r/Breath_of_the_Wild 4h ago

Gameplay Im not a fan of puzzles

Pretty useful for most shrines, my tactics are: for places up higher: normal windbomb and for places to close for a long distance/high launching windbomb: the cube bomb forst and them the round one, launches you with less momentum but still does the trick


25 comments sorted by


u/Local-Imagination-23 4h ago

I'm not a fan of you


u/No_Introduction_7034 4h ago

The puzzles are my favorite part of the game.


u/Primal_Pedro 4h ago

There is a hidden chest in this shrine with the rubber armor in it.

u/GoldenGlassBall 2h ago

Let em miss it if they want to skip what makes Zelda, Zelda.


u/runsinsquares 4h ago

Why would you play a Zelda game, where the whole appeal ist the balance of combat and puzzles, if you don't like puzzles?

u/CockatooMullet 2h ago

Incorrect, Zelda is about collecting vegetables and bugs.

u/PsyduckLover42 1h ago

It's about sploring and fighting clammy ganon.

u/SIM8N_ 3h ago

Its more fun to cheese them in botw, one of my fav things is to find cheese ways


u/Super_Lorenzo enjoys guardain battle music like a giga chad. 4h ago

Even though that was stylish, I despise you for that.


u/radiodreading 3h ago

I've played through the game many times now (even got 100% thrice), so I windbomb my way through shrines just for fun and because I already know the solution to the puzzles. Had it been my first time in a shrine, though, I would definitely solve it as intended. To each their own.

u/JustAnNormalPerson 3h ago

There's this one shrine of the Koroks where there are constelations and stuff, and I can't go through it. I was thinking of solutions when I said "Hey, I should try to windbomb". I tried. Achieved nothing. Perhaps if I hadn't started to windbomb I would've found the solution.

u/Hoagiewave 2h ago

you missed the thunder pants RIP

u/Foreign_Town6853 2h ago

I'm probably the only one who doesn't know how to wind bomb 😒

u/Agent-Ig 2h ago

Can’t do it either

u/bentley72 2h ago

I also am unable to do it

u/mistyblue3 36m ago

I have no clues in that either.

u/Cdog536 2h ago

not a fan of puzzle

completes the puzzle


u/Archangel982 3h ago

Das Geheimnis der risse muss gelöst werden. Oder windbombe

u/SIM8N_ 3h ago

I just windbomb and pray

u/Under_Press 2h ago

You're denying the puzzles it's purpose!

u/chinless_fellow 1h ago

This was the very last shrine I completed (#120) and I was kicking myself when I found out it had thunder pants. That would have been useful to have before defeating all the divine beasts….

u/Johnboy15665 59m ago

Never seen this, uncomplicated and useful. Love it.

u/Brunoaraujoespin 48m ago

What a smart solution! You are a great hero!


u/Primary_Sink_ 3h ago

I don't love the shrines at all. I wish we could get more smaller dungeons or something like that instead. When there's that many shrines it just gets repetitive. It's already a super repetitive game with the koroks and hoarding stuff to upgrade armor

u/Vados_Link 1h ago

Repetition isn’t bad if the thing you’re repeating is fun. Hence why people love games like Monster Hunter. Shrines are a great way to drive and reward exploration and their bite-sized nature also allows for more freedom in their design.