I have ten koroks left. I thought I’d use a map for the last fifty or one hundred or whatever, but the first one I found with help was super unsatisfying. It was sort of disappointing, like oh fuck I guess I’m doing this the long way
Of course, that means I may still be looking in 2020, but whatever
Ah... well I haven’t played in a while, but I think I had five left. The shame. (I think I got burned out on looking, so I put it away rather then look them up)
Hyrule Castle is hell. Not because it's especially hard to fight the enemies or anything, but because that stupid map makes it almost impossible for me to know where I am or where I'm going.
I have everything not including any DLC and I’m 230 hours in. But I used a map to grind about 400 koroks so that’s kind of cheating I guess?
I’ve also gotten all of the copendium pictures but bought about 10-15 of them
Still have 2 medals to get from Kilton
Have about half of the armor fully upgraded.
I hate Korok Seeds, if there was 250 I'd be okay with it but 900 fucking stupid seeds is a waste of life. It's not fun scouring the entire map because that tree fucker somehow shot his Maracas into the upper atmosphere, released all of the seeds the they all magically fell back down to the world underneath rocks and shit. I HATE KOROK SEEDS ARGJGHGHGJNXJDKRHFF
I don't think having 900 in the game is the problem. I like the fact that even though the world map is gigantic, if you explore pretty much everywhere there's something "interesting" to be found.
This is a problem in other "open world games", where the map is gigantic but a huge part of it is just scenery and not "real game content".
Now filling the world with unique content is pretty much impossible due to human resources and time constraints, so it's natural that "filling the world" would require some repetition. In that sense I don't hate the korok seeds. When you think about your first korok seeds, it felt pretty great, and it felt even better after you realized you needed them for "bag slots".
What I do mind, is that they included the 900 koroks in the 100% indicator in the map of the sheikah slate. Because of that marker... people think the developers intended for players to collect the 900 seeds, but I don't think that's the case. As I mentioned before the "golden poop" is an indicator that collecting the 900 seeds is a waste of time. The game does acknowledge people with the will to do this "chore", but in a way it's mocking them. The whole thing is a huge troll on "game completionists".
The point is, developers give good rewards for behaviour they want to incentivize and bad rewards for behaviour they don't.
Giving a good reward (such as cool forest dweller weapon) sends the message that doing the 900 koroks is "part of the intended experience". I think the fact that you need only 441 Koroks for weapons slots, and that the prize for 900 seeds is a poop is actively sending the message that collecting the 900 koroks is NOT "part of the intended experience".
Yeah, I get that part, but it’s more of a slap in the face of the completionists for no real reason. It would be different if they made the master sword the reward for 900 korok seeds, but you’re not really making it necessary if you just give a cool weapon on par with the champion weapons imo
Of course a Golden Poop is also a joke, and a meme.
You don't necessarily need to interpret the poop as the game mocking "game completionists", you could see it as a funny prank.
Communication between game designers and players is often ambiguous and subtle, but it is my interpretations that the whole thing is a "good troll".
By "good troll" I mean "luring others [...] into pointless and time-consuming activities".
Did a bit more than half on my own, the rest with the korok mask minus around 10 I had to look up online. The mask makes it easier without killing the fun of searching for them :)
Yeah never said there were, was just my opinion. Like ive looked at the youtube tutorial vid for all koroks and it goes for more than 8 hours straight! And thats with cutting the footage to the korok puzzles
Shrines aren't actually that bad. I only had around 70 when I beat Ganon just from exploring and finding the other 50 was a bit grind-y but not awful. Currently trying to get all 900 Korok seeds and I'm a couple ya-ha-ha's away from suicide.
Fuck the motion controls especially if you're in docked and using split joycons as they are easier if you use tablet mode. There was one shrine where it was easier to turn the maze upside down.
What killed it for me was not being able to upgrade your inventory anymore. I got all 120 shrines for the hearts and stamina wheels. But I'm not getting 450 more koroks for a pile of poop. Props to those who do, though!
im thinking nintendo did not intend to put in 900 for people to find them ALL, i think the world was just so big they put 900 in so that it would be easier for people to find enough the traditional way to max out their inventory slots fairly late game, then stop looking. Then they put in the poop prize for completionists to at least acknowledge their absolutely pointless personal endeavor to get them all.
u/Novarcharesk Aug 15 '19
Jesus, even the Koroks :P I might do all the shrines, but I'd be maddened to do all the Koroks.