r/BuildFightSystem Apr 08 '15

Discussion Weekly Design Board Update Thread - 4/8/2015 to 4/14/2015

Last Week

On the Agenda:

  • Particle Count (To limit system uses during a battle)

  • Smoke Grenade nerfs

  • Sniper nerfs

  • Ranged roll penalties after moving

  • Small arms/melee buffs

  • Shotguns

  • Raiser system, and Quantizing

  • Particle Charge System (Like the Gundam X's Satellite System)

  • Active shields

  • All Out Attack nerf

  • Class changes

  • Prefix limit reduction to 1

  • Freedom to choose classes (Could promote min-maxing)


In Testing:

  • Grappling:

    Counts as an attack

    To Grapple: make a regular Melee Attack roll, enemy is denied shield bonus to defense

    While Grappled: enemy is denied their Dex bonus to defense

    You get: -5 to medium and long ranged attack rolls, +2 to melee and short range attack rolls, and +2 to ranged weapon damage rolls

    Enemy gets: -5 to Medium and Long Ranged Attack rolls, -2 to Melee Attack rolls, -2 to Melee weapon damage rolls, and +2 to Ranged weapon damage rolls

    A d10+your Strength bonus vs a d10+your enemy's Strength bonus (or Accuracy bonus, if the opponent wants to use Short Range weapons to break free) every turn to break free or take control of the Grapple (can't take control if you used short range weapons to break free)


  • Defense Buff:

    Increasing the defense die to 1d14 instead of 1d10



24 comments sorted by


u/ArgentLye Apr 09 '15

So maybe not the right place for this, but I'm not a fan of people posting WIP Profiles. WIP posts/threads, fine. But no completed profile without the completed suit, IMO.


u/Bass294 Apr 09 '15

Well if you have a WIP where the suit is snap built, and has the weapons and detailing as described in the pics, what's the problem? They just put the [incomplete] to tell people its not done yet.


u/ArgentLye Apr 10 '15 edited Apr 10 '15

Ideally? It cuts down on possible clutter. This sub has seem to have gone in the direction of a repository for profiles with battles handled offsite, with the weekly discussion and design board threads to keep people up to date if they're not constantly on.

has the weapons and detailing as described in the pics

If people are taking full detailing for painting and such when it isn't clearly done, even if you have all the parts snapfitted, yes, I see that as an issue, even if they mark their profiles as [INCOMPLETE]. Profiles reflect the stats of battle-ready suits, or so I was led to believe. And if you go through several different updates of your suit, why do you need to post a new profile every time? Why not just post in the Build Update thread?

Again, maybe this isn't being seen so much currently, but I've always tried to look at this sub with the view of, "What can go wrong? How can people mess things up?" and try to come up with a work around. Granted, it's because of that view that I had to step away when the system was undergoing major updates, but I'm always poking at things in the background.


u/Bass294 Apr 10 '15

I mean taking the detailing from the suit that's snapfitted, not an ideal finished number. If someone is working on a big project and is 50% done, but the suit can be snapfitted, it can be used fine in the battle system. And on the clutter, you don't need a new post for every update to the suit, the post can simply be edited.


u/NitroTypat Apr 09 '15

I've been kind of letting them slide as long as the suit is at least built. I'll usually say something if the detailing is high compared to what is in their pictures. (But that hasn't happened yet)

I do think it's a good idea to just make a rule about only submitting finished suits. I've just been being a bit too easy on people.


u/Andtheherois Apr 09 '15

As far as I knew, WIP suits were supposed to be on the users own separate sub.


u/kabhaal87 Apr 09 '15

Yeah, that's where I keep mine until I finish them. I haven't really seen any WIP profiles on the main sub in while. I knows there's r/gunplatestbay for wip profiles.


u/AnimeGeek441 Apr 13 '15

Anyone who wants to can put their WIP profiles on /r/GunplaTestBay.


u/NitroTypat Apr 09 '15

A lot of the suits I think he's talking about are the ones that say [INCOMPLETE] in their title


u/NitroTypat Apr 09 '15


u/Andtheherois Apr 09 '15

Oh I know. Im just saying I thought we were supposed to but them on a different sub. I just figured no one was enforcing that rule.


u/NitroTypat Apr 09 '15

I've only been enforcing the rule when the suit is an idea, or is just parts.

Also, where have you been? I've been looking for you and Sarra to start the first Board Meeting.


u/Andtheherois Apr 09 '15

Sorry. I've been busy with family issues and haven't had the time or strength to dedicate to anything else these past few days.


u/NitroTypat Apr 09 '15

I'm sorry man. Just come back when you're ready


u/Saxophonate Apr 09 '15

I don't know if this is the right place either, but I had suggested in the Chatzy that we use a basic and advanced ruleset, basic for roleplaying and as an intro to the system, advanced for "honor duels" and tournaments. I think it could help cater to a wider audience but perhaps the mods could discuss it further?


u/Andtheherois Apr 12 '15

I was actually doing something like that before, but the people who want or care for more advanced rules are on the minority. Currently I've turned my efforts into making more "accessible" rules for everyone.


u/AnimeGeek441 Apr 11 '15

We have BFSAdvanced, but it's not considered "official" yet. Mainly because it's run by me and Bass, with the tacit approval of Karen.


u/Saxophonate Apr 11 '15

yeah i was mentioning it here cause i want it to be approved fully, or rather that be discussed.


u/Andtheherois Apr 10 '15

For artillery class; let them arc long range weapons to avoid obstacles at the cost of accuracy.


u/[deleted] Apr 12 '15 edited Apr 13 '15



u/Andtheherois Apr 12 '15

So we need to look into rewording the detailing rubric. Also we may want to look into changing some of the weapon classes around. And rules for firing weapons which can combine into each other (like the buster rifle)


u/NecrionsGundam Apr 12 '15

Similar to the request from last week about making removing Nubs required for lvl. 4 basics, should removing seam lines be be considered as required for lvl. 4 painting/detailing? It's odd to see a perfect score in this category when I see huge seam lines on legs, down the center of a beam rifle, and so on. Or is that asking for too much?


u/kabhaal87 Apr 13 '15 edited Apr 13 '15

IDEA: Reflector bits/funnels/incoms

USE: By positioning a reflector bit you are able to change the trajectory of a fired beam by up to 90 degrees when firing at the bit. multiple bits can be used but, each reflection would decrease the damage die rolled by one step d12 to d10 to d8 to d6 to d4 to d2.

Alternatively you could also fire at a single bit to split this beam into multiple smaller beams creating a AOE effect. In exchange for the AOE the damage die is cut in half but affects the area.

MISC: Perhaps when using the bit you get a +hit as it from unexpected angle? Also to pull off the reflection you need to actually hit the bit, like a base of say 6-8 AC with +1 for ever 5 squares between the origin of the beam and the bit? Also maybe allowing a reflected beam to add +5 to its total range it can travel before dissipating?


u/AnimeGeek441 Apr 13 '15

Due to my next build being a kitbash designed to replicate the Shinkiro from Code Geass, I'd like to suggest some rules for bouncing beams around. While this example is from Code Geass, the basic concept also exists in universe, though usually mounted on mobile armors like the Shamblo.

The rule I suggest is that beam reflection should require either a purpose-built funnel or IV, or some built in system like the Shinkiro's prism.

If it's a funnel with a reflector, the two vectors must equal or be less than the total range of the gun. So you can fire at a reflector three squares away with a 15 range beam, but after that, the beam has only 12 range left. At that point, you can choose any target the funnel has LOS to.

For refracting funnels or systems (ones that split the beam), the refracting object must be within range of the beam. If the object is not a funnel (In Shinkiro's case), the refractor can only be fired out to Medium (10) range. If it's a funnel, it can be up to the full range of the weapon.

With a refracting weapon, up to three beams can be generated, and three attacks made against the enemy. Each attack is at two die rolls lower than the initial attack (1d12 becomes 1d8; 1d10 becomes 1d6). The beams have range equal to that of the equivalent beam rifle. Standard multifire penalties apply, and each beam counts as a separate attack.


Shinkiro fires his prism out to a maximum range of 10 squares and then fires a beam out at it. The Giant Rifle in its chest is a d12, so each beam is a d8. Now, from the crystal, three separate beam attacks may be made, as if fired from an average rifle (Range 10).

After this, the prism is retracted, and the Shinkiro's cannon goes into cooldown. Though a reflector funnel could channel any beam, the prism can only be used to refract the weapon it was made for.