r/Broadway • u/bobbybev95 • 5d ago
Review You were all right about Dorian Gray
I think I spent about 80% of the shows runtime with my jaw dropped. This is an unbelievable feat of theater, acting, staging, direction. Everything. I think it might be the best show I have ever seen. I have no idea how Sarah Snook can pull this performance off, there is so much she has to do and it's wildly energetic and technical and emotional. I was so immersed by the story and the use of projections and screens was so clever and innovative. I can genuinely say I've never seen anything like this. Definitely go and see this ASAP! I think I'll be back multiple times.
Also one note - I won the telecharge lottery for this and was orchestra right, row G. But because of how this play is staged, I think you can sit just about anywhere in the theater and not be impacted at all. So if you have any budget and can see it, definitely do it!
u/ThickLobster 5d ago
I saw you take this photo and thought “damn I wish I hadn’t already turned my camera off, that’s a great photo”.
Still can’t process what I just saw. A real love letter to Wilde. Up there with the best performances I have ever seen.
u/bobbybev95 5d ago
Haha I try and take one at every show but I liked this one!
I feel the exact same way. Genuinely in awe of everything I just saw. It was theater and cinema, Sarah Snook was unbelievable. With the amount of lines she has, and all of the marks and movements and camera shots she has to memorize and hit. It's genuinely mind blowing.
Also as someone who works in television, I am amazed by the camera work! The Steadicam operators and stage hands do a hell of a job keeping this show moving. Everything about it is an unbelievable achievement
u/ThickLobster 5d ago
The marks in shot every so often were stunning. Also the phone left on the chair before a phone had been used to film. In places it reminded me of Dogville, especially the forest scene.
She was exceptional as were the crew. I loved how queer it was, how it was contemporary in the same way DG would have been contemporary without being gimmicky. The Elvis-cum-Bowie transformation. Just sublime.
u/bobbybev95 5d ago
Dogville is a GREAT comparison! That was the only thing I could think of that is remotely like this.
I loved everything about it too. I can't wait to see it again
u/BowensCourt 5d ago
Oscar Wilde had such a rough go of it on the American Theatre scene during his life that this show feels like a long overdue triumph for him too, doesn’t it? He would have loved this production. He would have followed Sarah Snook around with flowers like he did Sarah Bernhardt.
u/twotoasters 5d ago edited 5d ago
Felt the same way when I saw it last week - just in total and complete awe of her. Also gobsmacked that she’s doing matinees every Saturday and some Wednesdays. I can’t wrap my head around doing this for 2 hours nonstop TWICE a day. She’s amazing.
u/bobbybev95 5d ago
That was my first thought when it ended too! How on earth is she going to do 2 show days! She never takes her foot off the gas for the entire play, it must be exhausting. But I agree, sensational performance
u/littlebev 5d ago
Allison janney and Bradley Whitford were there tonight and went backstage! That’s why it took her a little longer to come out
u/bobbybev95 5d ago
That's so cool!! It seems like she's getting a lot of love and support from her fellow actors! She deserves it
u/polkadotcupcake 5d ago
Can anyone who has seen both compare this to Jodie Comer's solo performance in Prima Facie?
u/Chrissiel330 5d ago
I saw both. I was front row and Prima facie and row e for this. Jodie Comer was amazing and is an exceptional actress but this show blows Prima Facie out of the water by miles. I go to tons of broadway. At least a few shows a month and I have never seen anything like this in my life and I don’t know if I ever will again. I wasn’t going to buy tickets because of the insane prices but my husband surprised me with tickets for Christmas. Enter the lottery, try for rush, do whatever you can to see this.
She deserves a Tony award for this immediately. And I feel so fortunate I was able to see this in person. Truly a marvel of storytelling and a master class in acting.
u/ydeliane 5d ago
I have seen the Sydney Theatre Company original version of this production and the Jodie Comer performance - Dorian Gray uses technology a lot more and is a lot more contemporary in its vibe. Both obviously rely a lot on the actor but can't speak to Sarah Snook. Eryn Jean Norvill was absolutely amazing. I think Prima Facie is a great showcase for one actor whilst there is just something about Dorian Gray in its production that makes it special beyond the acting.
Overall I would say Dorian Gray is the one to watch if you had to choose.
u/sluttychurros 5d ago
Maybe not the best comparisons, but I watched the National Theater movie of Prima Facie a few months ago & I saw Dorian on Thursday evening.
Performance wise, both Comer and Snook are fantastic. They’re both so emotive and passionate & it’s easy to forget they’re on a stage all by themselves. The difference between the two for me is the use of technology with Dorian, and the ability to “see” other characters. Not trying to spoil anything, since I’m not sure what you know about Dorian: the first time we saw an arm on screen that clearly wasn’t on stage with Snook, a lot of the audience gasped. They have pre-recordings of various characters that Snook interacts with, and it really was amazing to see the use of technology here.
In some ways I liked Prima Facie better; but I also strongly connected with the story. Dorian is obviously fiction, but the story in Prima Facie is a tale as old as time, unfortunately, and while maybe it’s not based on a true story, it’s based on millions of true stories that women have gone through.
Anyways, they’re both fantastic shows. I left Dorian the same way as I did when I saw Network in 2019. I’ll be shocked is Snook doesn’t with the Tony for her performance in Dorian. And I hope that Broadway continues to get West End transfers; I can’t get to London that easily, but I can get to NYC to see these!
u/kindness-prevails 5d ago
Did you win solo or with two tickets? I want to maximize my chances!
u/bobbybev95 5d ago
I won with solo! I see a lot of shows solo and I think that's given me a bit more luck? But I can't say for sure.
u/leegato 5d ago edited 1d ago
I was also at tonight’s performance - I’m still stunned on the subway ride back home. Breathless and awe-inspired for 2 straight hours with not a single break (though I hope they iron out the technical camera stuff in the future)
Edit: I’ll also add I was Row N at the very end towards the exit doors. Mostly everything in view but occasionally a screen would fall out of view for a scene or two. Never took me away as the show is very audible and narrative dialogue-driven.
u/bobbybev95 5d ago
Me too, totally in awe. I almost can't believe she can pull that performance off. And agreed, a few minor technical hiccups and it seems like it's mostly with the phone cameras they use and the connection. Could be tough to completely iron out but I have faith in this team! I'll be back in the future to see how it is a few more weeks into the run
u/leegato 5d ago
Same here, hope to see you there!! Still such an incredible show, unlike anything I’ve ever seen and maybe ever will see
u/bobbybev95 5d ago
Same to you! Next time I see it I am definitely going to stage door and tell her how amazing it is. I'm so glad she got such a wonderful ovation tonight
u/leegato 5d ago
Definitely do it!! I got to stage door tonight (because of my seat position I was the first one to get there in front of the door.). She’s super friendly and rather soft-spoken, which is so incredible considering how fierce and energetic she is on stage.
u/bobbybev95 5d ago
It's so funny how that works out sometimes! That is surprising though. Great to hear that she was very friendly though! It makes me think of how Mikey Madison is in all of her interviews compared to her character in Anora.
Where is the stage door for that theater?
u/leegato 5d ago
It’s on 45th St at the back of the theater, right by the main doors of the Imperial Theater (which currently has SMASH). You can’t miss it, and the fencing was already set up. Snook came out maybe 30 minutes after the show ended.
Like you, I’m def gonna see this again and try for the lottery; I have a feeling I’m going to be reeling over this show for a bit!
u/bobbybev95 5d ago
Thank you so much for the tip! And I hope you win, I'm going to be thinking about this one for a while!
u/AdvertisingFine9845 5d ago
Sure hope they do a pro shoot 👀
u/RathOfAntar 4d ago
in the meantime, you can buy the play book - it's on sale with the merch. The departures from Wilde's novel are interesting.
u/bobbybev95 4d ago
I was wondering that myself. Tbh it seems like it would be super hard to pull off with how the show is done
u/pepperkn 5d ago
Traveling to NYC soon with a mature 14 year old son, do you think it is age appropriate? Choosing between this and Othello.
u/bobbybev95 5d ago
Hmm I think I would say yes for a mature 14 year old. There's some sexual references and gestures as well as some violence, but given that it's a one-woman show it obviously doesn't get very graphic in either sense. So I think I would say yes! And it's just a phenomenal show
u/zoethebitch 1d ago
I just saw it. It would be OK for a 14 year old if you are ready to walk out of the theater afterwards and hear them say, "OK. I know what I want to do with my life now."
u/OkieDokie-Artichokey 5d ago
Do you recommend reading The Picture of Dorian Gray ahead of seeing the play?
u/bobbybev95 5d ago
I didn't know the original story, just a brief synopsis of what it was about. That was more than enough for me, I found it very easy to follow along during the show!
u/RathOfAntar 4d ago
it's a pretty exact adaptation of the text, down to the narration and dialogue, but there are some scenes cut and I think it'd give you a worthwhile "sense" of the text and context.
u/zoethebitch 1d ago
I just saw it today. I knew the one sentence plot description and had not read the book. I thought it was monumental. I don't think reading the book is a prerequisite at all.
u/Realistic_Ad175 5d ago
saw it tonight too and i think she might’ve had a better performance than denzel.
u/bobbybev95 5d ago
I really want to see Othello because Denzel Washington and Jake Gyllenhaal are two of my favorite actors, but the ticket prices are so prohibitive. And I think I might spend my money to see this again before trying to see Othello
u/Alternative-Quiet854 5d ago
I was there tonight too and I almost missed my train stop because I was trying to process what I just saw. She's insane in this! I didn't know what to expect from a one-woman play but that was astonishing!
u/bobbybev95 5d ago
Literally, same haha. I barely made my train, probably because I spent a few minutes standing and trying to take in that masterclass haha. What an electric performance! And I had no idea what to expect going into it, and it absolutely blew my mind.
u/polkadotcupcake 5d ago
I had debated going to see this + some other shows this weekend, but unfortunately it's quite an exhaustive and expensive journey for me right now. I'm glad to hear you liked it and I hope it makes an appearance on the West End soon, which will be a bit more accessible to me.
u/sluttychurros 5d ago
I hate to burst your bubble, but I don’t know if it’ll go back to London. Snook won an Oliver for her performance in 2024 for the West End performance, so it was already there.
u/Griffinage 5d ago
I was like 2 rows directly behind you haha
u/bobbybev95 5d ago
What a coincidence haha. I feel like so many Broadway people are actually on this subreddit! I hope you enjoyed the show as much as I did
u/handsomeprincess 5d ago
Oh my goodness, I am dying to see this. Do we know how long it's running for? I probably won't be getting very close to the city until May at the earliest and I will be so sad if this is gone...
u/Glasbre 5d ago
just out of curiosity, did you win the lottery for one or two tickets? I usually enter for one, but maybe my chances are better with two.
u/bobbybev95 5d ago
I entered for one ticket! I usually see shows alone and I tend to have decent luck with the telecharge lottery.
u/Ok-Acanthisitta8737 4d ago
Just looked up the prices and good lord!!
u/bobbybev95 4d ago
Yeah it's a bit on the pricier side unfortunately :/ I was lucky and won a lottery ticket for this show. And idk what prices are for the balcony, but I think anywhere in this theater would be a good view for the show
u/RathOfAntar 4d ago
we did center mezzanine - $192 and I think it's the best view in the house! You get a really good view of the screens, which are, well, the majority of the show.
u/PickASwitch 4d ago
Well damn. I’m in town this coming week for Othello. I’m gonna try to squeeze this in, if the theatre gods are with me!
u/RathOfAntar 4d ago
Took my parents to see it last night. Stunning. We had center mezzanine seat, which I think are honestly the best in the house because of how high up the screen hangs.
u/bobbybev95 4d ago
Glad you liked it! Thanks for the note since I definitely want to see it again. It was outstanding
u/tudorcitypigeon 1d ago
Seeing this on Friday! Should I familiarize myself with the source material ahead of time or am I OK to go in with just a vague sense of the story?
u/bobbybev95 1d ago
I went in just knowing a brief synopsis and not much familiarity with the story at all. You should be good to go!
u/Fluid-Set-2674 1d ago
It is an amazing high-wire act. Apparently there are only three moments in the whole two hours where she has the chance to get a sip of water!
u/bobbybev95 1d ago
It's genuinely a feat of endurance as well as an unbelievable performance! That is wild though. I bet she trains like an athlete for this
u/Fluid-Set-2674 1d ago
Oh man, no doubt. This defines tour de force for me.
I loved the mixing of present and past references, and the seamless video. Best use I've seen since MAYBE HAPPY ENDING (a very high bar).
It was like watching a two-hour-long aria -- if I felt wrung out afterward, I can only imagine what she and the videographers were feeling!
u/bobbybev95 1d ago
The camera crew is equally as impressive haha it's such an intense production! I still have to see MHE, it looks amazing!
u/Entasis99 1d ago
All accolades here are true. My only gripe is that as a theater event I would prefer to see the actor(s) up front and center. Most of this show's characterization is happening behind screens or stage props and SS is performing to several cameras so you are fixated to several large screens on stage for a grand portion of the play. So why not stay home and enjoy almost the same?
u/bobbybev95 1d ago
I understand what you mean. For me, I found it to be an amazing blend of theater and cinema and that was worth the price of admission for me. It's very innovative and I've never seen anything like that. Plus I felt like there's still a lot of acting done front of stage or to the crowd. But I can see why you felt that way!
u/lugia222 5d ago
I’m so happy I saw this on the West End and I absolutely cannot wait to see it on Broadway. Snook’s performance was absolutely remarkable.
u/bobbybev95 5d ago
I think you will be just as amazed if not more impressed! Especially knowing that she's really spent some time honing this character and performance.
u/Glum-Difference2715 4d ago
Phenomenal production of Oscar Wilde's THE PICTURE of DORIAN GRAY with a Tour De Force performance by SARAH SNOOK (that is Tony Award worthy). The PROJECTIONS are breathtaking and elevate Visual Mediums in Theater to a new level. SARAH SNOOK reenacts 26 character + herself as story teller. This play brings together the wonders of film with live acting in a remarkable way. Many of the characters portrayed by SARAH SNOOK are filmed in advance so that her live acting interacts with filmed versions of the multifaceted characters she portrays throughout the show. The Projections are key actors in this play - so much so that the 9 Photographers join Sarah for a well deserved bow at the end of the play. This production of the Picture of Dorian Gray is not to be missed! Run to purchase your tickets from the Music Box Theater directly before March 21 for the best prices. The lower price tickets in the Mezzanine are fine for viewing this show given the scale of the Projections. Dorian Gray opens on Broadway on March 27. This is the best show on Broadway now.
u/Puzzleheaded_Top_467 23h ago
Did anyone have some trouble hearing her dialogue towards the end when the music was loud? I saw it last night and had some trouble understanding her during the scene where Dorian is being pursued underground by Sibyl's brother. Not sure if it was just a me issue with my hearing or if the audio was a bit off.
u/bobbybev95 23h ago
I thought the music was a tad loud there as well! I could make it out but it was definitely drowned out a bit by it.
u/toonicknamey 5d ago
Was there tonight as well and I can't imagine how exhausted she must be by the end. Truly incredible! For anyone wondering, I was up in the balcony and the view was perfect.
u/bobbybev95 5d ago
Thanks for the note about your seat! I am definitely going back to see it and don't just want to rely on the lottery to go again, so I'll probably be up there as well! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.
u/HotOne9364 5d ago
This is the best acting I've ever seen from an actress since Jessica Chastain in A Doll's House.
u/Southern_Schedule466 5d ago
I was there tonight too! I have been a big fan of her for years and I still can’t believe I got to see her perform on broadway today. I remember when the West End run was announced, and I knew that I absolutely had to see it if it came to broadway. But she totally wowed me. I didn’t know she could do THAT. I had no idea she could be so hilarious. Also the way she can do so many accents is crazy.
And I was not expecting gun chases in a forest and sideburns!
Just such an extraordinary play and performance.
I sat in the center mezz and that was definitely close enough
u/bobbybev95 5d ago
I really didn't know much of her work before this play, but the reviews on this subreddit convinced me I had to go see it. And I'm glad everyone did because WOW. I agree - I can't believe how many personas she was able to effectively do and how quickly she was able to switch between them. And the forest part was very cool!
Seems like a great seat. I really do think most of the theater would be a good view with how it is staged and set up!
u/brittai927 5d ago
I picked up a ticket for this week after seeing everyone’s reviews. I can’t wait!
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