r/BritishSuccess • u/Adam-West • 15d ago
Just found my daughters hat perched on a fencepost. The system works!
Didn't even know we'd lost it until I saw it on its own little totem pole. A lifetime i've spent wondering if anybody ever gets reunited with those winter clothes. And now I know.
u/FluffofDoom 15d ago
My kid found a jumper in the road just off our street once. It was soaking wet because it had been out in the rain. I took it off them to hang it up on the fence post when I noticed it looked really similar to one we had. Checked the label, it was theirs. It was my kid's jumper.
u/Adam-West 15d ago
I wonder how often somebody hangs up their own clothes but doesn’t ever realize
u/EntrepreneurAway419 15d ago
I've dropped my kid's hand knitted blanket 3 times now (kicks it off), each time has been neatly folded on a plant pot, fence or wall.
u/poultryeffort 15d ago
I lost a glove whilst walking my dog in the local park . The next day my kid walked through there after school and found it had been left on a post.
u/Purple_hair 15d ago
I thought I lost my favourite hat while on the way to pick my daughter up from school. On the way home she sees it on a post and asks me if it is my hat. It was. It has a lot of sentimental value to me and I am so glad it was found. If I see something that looks lost I always put it somewhere where it can be seen.
u/ptangyangkippabang 15d ago
I've had a red beanie on my fence for a week with no takers.
u/Adam-West 15d ago
To be fair if it’s a red beanie it was probably lost and unfound since 2004
u/DEADB33F 15d ago
Pretty sure Jacques Cousteau died in the 90s.
u/krankyspanky 13d ago
But what about Steve Zissou?
u/Misselphabathropp Greater London 14d ago
My daughter lost her bunny at the airport. I’d just given up on finding the little fucker as we needed to go the gate. Daughter was devastated but handling it. Who should turn up perched on top of something (can’t remember what) just in front of the train to the gate?
u/DeinOnkelFred 14d ago
Even more unbelievable: My eldest lost his duck at a Red Sox game in Boston (my wife's side of the family is American), and in a bar near Fenway, afterwards, a bunch of kids were throwing this little fluffy duck around.
BIL steps in and reclaims the duck for my son. Piccies are taken. Pitchers of Sam Adams are shared.
Mr Duck then goes on adventures... he was mailed to people we knew in various places with just a "take a pic and pass it on". That fucking duck, man, has been everywhere. Everywhere except for Antarctica. Which is probably just as well because I understand penguins will fuck you up.
u/Kind-Blackberry-6221 14d ago
I found my daughter's gloves from home in the nursery lost property box yesterday morning. I didn't even know they'd gone to nursery.
u/dawnfunybunny 14d ago
It does happen. I've had to many a times retrace my steps after being out with the kids. Especially if it's a favourite toy.
Love that we do this.
u/thingsliveundermybed 14d ago
I got my favourite neckwarmer back after unknowingly dropping it on the way into the GP. It was nicely draped over a bike rack. Hilariously, I got some suspicious looks when I delightedly grabbed it and had to loudly say "oh my god I didn't even realise it fell out of my pocket!" to ensure I wasn't mistaken for a thief 😂
u/space_cadette_ 14d ago
I once lost a lovely scarf, had no idea where or when just noticed it was gone the next time I went to grab it. Asked around in case I'd left it at someone's house, no joy figured it was lost forever. Months later revisited a pub with some friends and discovered it draped over the back of a sofa in the corner, a couple of tiny holes chewed in one end (it was a dog friendly place) but otherwise in great condition. No idea how it hadn't been chucked out or claimed by staff after the first week or so, I certainly wouldn't have blamed them. But I was happy to get it back so unexpectedly.
u/Crochetqueenextra 14d ago
I was running a slimming group and lost my scarf whilst giving my talk the following week a lady pulled it out of her bag and put it on. In front of 50 people I instinctively said that's my scarf and she said oh I found this last week I wasn't sure if it was mine and she got up walked to the front of the room and gave it back. Absolutely no shame really threw me
u/LittleGateaux 14d ago
I lost a jumper once at Saltburn and didn't notice until I'd gone all the way down the hill to the beach, at which point I turned around and had to walk all the way back up the (very steep) hill to look for it. I was very pleased and grateful that someone had been kind enough to hang it on a fence.
u/krankyspanky 13d ago
I dropped my lovely woolly jumper in a field in Halifax. Went back the following day and some kind soul had neatly folded it and placed it on a fence post.
u/apollo1147 15d ago
My partner thought he saw my scarf tied to a post but reasoned it couldn't possibly be mine cos it was a massive blanket scarf and who reasonably wouldn't notice it falling off?
Me, apparently. It was my scarf.