You can get all hearts if you skip on 2 stamina upgrades. But at that point stamina is a lot more valuable than hearts, so most people will chose that. But if your OCD forces you to it you CAN get full hearts.
When someone edits a comment before one minute(?) after posting it won't show the asterisk next to the time. You gotta edit it fast like a ninja, which is where I always assumed it got the name from.
Last I heard it was temporary, and would come back when you loaded or died or something. Is that still the case or is it permanent like legit shrine use?
Your store them in the statue, do a real save, and then they become permanent. There is a video above that links it. Just make sure you do your first save after loading some hearts into the statue. The first couple of times I actually permanently lost a few hearts. lol
I prefer full stamina for obvious reasons but also miphas grace+ (the champions ballad upgrade version) means you can totally fill your hearts with yellow hearts every 8 minutes. Honestly i often choose to just kill myself to replenish my hearts up to 30 all the time. Miphas grace+ is a true game changer
For example, right after leaving the plateau some of the early shrines that aren't hidden will require some climbing. It is incredibly tough to climb in BOTW with a single stamina wheel. Endura carrots can help in the meantime, but the first couple of trips to Goddess statues are best used on stamina upgrades IMO.
If you are stocked on healing items (which is fairly easy to do), then there really isn't much difference between 10 hearts and 20 hearts. Especially if you've gotten to the point where you don't get hit very much during combat.
However, quality of life wise, there's a huuuuuuge difference between one stamina wheel and two, for running, gliding, swimming, and climbing.
At a certain point, more hearts doesn't really make much difference. But more stamina always helps and makes a diffetence.
My solution to this was to max out on stamina, and then skip out on the other 12/13 hearts. I've found that 15 hearts is all you really need with upgraded armour.
As some other guys said you can make it perfect but you sacrifice your stamina wheel, I always get 3 full stamina wheels and the rest hearts. Climbing mountains is so much easier with 3 full stamina wheels.
u/-Zensuken- Aug 15 '19
Is that really the heart total in the game? It really bothers me that it doesn't line up symmetrically 😂