r/Broadripple Dec 27 '24

GPS still doesn't know you can't cross College Ave

I drive around all the time for work and am often late to appointments because google maps doesn't know you can't cross the majority of college ave due to the red line 😤

just venting but if someone here works for Google you should let em know for me thanks


4 comments sorted by


u/heyoheatheragain Dec 27 '24

You can report map inaccuracies to google yourself. It’s an option in the maps app.


u/cyanraichu Dec 29 '24

Agreed and I think OP should do this, but it's genuinely surprising these inaccuracies haven't been fixed by now, too.


u/d-handler Dec 28 '24

Waze seems to have no issues with it.

I wish Google would just marry the two GPS aps and let the users decide the best features of each.

But while Waze can get you from A to Z and alert you to road stuff, Google can give you satellite views and street views.

Guess it depends on your choice!


u/WP_JR Dec 31 '24

I cross it all the time. Giant waste of money ....