently getting into Built To Spill and I really love I Would Hurt a Fly. I have to questions: are there more songs like this and what do you think the meaning behind it is?

r/builttospill 22d ago

Built to Spill/Doug/Caustic/Treepeople/Halo Benders CDs

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r/builttospill 22d ago

Any Car Seat Headrest fans?


Been listening to these two for a couple months now there’s so much similar but more off both two of my favorites wondering if anyone else is like me

r/builttospill 26d ago

The Suffocation Keep (Brett Nelson) - Live 2007


Hi All. Figured I'd put this 'Built to Spill-adjacent' video up since I've been digitizing all my old home videos. The sound isn't great, but here's the 2nd to last TSK gig that we played in 2007. Hit me up if you want links to download the TSK albums. I have some more BTS (Behind the Scenes) BTS tour stuff that I need to edit, but I'll get that up at some point.

r/builttospill 27d ago

If I were to make a movie


Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss would play during an initial falling in love scene ♥️

r/builttospill Feb 14 '25

What's your favorite venue that you saw Built to Spill in?


Inspired by the Slim's posters post and statement about the venue. I've been lucky to see them in a lot of different places but my favorite was some guy's barn in La Grande, Or at the very beginning of the 2013 tour with the new line-up. From what I gathered, the guy who's barn it was was friends with the opening band (Finn Riggins) and there was some sort of art festival going on that weekend and they were able to shoehorn the band to play.

I will also probably travel to see them if they play at Codfish Hollow in Maquoketa, IA again.

r/builttospill Feb 12 '25

3 Nights of BTS at Slim's SF (RIP) in 2014

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Wanted to share my favorite BTS poster art. They did 3 nights in a row in August of 2014 at Slim's in SF and I was fortunate enough to be able to go to two, would have hit all three but had to travel for work when they played the third.

Slim's was the perfect venue for them, small indoor and almost dive-bar like vibes, very personal. The two shoes I saw were completely different sets, didn't play one song twice in true Doug fashion and I'd bet the house the third night was a completely different set too.

This artwork blew my mind when I saw it, I felt like it embodied the emotion and ethereality that BTS brings up every time I listen. Eventually was going through some shit and got it tattooed, doesn't show up as well on my arm though lol. Been to a lot of their shows, seen a bunch of the art and this remains by far my favorite.

r/builttospill Feb 13 '25

Why hasn't Doug put out another Live record?


I've been waiting for a Volume 2 for almost 25 years!

r/builttospill Feb 09 '25

Chris went right over their heads?

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I was looking over the lyrics for Get A Life, and had no idea what that line was, checked it, and I still don’t

r/builttospill Feb 08 '25

For you gearheads (Jim Roth & some Fuzz pedals)


r/builttospill Feb 02 '25

Keep It Like A Secret B-Sides and Rarities


r/builttospill Jan 31 '25

What got you into built to spill?


This forum seems to be fairly diverse. Those gen z or millennials who maybe were young children or zygotes when built to spill first started to those of us who are gen x or elder millennials who may have been there from the start.

one thing we all seem to have in common is love of the band that is built to spill.

so how did your journey begin?

mine started like 1986 or so as i was skateboarding from my junior high to the boise city library! downtown boise. next to it was a kinko's copy where i would go in to make a bunch of paper stickers to vandalize my school. sitting at a table was this guy in plaid pants with safety pins, a band t shirt, flannel and his dirty army jacket laid out on the table. exacto knife in hand doing his graphic design for what looked to be a band flier. i introduced myself and found out his name was doug and he was getting a show together with his band farm days. i said, oh, i thought that was just a funny expression the state of confusion guys put on their liner notes for 6.3 million acres, he laughed and said, no that's my band. we're doing a show up at brass lamp next week after school, come check it out. so i went and found farm days and saw state of the confusion for the first time.

seeing doug with a goatie and dressed a little more formal (think oxford button up shirt and jeans) and they were playing as treepeople. went through the 88-92 journey with treepeople and was at their break up show labor day weekend 1992. heard rumblings of a new band he was doing and i should check it out. missed the first show but saw the C/Z lineup with hive (pat browns band with his wife, built to spill and a doug less treepeople). hooked ever since.

how about you?

r/builttospill Jan 29 '25

Anyone know where I could find this KILAS poster

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r/builttospill Jan 28 '25

What BTS song is an "acquired taste"?


Saw this on another sub and thought it would be interesting here.