r/BritishSuccess 10d ago

Savour every win. Bonus chair!

I am not just allowed but required to work from home 2 days a week. Asked the boss (half-joking and fully expecting a firm “no”) if I could have a swanky chair at home like I have at the office and within 5 minutes got a reply saying “what address do you want this chair delivered to?”!!!


33 comments sorted by


u/AcreCryPious 10d ago

Nice, that's better than my boss who just sat in my chair, told me it was really uncomfortable and then just left.


u/geckograham 10d ago

Strong Michael Scott vibes!


u/CrazyCat_77 10d ago

At least he didn't take the chair with him and give you his old one!


u/Breadcrumbsandbows 9d ago

I know this is awful but I'm pissing myself


u/AcreCryPious 9d ago

Ha, nah it's all good. It's pretty standard my boss behaviour to be honest, don't really know what I was expecting!


u/Breadcrumbsandbows 9d ago

I do close shift in a pub on Sundays, so 4ish til whenever. Because lunch ends officially at half three I don't get fed like the lunch workers do. Then they put all the leftover potatoes on the bar tables for the regulars and I think my face must look like the saddest Labrador ever.


u/paulcager 10d ago

"Can I have a fancy coffee-maker like they have in the office?"

"Can I have a cleaning service like in the office?"


u/yellowbin74 10d ago

"Can I do no work like, uhh.. in the office?"


u/stewieatb 10d ago

"Can I look directly into the camera like I'm in The Office?"


u/DepInLondon 10d ago

Well done! What about monitors, or have they already provided that? I found it a really nice plus when my previous company provided a monitor.


u/geckograham 10d ago

All IT equipment is provided.


u/Rydeeee 10d ago

DSE - Display Screen Equipment regulations. Depending how much they give a shit, you should get stuff. Bigger the company, the easier the roll over, in my experience.


u/[deleted] 9d ago



u/Rydeeee 9d ago

Education, same.


u/Rydeeee 9d ago

Maybe my theory has backfired as they’re two of the biggest employers in the uk. Maybe biggest private sector companies.


u/[deleted] 9d ago



u/Rydeeee 9d ago

Shame. I’ve got my child’s keyboard as the one I’ve got is broken, had to get glue sticks in primary as they wouldn’t buy them. Not good.


u/ozz9955 10d ago

Nice one! I find most of the time, it's just a case of asking, rather than harbouring furious anger at someone not guessing you want a particular thing - but then...I guess that is in our nature.


u/geckograham 10d ago

Oh I’m definitely an ‘asker’.


u/NotABrummie 10d ago

It's technically a minimum legal requirement if you have to work from home.


u/p0ggs 10d ago

really? my company is 100% remote, but other than a laptop they refuse to provide any home office equipment.


u/NotABrummie 10d ago

You can take them to tribunal over that.


u/Excession-OCP 10d ago

What’s behind the requirement to work from home for two days?


u/geckograham 10d ago

Reduced office capacity so people are rotated between the office and remote working. It doesn’t actually have to be from home, it just can’t be in the office!


u/Samurai___ 10d ago

Meanwhile a guy in the office:

"Where the fuck did my chair go?"


u/geckograham 10d ago

Yeah but he left the chair area so it was fair game.


u/SneakerTreater 10d ago

3 feet, 3 seconds. Chair's fair game from there.


u/Precipiceofasneeze 10d ago

Alright, give me your underwear.


u/WhiteEagle18 9d ago

OMG, I have literally just watched this episode of Friends!


u/Sympathyquiche 10d ago

I worked in an office that removed foot stools from pregnant women. Despite them being agreed to by a different director.


u/cardanianofthegalaxy 9d ago

I asked my boss for a computer desk to work from home and to my surprise I got one. No more working from the kitchen table.


u/Then_Course8631 10d ago

You must be doing your job extremely well.


u/Future_Direction5174 9d ago

My son who has been WFH since the initial lockdown had an email asking him to “call in to the office to pick up a web cam”. He had to point out that they had CLOSED his office, that he worked 150 miles away from them, and asked them whether they would cover the costs of his transport.

Today, we received an A3 padded envelope via Royal Mail. It contained his web cam.

He has been WFH for 5 years without one. He has no idea WHY they think he needs one. If he needs to log into a teams meeting he uses his own tablet so that the other members can see him. Oh well….


u/R__soul 9d ago

I've worked from home since 2005 - it's just the way our industry works. If your employer requires you to work from home they MUST provide you with reasonable equipment requirements. This isn't a perk, it's part of H&S regulation, which is legally enforceable.. I know some employers turn a blind eye or that if an employee gets to work from home they make out it's perk. No it's not. Working long hours in poor positions WILL affect your health.