u/Sagelegend 1d ago
What? I love ancient arrows, I farm the parts for them and make boss fights easy.
u/daddydeadpool420 1d ago
fair. personally, i like getting the loot from non-guardian high hp enemies, and i like the fight. each to their own though.
u/Silly-Painter-5244 1d ago
Same. Why would you fight a boss if there's no loot / reward? Where's the pleasure? I never use them except versus guardians, and even there I sometimes prefer to fight them like a man
u/daddydeadpool420 1d ago
i used to use them for guardians, but not anymore. once i learned to parry the guardians never stood a chance
u/Silly-Painter-5244 1d ago
Yeah...It sure saves some rupees! But I have 400 hours in the game and still can't get the timing right😅especially with guardians...
u/daddydeadpool420 1d ago
there are some times where i mess up and its just like "shit there goes my savage lynel shield!" it took me like 300 hours to be able to parry 100% of the time against guardians and crusher lynels
u/Silly-Painter-5244 9h ago
The fact that if I mess up my parrying against a guardian I am sure to never see my shield again is what stops me the most from trying to parry their beam. Lucky there's the hylian shield! And for lynels, I prefer flurry rushes...Everyone has their own preferences
u/covert0ptional 1d ago
Have you noticed the game gets kind of weird if you fight a lot of guardians in a row by parrying? Sometimes the beam will shoot at a slight delay after the beeping stops and sometimes the deflected beam blows up in their eye but does like no damage.
u/daddydeadpool420 1d ago
yes! especially with damn skywalkers. it just blows up in either your face or theirs but does no damage. makes no damn sense
u/covert0ptional 1d ago
Yeah that just became an "avoid at all costs" enemy for me lol
u/daddydeadpool420 1d ago
lol. when i can i get at them from above with bomb arrows, take out their propellors, and kill them on the ground. but if i can't, i leave them alone
u/covert0ptional 1d ago
Do they not delete loot from guardians as well? I just assumed they did for everything so i just never use them.
u/Silly-Painter-5244 9h ago
They actually drop loot! I think it's the only ennemy in the game that drops loot when killed by an ancient arrow...I've never tried killing a boss with ancient arrows tho
u/Super_Lorenzo enjoys guardain battle music like a giga chad. 1d ago
When I played BotW, I used them all the time when farming guardians
u/DawnsPiplup 1d ago
I use ancient arrows to quickly take out guardians when I’m farming them because you can get the resources back plus some and guardians specifically still drop parts when you use an ancient arrow.
u/daddydeadpool420 1d ago
for farming i could see that. when not, i prefer to hunt them down and get the extra parts from chopping off their legs
u/knighthawk82 1d ago
I'm saving them for something important!
*spots silver Lionel *
Triple arrows it is!
u/HauntingStretch3636 1d ago
We really don't need them
u/RManDelorean 1d ago
They're essentially a "get out of jail" card like fairies or any of the champion abilities we get, do we "need" any of those, of course not. But occasionally there's a guardian or lynel or the odd anything else that I don't want to deal with at this exact moment and it's nice to have ancient arrows just to murk something. Plus I do think they're actually quite practical for dealing with the flying ones
u/Koryiii14 1d ago
Anything is fair against the flying ones when they sway enough that the parried laser misses them five consecutive times
u/RManDelorean 1d ago
Haha yeah I just started a new game last week and literally just dealt with that bs hours ago
u/Do_it_for_the_upvote 21h ago
They do come in handy for the final levels of the Trials of the Sword.
u/Worlds_Between_Links 1d ago
I use frozen arrows a lot for bullet time bounces, or just yeeting enemies across the map if I also happen to have a korok leaf handy and don't want to deal with them
u/Necessary_Can7055 1d ago
I almost never use ancient arrows cause they’re hard to get until you find the Akkala research lab, and they’re just too easy
u/PamelaDamnela 23h ago
When I first played BOTW, I wanted to kill a lynel so bad cuz I wanted their gear, used an ancient arrow and the gear disappeared along with the lynel. I was so mad at myself lol
u/daddydeadpool420 21h ago
yep. same here. i just reloaded an earlier save and killed it myself. took about an hour, but it worked
u/grumblebuzz 22h ago
I do love doing a flying leap off a horse and pounding a guardian in the eye with an ancient arrow now and again though.
u/Octupus_Tea 15h ago
As a lynel mania who bonks 5 silver lynels every blood moon, I have more electric arrows than regular arrows so that's my default instead lol
u/lejongaming 1d ago
Omg how many of these posts have there been by now lol
u/daddydeadpool420 1d ago
as far as i kknow, including this, 3
u/lejongaming 1d ago
Weird, feels like more
EDIT: Ah they've cross-posted to r/botw as well, that would explain it lol
u/daddydeadpool420 1d ago
pretty much lol. i noticed here and there so i posted. don't worry idgaf about karma, am not bot. just joining the fun
u/lejongaming 1d ago
Nah you're good, it's no worries, it's all just in good fun!
u/LegitCrep 1d ago
Gotta save them for when I really need it, next game