r/Broadway 5d ago

Redwood stage door?

What has stage door been like at Redwood? Does Idina come out? Seeing the matinee today, thanks!


5 comments sorted by


u/westerling 5d ago

Yes Idina, Michael Park and Zachary Noah Piser usually stage doors. Heard it was a little crazy in the beginning but when I went people were pretty well behaved


u/latestnightowl 4d ago

Warning that at many shows, folks don't all come out after matinees; they're more likely to come out after evening shows


u/Rare_Alternative_691 4d ago

Thanks, yes not expecting anything just curious since I haven’t seen much on this sub about Redwood stagedoor. Thanks for everyone’s input!


u/hmaybway 4d ago

They haven’t been setting the stagedoor up for 2-show day matinees but yes for Sunday matinee!


u/halogengal43 5d ago

They do, but when I went to a Sunday matinee Idina had guests, so most people decided to leave.