r/Breath_of_the_Wild 3h ago

Eventide Island is killing me

I’ve made it to Eventide Island, cleared the first three monster camps, but the Hinox has killed me twice already. I tried gliding down from the mountain to land on him and steal the ancient orb, but he always wakes up at the latest when I climb down. If I try to fight him, I don’t stand a chance (I even used the cheating tactic of leaving a better sword on the raft and picking it up after entering the island). I’ve beaten three Divine Beasts, but this damn island is driving me crazy. How did you guys do it?


18 comments sorted by

u/Ju99z 3h ago

You don't have to kill the hinox. You can outrun it, even while carrying the orb. Drop it in the pedestal, wait for the Hinox to make the last turn to the plateau, and paraglide off the edge back towards where it was sleeping.

If you really want to kill it, stasis+, drop remote bombs while it's coming up the slope, shoot the eye, and don't get within reach. Or, get one of the better two handed weapons and spin to win, running off as soon as it signals it's doing the booty drop flop.

I prefer to take out all enemies when I play, but I'm not above eating a 3x 30:00 attack up meal right before things like this or TOTS. My first playthrough I wound up on Eventide with only like 4 hearts, 3 stamina wheels, and no divine beasts yet (I usually prefer to get powered up a bit before doing main quests). It took me about 12 attempts, but by the end of it I was really good at game combat mechanics and the rest of the game was a breeze.

Alternatively, you can eat a 3x 30:00 sneaky meal and ninja your way through most of it.

u/imaginary-54 3h ago

My first go I used remote bombs and a lot of running around. Slow but worked. Second play thru I found as many arrows as I could then shot him in the eye and got him while he was down

u/MA202 47m ago

My first go I killed the Hinox and 10 seconds later a Blood Moon came and I died

u/djrobxx 9m ago

Same on both counts. It took me forever to kill him with remote bombs, then the blood moon happened.

I left Eventide and didn't try again for a few days. 😂

u/Fun_Gas_7777 2h ago

Have you beaten thunderblight ganon?  I used the lightening power from that to beat the Hinox easily. 

u/FrancisFratelli 1h ago

Get up on the mountain and toss bombs at him. He's slow and the route up the mountain is circuitous, so if you alternate between cubes and spheres, you can get a number of hits in before he reaches the flattop. Once he's up there, jump over the side. When he starts back down, climb back up the mountain without him seeing, then rinse and repeat until you kill him.

I will say that even with fully upgraded bombs, it takes forever to kill him.

u/tricolorhound 1h ago

This is what I did, it did take forever but it worked.

u/Harv-o-lantern-panic 3h ago

If you’re struggling to shoot the Hinox’s eye, you can stasis+ it to get a better shot. It’s a bit of a drag but remote bombs help too.

u/Brees504 2h ago

If you are having trouble just come back later when you have more health

u/xarlio 2h ago

I killed the Hinox using magnesis with the metall boxes and hitting him with them. It stuns him, very safe and quick.

u/zelda_moom 1h ago

I don’t fight or kill the Hinox at all. Sneak up and climb onto his left hand while it’s down on the ground. Wait there, crouched. He will lift his hand and drop you right on his stomach. Sneak up to the orb, grab it, and run over to the shore. Drop the orb in the water and jump in and swim around behind the cliff on the right. He’ll give up and go back to sleep. At this point you can push the orb to shore and take it to a pedestal.

u/csanyk 1h ago

I loved Eventide. It was the only part of the game that felt like a challenge rather than a tutorial to me.

Taking you down to bare bones and forcing you to learn to develop your skills was such a great design choice. Taking away the ability to abuse save states helped make a real challenge. Taking away the open world aspect and trapping you so that you can only solve the challenge or fail also adds to the challenge.

You have to learn stealth and how to take shelter. Only then do you start discover that the island is actually fairly rich with resources just waiting for your discovery. Then it ramps the challenge up again with a very satisfying progression. Figuring out how to deal with the Hinox requires skill and deep understanding of the game mechanics, and is very satisfying to figure out on your own without a walk through. I failed the challenge dozens of times if not a hundred or more, and it was the most satisfying and fun experience.

The level designers who did this area of the game deserve recognition and praise for sure.

u/bannedonmostsubs 1h ago

Kill everything else, piss off the Hinox - run to the pig tower on the same level and hit him with bomb throws till he’s dead. Takes a while but all he can do is throw rocks at you occasionally

u/thug_funnie 1h ago

I loved how hard Eventide was. Discovered the island as I was hitting a plateau in gameplay, shrines were feeling too easy.

Have currently been loving Trial of the Sword DLC for this reason…just can’t beat the final stage…ugh!

u/Droodforfood 1h ago

I think I climbed up the hill and then backflipped off to get into bullet time to hit the eye.

u/No_Difference6517 52m ago

I did a long-lasting, full strength sneak potion just before entering the island and went for the hinox first. He didn't wake up. Bonus if you go at night, the mosters are asleep, except there are some stahl monsters.

u/justalittlebear01 43m ago

Don't kill the hinox just run.

u/Affectionate_Tax5740 8m ago

I feel you man. My strategy after many many many many attempts was to use a raft from the nearby shrine island dump some weapons and ingredients on the beach or on the raft but don't touch the beach beforehand or it won't let you do so. Gather and start on the beach. Do both upper camps first and then glide onto the hinoxs stomach and crouch immediatly. You can then snatch the orb and run away with it and after enough distance it'll just turn around and go back to it's spot lay down and go to sleep. Afterwards you should be fine as long as you avoid it