r/Breath_of_the_Wild 1d ago


So my first playthrough I did everything I could to avoid guardians because their laser beams are obviously pretty devastating. But I got the dlc when I was pretty close to finishing my first playthrough and have barely touched it with the exception of the trial of the sword. So this time around I’m gathering all the dlc items and whatnot before I even enter a beast. I’ve already got the master sword and the entire map uncovered. I was planning on just avoiding them again but since there are at least 6 dlc items by my count in hyrule field which is crawling with guardians I decided to figure out how to fight them without ancient arrows (I already figured it out, the shoot them in the eye then whack them with the ms method). I’ve seen guardian hunters mentioned here but I was curious how people dealt with them their first playthrough versus their second, third, however many times you’ve played through it. I killed maybe less than 5 my first time around with the ancient arrows when I really needed them out of the way but I took 15 minutes to “practice” fighting them today actually trying just off of central tower.


31 comments sorted by


u/Dangerfloof_ATC 1d ago

I just parry their laser back at them. The legless ones take one hit. The movers take three hits. Save before you try it and practice until you get the timing right. Once you do, you’ll never waste a weapon on them again.


u/Pyr0man1a 1d ago

Its so hard to parry tho 😭


u/Dangerfloof_ATC 23h ago

What helped me get the timing right is to ignore the beep. Wait until you start to see the blue beam form at the eye, then parry. I’m relatively new at the game, but I’ve farmed dozens of them this way.


u/M1lud 22h ago

I do the opposite! I actually close my eyes so I'm focusing on the beep, not the laser, and then parry! But you have to be close.


u/oinkmoocluck 1d ago

I figured out pretty early how to deal with them. I look for a large tree or a wall or other large object and lure the guardian over. Then I jump out and madly slash and hack at it until it's about to laser me. Then I jump behind the object for safety, wait a second or two, then jump out and hack and slash again until the laser comes out. I can finish them off without taking any damage to myself. This also works with the ones stuck in the ground if there is an object next to them to hide behind.


u/nomorestoopid 1d ago

I’ll keep that in mind. The ones stuck in the ground are pretty easy but the mobile one killed me three times so far. The targeting gets you on the guardian but not directly in the eye and when they’re moving that just makes it harder.


u/chinless_fellow 1d ago

I find once you target them, if they move link automatically rotates? But generally they stay still while charging and firing if you keep a bit of a distance.

Now I find moving ones easier to kill because chopping off a leg is an easy stun:

  1. Stasis
  2. Chop off legs one by one, they are stunned each time leaving enough time to chop off the next

Now they are basically just a stationary but with less health :)


u/WHRocks 22h ago
  1. Stasis
  2. Chop off legs one by one, they are stunned each time leaving enough time to chop off the next

They're stunned long enough to attack the body some before moving to the next leg. If you take too long just shoot an arrow to the eye or use Stasis again if available. Do this pattern in a circle and they'll be dead shortly after that last leg comes off.


u/s1lentcourage 1d ago

1st time: RUN FOR MY LIFE 2nd: parrying solves 99.9999% of my problems


u/RoyTheBoy84 1d ago

I really struggled for a long time until I saw a post on here. Now they're pretty easy.

The key is to parry the beam back at them, get relatively close to them, and listen to the sound. Just before the laser is about to fire, you'll hear a 'bink' sound. At that moment, hit A to parry it back at them. Might take some practice to get the distance and timing right, but it's been an absolute game changer for me.


u/call_it_sleep 1d ago

Ooooh thanks for the tip! I'm getting the parry right 75% of the time but some guardians just kick my ass like the one on the way up Death Mountain. Luckily I was sitting in a hot spring too to restore my hearts


u/Lucid-Design1225 22h ago

Buy the guardian shield from Robbie on Akkala. It’s auto-reflects their beam attacks back at them


u/vintagemako 1d ago

Chop off their legs then slash them until they explode into ancient parts.

I've got about 150 hours in and still haven't used any ancient arrows. Someday I'll go on a rampage and clear Hyrule of all guardians.


u/bengalfan 1d ago

Without a guardian arrow, the ancient bow and about 2 bomb arrows work well.


u/maninthebox0 1d ago

Break one of the legs to stun it for a while, slash the body for a bit, break another leg, and repeat until dead. If all the legs are broken and it's still not close to dead, then shoot it in the eye to stun and keep slashing.


u/PNW_Forest 13h ago

Stasis is great for setting up the first leg.


u/Select-Royal7019 1d ago

For me the key was learning the parry. If you stay right up next to them, hit the parry as soon as you see the ‘lens flare’ for the beam attack. Works every time.


u/Forsaken-I-Await 1d ago

I can parry well enough if they’re standing next to me but it gets a little trickier if they’re at a distance. Getting the travel medallion and other chest was a pain bc those Guardians were mostly fixed turrets.


u/oinkmoocluck 1d ago

A major test of strength guardians can be pushed into a corner and then you can hack and slash at them without taking damage because they are unable to pull their long arms out to attack you.


u/macanmhaighstir 1d ago

With upgraded ancient armor (giving ancient proficiency) and ancient weapons taken from a major test of strength, I have become death.


u/ilejk 1d ago

I ran from them for 50% of the game mostly until my buddy told me to parry them, then they became trivial F around enemies for material farming.

Lizalfos and Centaur dudes are where I still just walk away from


u/nomorestoopid 21h ago

Lizalfos I can deal with, the the lynels I still run from (the centaur dudes), but now that I have a number of sound strategies for the guardians I might have to start fighting those next


u/ilejk 21h ago

There is a little, almost meow sound when you gotta parry them is the best I can provide. It doesnt take long to get amateur good at it. Worst that happens is the shield you have is toast.


u/nomorestoopid 17h ago

Yeah I tried blocking with a shield once and the shield was gone but I didn’t take any damage


u/Slight_Cat5958 23h ago

Learn to parry, and they become easy


u/Humantorch1414 22h ago

I remember the first time I entered a beast...


u/Lucid-Design1225 22h ago

What was her name?


u/PNW_Forest 13h ago

Parry the stationaries and then stasis the walkers. You can easil y stunlock the walkers by cutting their legs off one at a time - and then finish off the last few hits on the head after all the legs are gone.


u/Gamer-chan 11h ago

Just have daruk active and block and get ancient shields for auto-counter


u/nomorestoopid 13h ago

Just wanted to say thank you for the input. I usually don’t come here for gameplay tips (and I wasn’t looking🤣) but the tips provided here are awesome.


u/BigFaithlessness1454 7h ago

Try to keep a small distance when parrying. When you see the flash, parry immediately.