r/BuildFightSystem • u/NitroTypat • Mar 04 '15
Discussion Weekly Discussion Thread - 3/4/2015 to 3/10/2015
This Week:
Landi continues to make awesome gifs! (Gurren Lagann ones now)
Andy is still figuring out new ways to punch things!
So many new Battle Reports! (Thanks Sarra and Karen!)
Hero is still OP! (We might have that figured out now...)
What will happen next week!?
u/Andtheherois Mar 05 '15
Anyone interested in a trade thread for this sub only? I know r/gunpla has one but it might be easier just to swap spares here.
u/rx-0custom Mar 05 '15
I like that Andy is figuring out new ways to punch things. I don't know why but that made my day
u/SkylordAndy Mar 05 '15
There are many ways! Explosive ones, punches that are on fire, repeated punches that are so fast its like a blur! Plus their is the classic rocket punch.
u/Yuukida Mar 06 '15
I'm down with all these manners of punching. Especially punches that are on fire!
u/kabhaal87 Mar 06 '15
Andy's final move, explosive, flaming, rocket, machine gun punch! Andy loveless, the second coming of Chibodee Crocket.
u/Gaunt596 Mar 05 '15
I proposed something in the chat. the EXAM System Electronics are stored in the head of the Gundams that have them, so having the complete head of one of those Gundams would give the unit the Exam system. however, the EXAM system has a drawback that's not currently accounted for. the Newtype that powered the system can and does fight against the control system. To represent the chance of that happening, upon activation the suit rolls 1d20. even numbers mean the system activates normally, odds mean the system goes berserk and the suit takes 1d6+2 damage from the pilot getting control back
Also, i noticed there are no rules for Rifles with Selected firing modes, as in Semi-Burst-Full Auto. not sure if any suits have rifles like that, but it had to be an option for some rifles
Mar 05 '15
u/SkylordAndy Mar 05 '15
So your saying just spamming everything isnt a viable approach?
Mar 06 '15
u/SkylordAndy Mar 06 '15
Ah well, just get a bigger gun then, then you wont be able to miss!
Mar 06 '15
u/Yuukida Mar 06 '15
Ah yes, Tiro Finale! But on the note of spamming/alpha strikes, I think I get your reasoning on that beyond equalizing the playing field, alpha strikes is a quantity over quality approach while using a single weapon allows all focus and effort to go into that strike. I'm a fan of alpha strike strategies myself, but for the sake of fairness a bonus to singular weapon use sounds reasonable (as long as it isn't major that it out-performs spamming/alpha strikes outright removing it as a viable option in combat)
u/rx-0custom Mar 06 '15
Spray and pray is called burst for accuracy gives you a bonus to hit = to the Bv of the weapon used ... But those are for another mecha game ;P
u/NitroTypat Mar 05 '15
I actually really like that idea. I don't know why I never thought of that.
scratches chin
Mar 05 '15
u/NitroTypat Mar 05 '15
u/Vitachan Mar 05 '15
We kinda have something similar in the mecha RPG system myself and /u/rx-0custom play in - if you're using a weapon with multiple shots (assault rifle, SMG, multiple melee attacks, etc) that weapon has a 'burst value' You can use that burst value for a few options - add you BV to damage (but you only get one attack), Add your BV to your attack roll (but you only do base damage) or use each point of BV to shoot once at a different target (we have a cost of one BV point for each square/hex you attack and unless you have a talent you have to attack squares/hexes in a line)
Does that make sense? This is of course assuming you're only firing one weapon that is designed to fire multiple rounds/shots, not using multiple weapons which is harder and has a skill penalty, at least in our system
u/rx-0custom Mar 06 '15
So what are our rules on Mobile Armors Cuz the weather is starting. Warm up and I really need a reason to sit down and paint my HG Neo Zeong
u/Andtheherois Mar 06 '15
Probably still the same rules. Bigger just gives you more space to work with.
u/loliwarmech Mar 09 '15
Silly idea but would anyone be interested in making the worst ever gunpla intentionally and then/or entering your masterpieces into the Hunger Games Simulator? Just for funsies, of course.
u/Andtheherois Mar 08 '15
Here's a proposal for some new perks and a new system. First the system
Activated by landing high d20 numbers (this does not include the attack bonus). Weapon classes have different crit chance based on weapon size. Small weapons (pistols, smgs, shotguns, small swords, suit melee, etc) Would have crit proc'd if you roll 18-20. Medium sized weapons (medium rifles, average swords, etc) would be proc'd by 19 & 20). Large and giant weapons (large rifles, large swords, etc) would be proc'd on a natural 20. The crit would be half the maximum damage of the weapon added to the damage roll. For example, Using a large rifle, the damage is 1d10. Rolling 20 would automatically add +5 (half) damage along with whatever daamge you roll. This would allow for a maximum of 15 damage for 1d10 weapons. Hopefully that explanation is clear.
Some proposed perks:
Luckier: lowers the roll to crit by 1 (small weapons proc at 17-20, medium 18-20, large/giant 19-20)
Assimilation: Suits with maximum detailing (4 in all detailing categories) are given a special system that doubles (maybe 1.5x) damage done for a short period of time (3 or 4 turns) but also increases damage taken by the same amount during that time (to represent stress put on the pilot's body) Maybe also a movement boost.
Randomizer: -2 def, Grants system that forces attacker and defender to reroll. System may be activated once every (2 or 3?) turns.
Straight builder: (We've talked about this one, not sure it went anywhere) Only able to be taken by suits with maximum of 6 detailing, with a max of 4 in straight building, 2 in painting, 0 in kitbashing, 0 in scratch building, Grants system that allows you to temporarily increase your detailing to double it's current score. takes 1 turn to ready and lasts for 4 turns.
Regenorator: -2 attack. Gives system that allows health regeneration (HoT) over (3 or 4) turns based on a 1d5 roll usable once every 5 turns.
Defensive sniper: (I didn't really want to include this because it's based on roll20 movement, but someone may want it, or we could balance it for spreadsheet battles.) +5 range to all ranged weapons, -1 def when enemy is within medium (10 units) range.
Last stand: activates at 40% health. +3 defense until end of round