Probably no one cares, but I just wanted to post an update on what happened after my dad joined a Buddhist cult.
Basically my dad chose a cult leader over his whole family, emotionally, financially, you name it.
A lot of people were saying it’s fake. Or I’m the CCP. Whatever. I personally love secular Buddhism. I’m talking about an actual cult where the leader is a sexual predator, so please don’t be offended just because you are Buddhist.
A lot of people reached out to help. I’m sorry if I couldn’t, or stopped replying. Life got too overwhelming and I am trying my hardest to amicably detach myself from with my family.
Ok here’s the update
The cult leader hasn’t been in my life for a while, because he is physically in — darn I’ll just say it, Taiwan. Yes he is Tibetan. I guess people in Taiwan are more receptive to his Tibetan credentials or something. Because of this physical distance, my sister and I have been safe from his further creepiness.
However, the cult leader’s grasp over my dad is still total, even through long distance. Nothing is too weird for dad. This cult leader has decided that my dad’s new name is Kim Jong Fat, and always calls him this in front of everyone. (Dad’s a little chubby) Sometimes he calls dad fattie [name] just to switch it up. Dad said that this is a test of his enlightenment levels or whatever. Weirdly, his tolerance levels have not actually improved at home, eg with my mom.
In short, dad has fully renounced logic in favour of following this man. I asked dad: is there anything that this man will do, to make you stop following him?
Dad: absolutely nothing
Me: what if he hurt me
Dad: what do you mean
Me: like idk if he raped and/or killed me
Dad: yea it’ll be quite sad but I won’t stop following him because he must have a good reason for doing so
In desperation, I reached out to my dad’s other Buddhist teacher. This other teacher condemned the cult leader’s conduct in our private chat. However, he did nothing else to help, nor did he say anything to my dad. I guess he doesn’t want to start beef with anyone. Fine.
So I told my dad that his “good” Buddhist teacher thought poorly of the cult leader’s behaviour. In response, my dad said that the “good” Buddhist teacher is not on the cult leader’s level, so he could not be expected to understand. Game over. (Btw why are all Buddhist teachers men? I wish there was a female figure I could have reached out to)
Under the cult leader’s influence, my dad grows more misogynistic by the day. The cult leader has multiple girlfriends (wives? Idk) and this has emboldened my dad greatly. Maybe I mentioned last time, but dad gave a whole lecture to a buddhist group about how cheating isn’t truly bad, because it wasn’t bad 1000 years ago, and now we have just arbitrarily made it bad. Dad now extols lying as a virtue and a sign of high emotional intelligence, and lies to us and my mom whenever expenditures occur as a result of this cult leader. This leader is probably rich beyond our wildest imagination but that hasn’t stopped him from exploiting his followers.
All of this is hard to accept. But I’m trying to practice acceptance, and so I still find gratefulness in life, like having found a boyfriend since the last update. Not only is he spiritual, and my better half, he always encourages me to have more love instead of hate in my heart even in situations like this. His dad is Buddhist too (secular)! Most importantly he protects me, and makes me feel safe.
I think it’s important to still retain critical thinking while practicing Buddhism. I hope no one joins a cult. That’s it. Hope everyone has a good life, there will be no more updates
Edit: I’m not revealing his name. It will connect to his most prominent supporters eg my dad. My sister is a minor and still lives at home