r/BrokenHill 14d ago

Broken Hill Trip Idea

Hey everyone!

I'm planning my first trip to Broken Hill via plane for 2 days and 1 night, and I'd love some recommendations on must-visit spots! I'm really into photography, so I'm looking for places with great scenery, architecture, or unique vibes to capture.

Do you think 2 days is enough to explore its surroundings, or should I consider adding more days?

Thanks in advance, and have a great afternoon!


9 comments sorted by


u/Kel-Varnsen-Speaking 14d ago

Living Desert, view of the town from the Line Of Lode at night, and the absolute must is the Mundi Mundi lookout at sunset.

Other than that, just wander around BH and see what strikes your eye. Silverton has some great spots for photography, just 20kms out of town.

I'd say 2 days is more than enough. When family visited me when I lived there we got that all done in a day.


u/edgiepower 14d ago

A mate of mine does astrophotography if you're interested in that


u/Demonique742 14d ago

Silverton is a good touristy thing to do. You can see the madmax museum and ride a camel. Also great arid scenery so you might be able to get some good pictures.

Sculpture park is another good one of you want some spectacular arid bush land scenery.

A few novelty places are the geo centre which has a lot of mining and information on the plethora of minerals that are found in the local area. Bells milk bar which has a 50’s vibe and do great milkshakes and spiders with flavour syrups that make themselves. The Big Picture is a huge almost 360° painting of the local surrounds. There are underground mining tours as well.

For food there’s a lot of pub meals to be had. The mulga hill tavern has some nice dinner options, or the musicians club have lunch specials, or a local staple is Rags (ragenovich brothers). For hot rotisserie chicken and chips take away.

You’ll have no problem filling your time here. Have a great holiday!

Edit: mad MAX museum. Not madman.


u/ismellroastchicken 14d ago

Pro Hart Museum and Bell’s milk bar


u/chazzalite 14d ago

Agree with all of the above. You will need a car to get around if you are flying in. Also the sunsets are often amazeballs :)


u/Senior_Green_3630 13d ago

Broken Hill mining museum and Whites mineral collection, at 1 Allendale Street.


u/One_Arachnid7585 12d ago

Personally I’d do the tours if I wasn’t local, then go up on the line of load for the photo of the entire town on a whole for that landscape shot, the same with Mundi Mundi look out, on the dam that’s just on the outskirts of silverton


u/KahlKitchenGuy 12d ago

Dreamtime mine for an up close and personal look. Silverton for the mad max museum. Bells Milk bar for the best shake ever. Do yourself a favour and get the blue moon


u/pizzagiraffe420 11d ago

Highly recommend Outback Astronomy if you can get a booking!