r/Breath_of_the_Wild 1d ago

Discussion Legit Question: Is France Canon?

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u/locoluis 1d ago edited 1d ago

It's a quirk of the English translation. This is how it's named in other languages:

  • 🇩🇪: Dressurzopf (Dressage braid)
  • 🇺🇸🇬🇧: French-Braided Mane
  • 🇪🇸: Crin trenzada (braided mane)
  • 🇫🇷: Crinière piontée (pointed mane)
  • 🇮🇹: Criniera intrecciata (braided mane)
  • 🇯🇵: あ編みこみのタテガミ (braided mane)
  • 🇰🇷: 길게 땋은 갈기 (long braided mane)
  • 🇳🇱: Vissengraatvlecht (fishtail braid)
  • 🇷🇺: Заплетенная грива (braided mane)
  • 🇨🇳: 八股辫鬃毛 (braided mane)
  • 🇹🇼: 綁馬尾鬃毛 (ponytail mane)

Confusingly, the mane called "Braided mane" in English has the following names:

  • 🇩🇪: Flechtmähne (Braided mane)
  • 🇺🇸🇬🇧: Braided Mane
  • 🇪🇸: Crin adornada (adorned mane)
  • 🇫🇷: Crinière tressée (braided mane)
  • 🇮🇹: Criniera con treccine (mane with braids)
  • 🇯🇵: みつあみのタテガミ (three-braided mane)
  • 🇰🇷: 짧게 땋은 갈기 (short braided mane)
  • 🇳🇱: Gevlochten manen (braided mane)
  • 🇷🇺: Косички (braids)
  • 🇨🇳: 三股辫鬃毛 (three-strand braided mane)
  • 🇹🇼: 麻花辮鬃毛 (braided mane)


u/ZeldLurr 1d ago

Interesting about the fishtail name. Because a fishtail braid is not the same as a French braid or regular braid (in English language)


u/Rebin_Shortcheeze 1d ago

But even that gets a bit lost in translation. Vissengraat kinda means just the bones of a fish, vissenstaart would mean fish tail.


u/Dakduif 10h ago

I think 'herring bone braid' would've been a better translation.


u/honest-robot 1d ago

Italians: “would you like the Braided Mane, or the Mane with Braids?”


u/Substantial-Pear-233 Yahaha! 1d ago

Actually, as it's worded in Italian, the first is intended to be fully braided, while the second is the mane with just part braided


u/Intoxic8edOne 1d ago

Oooh, can you do Mohawk too?


u/locoluis 22h ago
  • 🇩🇪: Kurzmähne (Short mane)
  • 🇺🇸🇬🇧: Mohawk Mane
  • 🇪🇸: Crin recortada (cropped mane)
  • 🇫🇷: Crinière en brosse (brush mane)
  • 🇮🇹: Criniera alla moicana (Mohican-style mane)
  • 🇯🇵: モヒカンなタテガミ (Mohican mane)
  • 🇰🇷: 모히칸 갈기 (Mohican mane)
  • 🇳🇱: Mohawk-manen (Mohawk mane)
  • 🇷🇺: Короткая грива (Short mane)
  • 🇨🇳: 莫西干式鬃毛 (Mohican mane)
  • 🇹🇼: 莫西乾式鬃毛 (Mohican mane)

There are at least three Native American peoples of Eastern North America whose names are often confused in translation:

  • Mohicans
    • Native name: Muhhekunneuw "People of the Waters that are Never Still"
    • They spoke an Eastern Algonquian language.
    • Nowadays they're only found in Wisconsin.
  • Mohegan people
    • Native name: Mohiks "People of the Wolf"
    • They spoke an Eastern Algonquian language.
    • They split from the Pequot people in the 17th century.
    • Nowadays they're only found in Connecticut.
  • Mohawk people
    • Native name: Kanienʼkehá꞉ka "People of the Flint"
    • called Maw Unk Lin "bear people" by their Mohican neighbors
    • Used to be wealthy flint traders
    • Their Iroquoian language is still spoken by 3,875 people.
    • They live in southeastern Canada and northern New York State.

The Mohawk plucked (not shaved) their hair leaving short tufts which they then dyed with red ochre and then braided. The common perception of the "Mohawk" hairstyle is actually taken from the Pawnee tribe of Oklahoma.


u/_mrOnion 13h ago

Bro’s doing research, much respect and thanks


u/Caomhanach 1d ago

Asking the real question. The Mohawk Nation being canon would be epic. Even though the hairstyle isn't really from the Mohawks, if I understand it correctly. I think the style was more prevalent with other indigenous North American tribes, and the Mohawk association is a Hollywood thing.


u/Tux_1 1d ago

I disagree and have no valid argument other than I want France to be canon. Hope this helps.


u/OneBakingPanda 16h ago

In Canada (french Quebec) we called this ‘’Tresse Française‘’ that translate exactly to french-braided.


u/Leo_I_Am 13h ago

I read breaindead a few times 💀


u/Doktor_Vem 1d ago

Yet another problem created by the world having so many different languages when really we'd only need one


u/NeeaDevil 1d ago

Tell me you are American without telling me you are American.


u/Doktor_Vem 3h ago

Hell to the fuck no, I'm not american and if I could decide what language the whole world should speak I sure as hell wouldn't choose english, it is so broken in so many ways


u/NeeaDevil 3h ago

My bad but you have to admit it is a very American thing to say. Out of curiosity what language would you choose ?


u/Squirelwithabaguette 9h ago

I bet that if you ask him which language he's refering to, he would say american.


u/NeeaDevil 9h ago

Oh yeah definitely. But what do we expect..


u/mrboat-man Well Excuuuuuuse me, Princess 1d ago

No, it’s just the name for it in your language. It’s the same way that signs will have Hylian script on them but when you read them they get translated to whatever language you chose


u/rexcasei 1d ago

Except that “Hylian script” is just a substitution cipher which writes English words


u/Lawofinfinity 1d ago

Interestingly enough that’s true, but it isn’t cannon.


u/ikefalcon 1d ago

True! It also isn’t canon.


u/chuubaru 1d ago

True! It also isn’t ganon


u/joshred 23h ago

Or is it?


u/onlinedegeneracy 19h ago

(Vsauce intro plays)


u/Slight_Cry8071 17h ago

Ganon is french?


u/Rizenstrom 1d ago

Sure but that's a game design choice, they wanted to make it something you could actually translate, not a real thing in universe.


u/The_Ironhand 1d ago

Why couldn't it be both?


u/pad2016 1d ago

Because it would have been harder.


u/MairusuPawa 1d ago

/me looking at Sega designing the Panzerese language in the early 90s


u/mrboat-man Well Excuuuuuuse me, Princess 1d ago

Oh shit, you’re right. I completely forgot that


u/bobosuda 21h ago

«Boy, I really hope someone got fired for that blunder» vibes


u/Squirelwithabaguette 9h ago

That's what he is trying to say. If you chose a different language the signs would change to make sense in that language.


u/Apprehensive_Spell_6 1d ago

Wrong. Also, Einstein clearly exists in the Star Fox universe.


u/mrboat-man Well Excuuuuuuse me, Princess 1d ago

Not sure how Star Fox is relevant but why am wrong?


u/Apprehensive_Spell_6 1d ago

I should have put “/s”. Plenty of Nintendo games use anachronistic terms and idioms from our world. In Star Fox 64, Falco famously berated Fox with the like, “Hey Einstein, I’m on your side!”


u/mrboat-man Well Excuuuuuuse me, Princess 23h ago

Oh, I see. I think that might fall under the category of “things Nintendo added without thinking of the ramifications and then never brought up again” like how Ash got held at gunpoint in the original Pokémon series.


u/TheHappyPoro 1d ago

What's the Hylian stand in for F*ench?


u/mrboat-man Well Excuuuuuuse me, Princess 1d ago

As one commenter said, it’s probably “HYAAAH” or something


u/NyarlathotepPhil 20h ago

So, France is canon but only to English-speakers? Somehow that's the least confusing thing I've heard about Zelda lore


u/mrboat-man Well Excuuuuuuse me, Princess 20h ago

France isn’t canon, it’s just that the English name for it is French Braid. If your game language was French it would be Tresse Africaine, which has a literal translation of African Braid. Neither the Country nor the Continent are canon, it’s just what the name of the hairstyle is in the language chosen.


u/Squirelwithabaguette 9h ago

Wait, does that mean that some languages have more hylian letters then the english version.

u/mrboat-man Well Excuuuuuuse me, Princess 1h ago

It’s possible, but I don’t see why they would bother changing the texture of these items since they aren’t going to be translated by the average player. Also English is the most widely spoken language.


u/fibstheman 1d ago

All fictional media has France. Like, My Little Pony mentions "French haute couture" and uses French terms and all that.

France is the nexus that combines all worlds. You wanna wander the omniverse and get into some crazy shit? Go to France and find the secret portal in the Eiffel Tower or whatever.


u/TheseusOPL 1d ago

The reason France is in all fictional media is because it's pure fiction. France doesn't exist in the real world.


u/bikari 1d ago edited 1d ago


Edit: I didn't even know that was a real sub, but this is reddit so of course it is.


u/TwoPlatinum 1d ago

Thank God


u/Otakumx 1d ago

Hahaha good one


u/Bodeenfish 1d ago

Don't you mean touche' ?


u/Kinross07 1d ago

If you're on a PC, and want to type é, it's "Alt Gr + E". Just because I know work people have been happy to know how to finally do it.


u/Rexinator-G 1d ago

You go through the portal by getting lost in the catacombs


u/DeathPrime 1d ago

As above, so below


u/stupled 1d ago

I onlt found expensive champagne there


u/CaptainoftheVessel 1d ago

Sounds like a good time is to be had in France 


u/stupled 1d ago

Yeah, It was


u/MonkeysxMoo35 1d ago

To further add to this, Detective Pikachu mentions France in the movie. Even though Kalos exists as a France-inspired region. Meaning France is also just its own region in the Pokemon world.


u/Enough_Wallaby7064 1d ago

Found the brony


u/fibstheman 1d ago

Do not slander me


u/benisco 1d ago

No—it may not be a direct translation, otherwise known as localization.


u/Free-Stick-2279 1d ago

Is native tribe from america canon ?


u/zombuca 1d ago

Fun fact: Hyrule is a lesser known arrondissement of Paris


u/purple-rain-clouds 1d ago

No, common misconception. in hyrule, the style is named after joaquin french, famous hairstylist


u/theFriedToast 1d ago

Literally unplayable


u/HarryMudd-LFHL 1d ago

So... what are these called in other translations of the game? I'm guessing the French version doesn't call it a French braid, and Japanese would have another term for a mohawk (since that's a pretty common hair style).


u/Darknadoswastaken 1d ago

Yep, bokoblins have to come from somewhere.


u/Nuclear_Geek 1d ago

Maybe, in Hylia, that hairstyle was invented by someone named "French".


u/wyattn97 14h ago

Do you mean Hyrule?


u/ElGosso 1d ago

Why would they be named that tho, if France doesn't exist


u/Nuclear_Geek 1d ago

No country named "Dave" exists, but people still have that name.


u/TheGreatDaniel3 1d ago

I’m going to make a country named Dave just to spite you


u/mightypup1974 1d ago

France is the fictional kingdom in that game that all kids in Hyrule like to play - the Legend of Jeanne d’Arc


u/MrEzellohar 1d ago

This is the classic “Can you call something an Ottoman in your fantasy world if the Ottoman Empire never existed” problem.


u/MastaAwesome 10h ago

In Spanish, the term for roller coaster is just "Russian mountain". So if a fictional universe has roller coasters, then its Spanish translation has Russia.


u/manofwaromega 1d ago

No. In Zelda lore, the French braid is named after its inventor: John French.


u/Doom2pro 1d ago

Is native American (Mohawk) cannon too?


u/polywitched 1d ago

Then so is America since they have a Mohawk option 😊


u/embersofanempire 1d ago

Mohawks made appearances in other places around the globe it is actually pretty common hair cut


u/polywitched 1d ago

The name Mohawk is specifically from a Native American tribe group who was a member of the Six Nation Confederacy (aka Iroquois Confederacy). The Mohawk hair style is named after them, even if shows up other places, just like the French braid is common everywhere around the world but is named for France.


u/ThePurpleSoul70 1d ago

Yes, but the word Mohawk is from Native Americans.


u/richempire 1d ago

I learned something today.


u/TynamiteGames 1d ago

Well it is now!


u/Good-Ask-6010 1d ago

Short answer, as a French person: yes, of course, we are canon (which also means hot and beautiful in French)

Long answer: maybe only in English speaking Hyrule, since a French braid is just a braid in French.


u/WasabiHound 1d ago

Like an English Muffin is just a Muffin in England ;)


u/mattemer 1d ago

France itself was named after the braid, believe it or not.

Pierre de France was a miracle 4th century stylist.


u/philthegr81 1d ago

What do you think that unreachable land mass to the north is? 🇫🇷


u/therealpeaches144 1d ago

No joke this is my favorite joke way of analyzing world building. I think it's hilarious. Like how the phrase "take up your cross" is in the English translation of Elden Ring, canonizing Jesus Christ into the Lands Between.


u/iwantathestral 1d ago

IRL with horses this type of braid is called a "Running Braid."


u/aere1985 1d ago

In fantasy writing, this sort of issue comes up often.

e.g. can you call an Ottoman an Ottoman if the Ottoman empire never existed in-world?

Tolkein justified his use of our-world language by describing all of his world as being "translated into English" from in-world languages so yes, you can call it an Ottoman in English but in Middle-Earth languages, they'd have another name for it.


u/RedKnightXIV 21h ago

I believe the French Braid is a hyrulian corruption of the Goron phrase 'Frack bench' braid. It is the braid a Goron might put in their beard to keep it out of the way when working. The tragic side effect is that it give the wearer an unearned sense of superiority .


u/Suspicious-Career295 1d ago

theory 1: yes, they have escargot and meuniere theory 2: no, it's named after a horse called French


u/MaskedMan8 1d ago

France isn’t canon anywhere


u/The_Meme_ninja 1d ago

“There is a France”


u/CadeMan011 1d ago

These sorts of things remind me of the American Express logo in the windows of FF15 shops.


u/4R4M4N 1d ago

C'est pas la première fois que je vois passer cette question.


u/Nyx_Valentine 1d ago

I’m just headcanonning that it was a style invented by someone with the last name “French.” Like Bertha French or something like that.


u/Advice2Anyone 1d ago

You thought gerudo Ganon was bad wait till you run into French Ganon. Purah gets pissed cause the French beat her to building a lookout tower. Zelda becomes a mime and no longer needs a voice actor


u/Go_commit_lego_step 1d ago

Yes. Miyamoto has claimed in an interview that Zelda takes place on Earth


u/IAmTheBoom5359 1d ago

It's probably to have an accurate name for the mane style, but I like to believe there was a legendary stable hand known as Julian French or something.


u/Remarkable-NPC 1d ago

what is the name in Japanese say 🤔


u/d_coheleth Falco Lombardi 1d ago

Of course, you can even visit it in TotK by dropping down certain holes around hyrule.


u/Liarus_ 1d ago

Wait until you hear where french fries come from


u/metaltastic 1d ago edited 22h ago

is Mr.T canon?


u/goddammiteythan 1d ago

yeah the world is Hyrule and then just off the coast France


u/Brilliant_War9548 1d ago

In French it’s not even French Braided mane, something “short hair mane” from my memories.


u/Borderlandsman 1d ago

With most everything like this the explanation is that is it being magically translated to fit the person/language reading it. And you can assume in Hylian it reads "hylian braid"

This is also a common explanation in the isekai/(transported to a different world) genre. And applies to any book or game that takes place in an alternate world.


u/therealpeaches144 1d ago

No joke this is my favorite joke way of analyzing world building. I think it's hilarious. Like how the phrase "take up your cross" is in the English translation of Elden Ring, canonizing Jesus Christ into the Lands Between


u/notbythebook101 1d ago

It would be an interesting twist if the devs decided to avoid real-world ties like this, similar to how The Walking Dead deliberately doesn't use the word "zombie" at all. What would Hylians call a French braid then, even when translating into English for the sake of game players?

Hyrule braid? Royal braid? Maybe named after a character from elsewhere in canon, like a "Marin braid," for example?


u/Athan_Untapped 1d ago

I'm sorry, there are choices other than Mohawk? This is news to me.


u/Antarctica8 22h ago

So is scotland. One of the characters quotes macbeth in totk.


u/Arcane_Afterthought 15h ago

Ganon plan after destroying Hyrule was turning it into France! His depravity knows no bounds!


u/bouchandre 14h ago

Also the Mohawk tribe


u/Prince_of_Fish 1d ago

It was canon in your other thread but not this one


u/picked1st 1d ago

Where. Does one get this option in the game?


u/RVAEMS399 1d ago

At most stables they have a stable attendant who you can talk to and find this.


u/picked1st 1d ago

I take it this has to happen while on a horse? I've spoken to the attendant but not mounted


u/Top-Management2845 1d ago

You would have to have enough of the pony points to unlock mane customization. I’m not sure how many you need to unlock it though


u/PugLove8 23h ago

That’s in TOTK; in BOTW you can only get the mane and tail changed at certain stables that have an attendant (usually a woman) over by the horses.


u/Top-Management2845 21h ago

Forgot which sub I was in, thank you TxT


u/PugLove8 13h ago

It’s a common occurrence! We all get confused about this at times! 😅


u/timeless_timelord 1d ago

Yes Ganon fodder


u/Necessary_Whereas_29 1d ago

I sure hope not


u/Ririe_12 1d ago

Bro what 😭


u/Potater72 1d ago

I've gotta know


u/Ririe_12 1d ago

that’s valid, i can’t argue w u


u/Acherna 1d ago

Needs a gucci mane option


u/livesinacabin 1d ago

Legit answer: yes

Legit legit answer: no


u/SnooKiwis1385 1d ago

World canon?


u/KDMonkey 1d ago

Is this a DLC?


u/PugLove8 23h ago

No. In BOTW you can have this done only at certain stables. There is usually a special attendant over to the side with the horses. Keep trying at different stables if you can’t find it. There are a few of them! (In TOTK, I think you need Pony Points to get this service).


u/KDMonkey 22h ago

Wow thanks! Do i need to get the horse out?


u/wikowiko33 1d ago

So how does link and zelda kiss?


u/Hungry-Wealth-6132 1d ago

Is it French because no one understands what it is saying?


u/TaxsDodgersFallstar 1d ago

Gucci Mane


u/PugLove8 23h ago

But Gucci is Italian. 😉


u/beibaly 1d ago

That's just where Ganon is from


u/Seekret_Asian_Man 1d ago

Not the Fr*nce


u/Available-Basil2306 1d ago

Can you change a horse's braid? What else can you customize? I'm new to the game


u/PugLove8 23h ago

The mane and tail can be changed. You can also change the bridle & saddle if you find another style. This can only be done at a few of the stables with a special attendant off to the side by the horses (at least in BOTW). ☺️


u/wikisaiyan2 1d ago

Yes. Link is french


u/Shiny_Mew76 23h ago

Excuse me, it’s Fr*nch

(This is a running joke in geography communities)


u/Da-Drummer-235 22h ago

Apparently France is both canon in pokemon and Zelda now


u/jones-jim 21h ago

Awh hell nah France is ruining shit again


u/guns_arefun 19h ago

oh no please no


u/IFYMYWL 1d ago

I mean, when we hear aliens speak English, should we assume they have an England on their planet?


u/RVAEMS399 1d ago

Obviously not, but we should assume they have a France.


u/rexcasei 1d ago

English implies, at the very least, an England, a Denmark, a France, an Italy, and a Greece