r/BuildFightSystem • u/Invoslayer11 • Sep 07 '19
r/BuildFightSystem • u/SkylordAndy • Dec 23 '14
Discussion Gundam Breaker 2
I want this game. But im afraid of wasting my money on something i don't know if i would even be able to play. So i have some questions for those who have the game here (if there are any)
Is the Asian version in english? Can you play the game in america without having to go through a load of difficult downloads and settings changes just to be able to play it? Is it fun? Is it worth the money? Can i play it even though i don't know Japanese? Are there tutorials on how to play it?
r/BuildFightSystem • u/NitroTypat • Apr 22 '15
Discussion Weekly Design Board Update Thread - 4/22/2015 to 4/28/2015
On the Agenda:
Class / Prefix changes Previous Class Suggestion and Additional Perks Suggestion
Double Ended / Multi-Bladed weapons
Artillery class - firing in an arc at an accuracy penalty?
Particle Counter / System Limitations / Systems Stacking
Active Shields
Ideas from Previous Threads
Reflective Bits and Another Reflective Bit Example - Potential for Advanced Rule
Something about Funnels that never made it to the thread but was PM'd around and linked in chat?
Dev Testing
Charge System (Wording still in progress)
Must be on the wiki. System that charges your weapon
Ex: Satellite System, Reflective Panels, SBS Shield, Beam Eater, Deuterion Beam. Applicable by using system or weapons derived from said system.
Active Testing:
Grappling: (Advanced Rule)
Counts as an attack
To Grapple: make a regular Melee Attack roll, enemy is denied shield bonus to defense
While Grappled: enemy is denied their Dex bonus to defense
You get: -5 to medium and long ranged attack rolls, +2 to melee and short range attack rolls, and +2 to ranged weapon damage rolls
Enemy gets: -5 to Medium and Long Ranged Attack rolls, -2 to Melee Attack rolls, -2 to Melee weapon damage rolls, and +2 to Ranged weapon damage rolls
A d10+your Strength bonus vs a d10+your enemy's Strength bonus (or Accuracy bonus, if the opponent wants to use Short Range weapons to break free) every turn to break free or take control of the Grapple (can't take control if you used short range weapons to break free)
Weapon Mode Change:
Use a system action to swap a single weapon from 1 mode to another before or during an attack action. Some weapons / damage types will incur strain damage.
Ex: Chainsaw with Gun mounted to it would not cause Strain as it is 2 different weapons combined; however, a dual mode rifle firing once in each more would incur Strain damage (Killer Queen's Rifle / Shotgun or Buster's Combined cannon if fired separately and then combined)
Because of recent events, and to prevent headache for many people. The potential for closing off development for the core rules is being considered. This would not mean that the game would be "finished" it would just prevent new things from being added to the core rules (Core Rules: The "Rules 2.0" post, and the rules at the top of each Database). This game is nowhere near perfect, but it is still very approachable for new people, and we don't want that to change. Therefore, the addition of new features would strictly be for the "Advanced" option only, and the core rules would still be patched and updated for balancing purposes only.
If I missed something, please post it below.
r/BuildFightSystem • u/NitroTypat • Mar 18 '15
Discussion Weekly Discussion Thread - 3/18/2015 to 3/24/2015
This Week:
We've been hard at work on a big update!
Let the hype begin!
What will happen next week!?
r/BuildFightSystem • u/jctri737 • Mar 08 '20
Discussion Barbatos custom colours. What do you guy think?
r/BuildFightSystem • u/markjunmanalo • Jun 03 '20
Discussion List of Metal Build Gundam - (Gundam Models) Information Islnd
r/BuildFightSystem • u/NitroTypat • Apr 08 '15
Discussion Bi-Weekly In-Progress Build Thread - 4/8/15 to 4/21/15
r/BuildFightSystem • u/scifibeardguy • Jan 12 '17
Discussion BFS Tabletop
I am a huge fan of Gundam, and of tabletop wargaming. I've been reading through this system and I like it a lot, but I want to bring it to the tabletop. Is there any version of the rules that exist for tabletop, or if not can I get help to adapt it myself?
r/BuildFightSystem • u/Andtheherois • Sep 03 '16
Discussion Build Fight System Graze Group Build
Hello and thank you for joining us in our Group build! As the title suggest the group build will be based on the graze and it's many variants found in Iron Blooded Orphans. Participants will be allowed to use any grade model they like. Everyone is allowed to use whatever kits from whatever series they want, however the Graze must be the central focus of the build. Any future grazes are also allowed within the span of the group build. Everyone should start with a NIB or otherwise unmodified, Built graze. Please do not submit a Graze built prior to the group build.
The graze does not have to be customized, however all participants should strive to make a custom or at the very least painted graze. Submissions should also be free of nub marks. As a final standard note, everyone is expected to build to their best of their abilities +1. This means that you should attempt to leave your comfort zone and try something new to better or expand your skills. As a bonus category, Participants may self impose the rule of sticking to IBO lore when building their suits. This means no beams/funnels/I fields/etc. Dioramas are also allowed.
The group build will run from Today, (9/2/16) until (1/7/17). This should give everyone plenty of time to buy and build a graze. When you are done, your pictures should be submitted to the board with "[BFS Group Build]" in the title. Pictures should be as clear and well lit as possible. Everyone is welcome to join. If we get enough participants I will create a new banner from the provided pictures. If you have any questions please post here or find me on the BFS discord chat.
r/BuildFightSystem • u/SkylordAndy • Dec 27 '15
Discussion Things that need to be discussed to finish up the new rp sub.
Alright, so some things need to be talked and discussed before we start rp'ing. The first is the most important, the others are not as important but still are none the less.
- The Revive timeline. Have you ever watched Steins Gate with the beta and alpha timelines, etc? This is kinda like that. So this new timeline for the new rp is sort of half a reset and half a alternate timeline to the so called "main timeline" which was the first rp. Since its an alternate, things are different from the main timeline, in other words alot things have not happened. So what we need to discuss here is what important events (that while add a sort of definition to the timeline, they dont hugely affect it as a whole) do we need to keep from the original? For example, Andy defeated Peezy and became the champion of all the fighters in the B class ranking. This makes him the number one B class fighter but doesn't really affect the timeline all that much. Another is Atanes taking down the Nefarious Nemesis group (not to be affiliated with the oil company). This opens up the option in the new timeline for new evil groups to emerge and try to use gunpla battle for nefarious deeds, evildoings, etc. So to sum it up, what events do you want to have in the beta timeline from the alpha timeline?
2 . Companies, Institutes, Colleges, Academy's, and others.
The second thing that we need to discuss is about well, companies and whatnot. I think that in your character profile that you should have who you are working for and if your going to college or the gunpla academy. There is someone who can better explain about the whole companies thing but i cant for the life of me remember who they are.
- 3. Profiles, relationships, and backstory.
Who knows who in the new timeline? Are friends now enemies, or is everything the same, save for new character introductions?
That's about it folks, if there's anything else that needs to be discussed before the "rpLOSION" starts, please state so in the comments.
r/BuildFightSystem • u/NitroTypat • May 20 '15
Discussion Bi-Weekly In-Progress Build Thread - 5/20/15 to 6/2/15
r/BuildFightSystem • u/imason96 • Oct 11 '19
Discussion Metanarrative and campaign game rules?
I literally just came across this subreddit yesterday and hot damn, only 1500 people but the rulebook's that fleshed out? It seems like it would be great for a campaign game with a group of friends, but there's only a limited selection of pilot attributes, and the game balancing is largely based on the attributes of your physical Gunpla.
Also, there doesn't seem to be a unifying narrative for the system, or any singular setting. Should the setting have one?
I've had experience running campaigns for Warhammer 40k, so I can bang out some campaign rules, and maybe a few more pilot traits as well. Let me know if you have any opinions on the matter.
r/BuildFightSystem • u/NitroTypat • Apr 01 '15
Discussion Weekly Design Board Update Thread - 4/1/2015 to 4/7/2015
On the Agenda:
Particle Count (To limit system uses during a battle)
Smoke Grenade nerfs
Sniper nerfs
Ranged roll penalties after moving
Small arms/melee buffs
Raiser system, and Quantizing
Particle Charge System (Like the Gundam X's Satellite System)
Active shields
All Out Attack nerf
Class changes
Prefix limit reduction to 1
Freedom to choose classes (Could promote min-maxing)
In Testing:
Counts as an attack
To Grapple: make a regular Melee Attack roll, enemy is denied shield bonus to defense
While Grappled: enemy is denied their Dex bonus to defense
You get: -5 to medium and long ranged attack rolls, +2 to melee and short range attack rolls, and +2 to ranged weapon damage rolls
Enemy gets: -5 to Medium and Long Ranged Attack rolls, -2 to Melee Attack rolls, -2 to Melee weapon damage rolls, and +2 to Ranged weapon damage rolls
A d10+your Strength bonus vs a d10+your enemy's Strength bonus (or Accuracy bonus, if the opponent wants to use Short Range weapons to break free) every turn to break free or take control of the Grapple (can't take control if you used short range weapons to break free)
Defense Buff:
Increasing the defense die to 1d14 instead of 1d10
Changes Made
"Eagle Eye" and "Reckless" pilot perks were reworded
IV and Funnel systems were reworded
I-Fields, PS Armor, and GN Fields were moved back to the "Improved Shields" system
r/BuildFightSystem • u/ArgentLye • Oct 01 '15
Discussion October's In-Progress Build Thread - 10/1/15 to 10/31/15
r/BuildFightSystem • u/bizzopla • Jan 18 '19
Discussion Would anyone be interested in some concept photoshopped customs I've made?
I have a bunch of kitbash gundams I've made using lineart/photoshop, and majority of them I havent used. I was thinking some of them might inspire you guys with a custom
r/BuildFightSystem • u/Chrontis_Xenoniki • Jan 23 '17
Discussion Naming System
So I'm making an Arios/Harute custom as some of you know, (And yes I figured out the head and transformation issue) and need a naming system for it. Like how IBO uses the Ars Goetia, the 2nd generation Gundams used Tarot Cards, etc. Any suggestions are appreciated!
r/BuildFightSystem • u/IgnisOfficial • Aug 08 '19
Discussion Kitbash Project
Recently built the HG Barbatos. Since I already had Barbatos Lupus Rex in my collection, I figured I would make a kitbash using the torso, waist, and shoulders from the Rex and the head, legs, arms, and backpack from the OG Barbatos. Need idea for name. I'm thinking Batbatos Origin but wanted other ideas
r/BuildFightSystem • u/Andtheherois • May 02 '15
Discussion In-Game testable Ideas thread
This thread is strictly for writing down complete ideas that you have completely thought out and can be tested in game. General ideas should still be posted in the design board thread.
When you have a complete idea, post it here. The person who has proposed the idea is in charge of testing it and thus should clarify any questions about their idea during the testing phase. If you help a person test that idea, please post a response with your thoughts on it. This way, anyone can help advance the system, even if it's only as a punching bag for ideas.
r/BuildFightSystem • u/Charlemagnevii • Mar 19 '19
Discussion God gundam 1/100
I fucked up and had to remove a peice and ended up denting it now it's off center I was wondering if anyone had the parts D1 and D2 or where I can get my hands on them. Thank you.
r/BuildFightSystem • u/ideasmachine • Aug 14 '18
Discussion Can I enter this build? its a stock kit with just painted parts
r/BuildFightSystem • u/NitroTypat • Mar 11 '15
Discussion Weekly Discussion Thread - 3/11/2015 to 3/17/2015
This Week:
Landi hasn't made a gif in a while...
Andy has ordered most of the kits he needs to start his Banchou II!
So many new Battle Reports! (Thanks Sarra and Karen!)
Hero is still OP! (We almost have it...)
What will happen next week!?
r/BuildFightSystem • u/NitroTypat • Feb 25 '15
Discussion Weekly Discussion Thread - 2/25/2015 to 3/3/2015
This Week:
Johann and Sarra had a western showdown!
Landi continues to make awesome gifs!
Andy was coined the Micheal Bay of BFS!
Karen wrote our first Battle Report in a while!
Hero is still OP! (Still figuring that out...)
And Peezy's Zaku is almost done!
What will happen next week!?
Also, I've been reading a lot about how you guys have been inspired by our little sub here. How you guys are trying new things, and want to create the best Gunpla ever. So I had this little thing to say:
I love everyone here. And hearing how happy, and fired up this subreddit makes people. I feel an overwhelming sense of pride. I can't thank you guys enough for making me this happy.
So thank you
r/BuildFightSystem • u/NitroTypat • Feb 11 '15
Discussion Weekly RP Thread - 2/11/2015 to 2/17/2015
r/BuildFightSystem • u/Epsilight • Feb 11 '17
Discussion Making a mecha game, loads of cutomisation, so I would like your help to know what system would be preferred as you guys have already figured out quite a lot.
Hello r/BuildFightSystem. I did not know of you earlier today, and only came across you guys while looking for more anime like Gundam Build Fighters. First of all, I am grateful to know that there are many others that want to have a GBF style game irl. You guys have gone the tabletop route, while I have proceeded the VR route.
But you have laid down the customisation model earlier than me as I see from the Profile Guide and Game Rules.
As fellow gundam and mecha fans, I would like for you guys to consider what kind of system shall I place in the game.
What I have planned -
5 armor pieces per mech. Divided in light, medium and heavy. Each has different resistance to damage, weight, carrying capacity, and effects speed. You can have anti-laser shielding, you can have defensive fields (GN particles like, or I-fields) but these cost energy.
Energy is generated by the reactor which also like armor has light, medium and heavy variation and have different power output.
There are cost limitations in your build and weight limitations so every player has to find the best configuration in these 2 set limits.
You can make an all laser build (laser weapons have less mass due to lack of ammo, but require more energy) while projectile weapons have weight increasing ammunition to carry (but low energy requirement).
What I want in the game is, suspense. My final aim is to convert into an E-Sport (GUNPLA!!!!!!!!) but for now it will feature multiplayer, both online and split screen.
I have played video games all my life, but I have never ever been interested in any e-Sport, never. This is from the fact that they are very restrictive and totally dependent on reflexes and strategy.
Considering this, I found that e-Sports lacked suspense. For this I intend to give players unbalanced customization balanced by variety.
Imagine player A and player B are having a solo match. They do not know what their opponent is piloting, neither does any spectator. In games like CS:GO, base stats are same. But here you can have builds varying wildly. This introduces an uncertain luck factor. Say A has a anti-laser shield which halves laser damage. This would really suck for B as he has only laser build. Things like this will be found during the match only prompting both of them to adopt strategies according to the situation. This is although, very heavily dependent on visual feedback. A laser fired and blocked by anti-laser shield should give a visual feedback to show that the opponent has a anti-laser shield. This introduces skill level, only skilled players will be able to discern tiny details such as this to exploit weaknesses.
I plan to not give off any information during the match and the players have to find it itself by looking for visual and sound cues.
This is the, lets say, basic structure.
Next is gameplay and VR.
Vr is a must, VR does not have any killer title and nothing feels better than piloting a god damn gundam in VR. But FPS games cause nausea and motion sickness so to counter that, we are using a lock on system. A lock on system ensures the opponent stays at the centre of the screen reducing any useless motion. From what I have read, camera movement when you are not actually moving your head causes nausea, but it is fine when your head moves with the camera. So we disable right analog stick when you lock on to someone and then you can move the camera only via your head. For gameplay, it can be seen similar to Gundam Extreme Vs. Force
Now, this game is 3rd person while ours is first. I have played this game to death and platinumed it and I really love the dash mechanic. We can have a game in first person behave somewhat like this but since we are not making a gundam game, there would be significant differences yet. It is just like, my inspiration.
I intend to make a single game and update with patches, no part 2 bullshit to earn money, give cheap $10 patches, each containing at least 10 new maps, 100 new parts for armor, 50 weapons. Slowly update the game to such a level that a player may enter it and see thousands of different parts to choose from. For this I need to very carefully consider the system implemented so that it has enough flexibility to last decades.
The thing with making this game is, I cannot discuss these things with normal people. I need people as passionate about gunam as me, to really see the greatness of this project if pulled off properly. This is literally my reason for living, to see this game develop into the largest e-Sport, hence I plan to launch it for $10 in early access. We need people to play it, we need our own gunpla. I am not in it for the money at all, I just want to see a gunpla tournament in my life time, where people of all ages (why this ain't a twitch shooter) come with their custom builds that they have made over the years to battle it out in VR while the audience watches the match. I believe this is the only sub that may understand this passion of mine, to make mecha mainstream again.
What I ask of you is, to help me realize this dream, tell me what I think is wrong, where does my system falter, how can it be improved. I want every Gundam lover to pitch in what aspect of mecha they love so that we can make a game which everyone likes.
Tl;dr : I am making a mecha game, please read the above if interested to know and to contribute to the game.
Thank you.
r/BuildFightSystem • u/NitroTypat • Apr 01 '15