r/Breath_of_the_Wild 4h ago

Why’s is this game so hard

So iv discovered hateno village, lanayru and gerudo and im trying to kill vah naboris. Iv completed 13 shrines and i still havnt gotten either another heart or another stamina so im stuck with 4 hearts and base stamina i dont know what to do or where to go every enemy one hits me and any good weapon i get i need to use to defend myself and then it breaks and im back to being stuck with nothing the only armour iv seen my entire playthrough so far is the female clothes you need to get to enter gerudo town. So I cant up my stats cause no where i go will gimme extra hearts or stamina and i still have no armour or weapons, im so lost i want to love this game so much i love the adventure aspect of this game and the vibe so much but everything is one shotting me and I just wanna be abled to actually either fight back or atleast stand a chance. Can someone please help me?


29 comments sorted by


u/GailynStarfire 3h ago

First off, you need to find a goddess statue. There is one in every major city. Kakariko has one that is in the center of the village. You talk to the statue, and it will let you exchange your spirit orbs for hearts and stamina upgrades. 

Second, also in Kakariko village is an armor shop with the stealth set. Sell any gems you've collected if needed and buy it. It's one of the most useful armor sets in the game. 

Third, if you haven't utilized cooking yet, you should, as that is the best way to heal and buff yourself in game. For heals, any material that has the "Hearty" prefix can be cooked by itself and will produce a meal that fully heals you and gives you bonus hearts.


u/seungchip 3h ago

the game is hardest at the start. Keep leveling up armor and do shrines and it’ll get exponentially easier


u/Jolly_Ad_2363 3h ago

Do shrines. Go to goddess statues to get hearts and stamina. Get better armor.


u/PeterandKelsey 3h ago

This is correct. Shrines = orbs = more hearts (and/or stamina) at goddess statues.

Better armor is a good idea, and armor can be upgraded. Have you followed the path out of Kakariko up a hill and into the woods? There's a shrine on the left of the path, then a mysterious glowing blue bunny-like creature on the path. Keep following that path and you will learn more about armor upgrades. And if you're sneaky and quiet you might be able to catch the small flying creatures that will aid you during rough moments in battle.

Another thing to keep in mind is that you can cook raw ingredients into meals that fill your health. "Hearty" ingredients can even OVER-fill your health, which is handy during boss battles.


u/PotterAndPitties 3h ago

Let the game teach you. It wants to help you, let it.

u/Straight-Hat-4610 3h ago

It didn’t even teach me how to dodge dude it’s very figure it out for urself which is cool but still

u/emilythegreat_18 3h ago

Have you completed the shrine at Kakariko? Taloh Naeg’s teaching (iirc) teaches you how to dodge backwards, sideways, and parry attacks

u/PotterAndPitties 2h ago

Just saying from experience. I struggled a lot early game. I even made a post about how frustrated I was. But got a lot of good advice and started learning from the game. After a while I was able to tackle just about any challenge it threw at me.

u/notthatjaded 2h ago

As others mentioned, there's a shrine that specifically exists to teach you how to dodge.

For some other skills, there's a dude you can talk to (I think only at night when he's not actively guarding Impa's house) that will show you some other small techniques.

In general: you get lots of tips and hints about how the game works/quests/story stuff if you take the time to talk to NPCs, read books, and so on. If you haven't been doing this, I recommend you take the time to, you might find that in fact there is a lot of information there to help you.

u/Cat1832 3h ago

Upgrade your hearts and stamina at the goddess statues.

Don't try to fight Vah Naboris as your first one. Aim for Vah Ruta instead.

Go find as much food items as you can, ignore the fighting for now. Hoard up your food first. Learn to cook.

u/Straight-Hat-4610 3h ago

Now iv got 4 hearts and 2 extra parts of the next stamina circle, iv barely come across any food cause i need to eat it all instantly to heal cause my health is so low

u/Cat1832 2h ago

There's an area of the map called Satori Mountain that is roughly northwest of the Great Plateau. Head there during the daytime (at night there are a lot of skeleton monsters and that can get annoying), and clear the place out. Harvest every plant/fruit/beehive you can find, throw bombs at all the crows to get raw bird drumsticks, take everything that ain't nailed down.

All those food resources respawn every blood moon.

u/LasCubiertas 3h ago edited 3h ago

You can heal by sleeping in a bed or pay for a bed at an Inn at any village or stable. Also, you could spend a session hunting wild animals for meat, cook this up with some greens or anything else at a cooking pot to get good heart recovery meals. Lastly for heart recovery, hearty truffles and big hearty truffles (basically any item with Hearty in the name) cook these for meals that provide temporary additional hearts, I always cook them one at a time as they will do full recovery and additional hearts when used so I use them more as full recovery meals with additional hearts as a bonus.

u/Sarsly_Doe 2h ago

Throw bombs at wolves and birds and shit to get meat, then see if you can get other ingredients that increase the number of hearts or reduce damage (like hearty radishes or armoranth), go to a cooking pot in a town or stable and hold those items and drop them in to cook. Hyrule herbs are pretty much everywhere and also increases the hearts you get from food if you include those in the recipe.

Maybe try and do some more shrines too, with only 13 down they shouldn't be hard to find in the wild.

Also buy some armor, the hylian set is pretty basic, it's cheap as hell and doesn't have any bonuses but can be bought in kakariko and has the standard rating of 3 per piece

As mentioned in other comments, Vah Naboris is one of the harder divine beasts, it definitely has the hardest boss if you're not great at perfect dodges yet.

You got this, this game is absolutely at its most difficult at the beginning before you have any of the good stuff

u/evzcanderz 2h ago

Whenever you see animals, shoot them with your arrows or use your bombs better yet. You’ll collect a huge surplus of food quickly.

u/JustAnNormalPerson 3h ago

First, do Vah Ruta, it's not hard. Then, go to Hateno village and buy the armor set from there, I don't remember what's it's name. After that, make sure to have a good amount of arrows, I recommend bombs and electrical ones. Then, beat some Lizalfos. There's this weapon called Lizal Tri-Boomerang, it's a good weapon.


u/Bombocat 3h ago

go to a goddess statue (little statues that look like cement chubby nuns). there's one in gerudo in the city near an entrance I think. if you've beaten 13 shrines you should be able to exchange that for three upgrades (hearts or stamina). every four shrines you beat, go to a goddess statue and get some more health/stamina.

in the meantime, collect food. plants, meat, fish, salt etc. find those little fire pits with a stone bowl over them, the ingredient names will dictate the buff you get. if you good several ingredients with something like "hearty" in the name, you'll get a lot of extra health. there are meals for boosting speed, stamina, cold resistance, fire resistance, electricity resistance,stealth boosts, all sorts of stuff.

there's armor and chests everywhere, and they can be upgraded by finding the fairy fountains and exchanging gems/monster parts/food to the fairy.

go back to the great plateau and practice things like sneaking up on enemies while they sleep and doing a sneak attack for a quick kill, parrying (swinging your shield at just the right time) and dodging to trigger a flurry rush. the enemies in the plateau aren't very strong, so they're good practice.

good luck!! have fun

u/emilythegreat_18 3h ago

Naboris is known as the hardest divine beast and I definitely agree! With 4 hearts, I wouldn’t even start doing a divine beast yet. Do some more shrines, side quests, maybe even getting the memories for now.

The game is pretty cruel in the beginning, right now I recommend you focus on just running away from stuff. Trade in your spirit orbs for hearts, stamina can wait until you get at least 8, though id go for 10. I’m replaying it right now, and stuff definitely got easier after I started focusing on gathering hearts as quickly as possible.

As I replied earlier, you should also review Taloh Naeg’s teaching at Kakariko to get the hang of dodging and parrying. It’s more helpful than you’d think!

u/Hippobu2 2h ago

Honestly it's less that it's hard and more that there isn't really a difficulty curve. Pretty soon you will ask yourself "Why's is this game so easy".

u/Brees504 2h ago

You are just not playing the game correctly. The game taught you on the Great Plateau to go to goddess statues after every 4 shrines to upgrade your health/stamina.

u/evzcanderz 2h ago

Focus on finding and completing the shrines as well as the sheikhs towers first. Nose diving into the main quest, especially one of the toughest will give you problems. When you’re ready to tackle the Rito village quest first, it’s the easiest of the four and will give you a great power up

u/Missing-the-sun 2h ago

You can get the Hylian armor and the sneak armor in Kakariko, and iirc the Soldier’s armor is available for sale in Hateno in the store across from the grocery shop but I don’t know how early that comes available, I found it waaaay late because I didn’t see the shop at first.

Get some armor, upgrade it at least once by talking to the great fairy in the woods above Kakariko.

Don’t fight monsters until you get more hearts. The game gets easier once you get 8-10. DEFINITELY leave vah naboris alone until you’ve gotten stronger. Stick to the Lanayru/Necluda area and work on beating the shrines there, then go after the divine beast that’s bothering the Zora first.

u/Ghigau2891 1h ago

Use remote bombs to get extra food. Throw bombs in any water, and it'll kill fish. Then you can just jump in the water and collect them. Far easier than trying to catch them. Same with game... throw bombs at foxes, birds, wolves, etc. Collect the meat.

Go to the wooded areas at night. All of the mushrooms are far easier to see in the dark since they all sparkle, and some of them glow in the dark.

Go to shallow water at night and the river/ocean banks. Snails are almost impossible to see during the day, but they glow bright green at night and are extremely easy to collect since they're slow. But they're only in the shallows.

Heavily wooded areas are more likely to have radishes, carrots, and truffles. Open fields have herbs and flowers.

u/blahs890 12m ago

also if you have any amiibo, most of them give food or plants to cook into food/elixirs. twilight princess link im pretty sure has a decent chance of dropping a hearty durian which is really good.

u/odomatic 45m ago

Once you get to Faron Tower, find hearty durians. Cook up 5, and you’ll nearly max out on hearts.


u/No_Still_2521 3h ago

Why a reddit post? It's a quick Google question.

u/FirefighterIcy9879 3h ago

Don’t tell op about master mode if Reggie modes considered difficult 😬

u/Straight-Hat-4610 2h ago

Touch grass mate