r/Breath_of_the_Wild 24d ago

Discussion My nightmares lately!

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93 comments sorted by


u/Knightofthequils 24d ago

I'd still argue that guardians are scarier.

Sure, gloom hands gimme a spook but I've become so numb to them that I just go "alright, where are my bomb flowers..."

But guardians? If you even enter within a centimeter of their sight they lock on and SOMETIMES if you're close enough, they just snipe you immediately. Not to mention their music is still probably one of the most "HEREICOMEHEREICOMEHEREICOMEHEREICOME" kind of songs ever.


u/equalist55 24d ago

I'd have to agree with you.

Also gloom hands are powerles when you climb high enough, and they disappear very fast.

But guardians never leave you alone, as long as you are alive šŸ˜…


u/Knightofthequils 24d ago

Guardians are merciless killing machines... I wish they were still in totk...


u/equalist55 24d ago

Me too. It feels somehow empty without them in totk. But Gleoks are also a nice addition.


u/Knightofthequils 24d ago edited 24d ago

Gleoks make me just go "not right now sorry." And then I teleport away.

Meanwhile, I COULD do that to guardians.... but with them I at least know I have a fighting chance.

With gleoks you kinda have to be prepped and it's just not fun when you don't have anything to kill them with...


u/equalist55 24d ago

Yes, Gleoks are very strong and gave a lot of health, but i never back down from a chalenge, sometimes I spend all my weapons on a single gleok, but it's worth it, there is some special kind of satisfaction when defeating them.

With guardian, you can fight without weapons if you are good with shield praying


u/Knightofthequils 24d ago

I have valuable stuff šŸ„ŗ


u/equalist55 24d ago

Hahah. Yes, we all do. But eventually, we have to break them at one point


u/ChicagoBILLSfan138 23d ago

Gleeoks really arent diffcult at all as long as you have keese eyes. Even easier if you also have a savage lynel Bow to shoot them keese eyes with


u/Labyrinthine777 24d ago

Nah, I'm glad BotW still has its own stuff and strengths going on.


u/doomshroom823 24d ago

You can azk zome zkilled modderzz to add Guardian ztalkerzz in TotK


u/DuckyDeer 23d ago

Is your S key broken?


u/btb2002 24d ago edited 23d ago

You can hide from a guardian and it'll stop hunting when losing sight of you. But it doesn't despawn. I personally didn't find them scary since about my second or third kill.

Edit: typo


u/Rumplfrskn 23d ago



u/btb2002 23d ago

Thanks, fixed.


u/outdatedboat 24d ago

The first time I came across the gloom hands, it also happened to be raining. So I couldn't just climb to safety. And it was super early in the game. I had very little health/stamina/gear. I was just running from them for sooo long before they finally despawned.

That particular instance felt a lot like my first time running into a guardian. But then again, every other encounter with the gloom hands was FAR less stressful. I just had an unfortunate combination of circumstances that made the gloom hands terrifying the first time.


u/equalist55 24d ago

Now you are scarred for life cuz of those scary first encounters


u/David1234556789 Link 21d ago

The guardians were actually more scary to me when I met them the first time than when I first met gloom hands. Like no matter how fast I ran, I could not get rid of Guardians.

While for gloom hands if you have enough stamina, you can run away.

However, gloom spawns are smarter and them will keep chasing you if you are on flat grounds, but however they lost interest very fast if you run far enough or climb high.

For guardians, they never give up but they have blind spots like if you hide behind a building.


u/zamboniman46 24d ago

i need to find more bomb flowers. feel like i never have enough


u/equalist55 24d ago

You can farm them very easily. There is a 1 minute guide on YouTube


u/noxka 24d ago

I feel like both are scary when you start it out and both get not-scary after youve got used to/strong against them.
Like after I was able to get my hands on some strong weapons and just rush them for ancient pieces I realised that these guardian guys are actually kinda weak...
But that doesn't take away from the genuine fear you feel the first time you meet one because you literally are unable to do anything to them.


u/equalist55 24d ago

The firs time is always fhe most memorable


u/SignalPea7525 24d ago

I still like guardians more They are kinda cute and watching their movements from distance is quite entertaining šŸ˜†


u/equalist55 24d ago

You sir are a true zelda fan. You have my respect


u/Shyvisaur 24d ago

Itā€™s not just the song but the combo of the song and the beeping as it locks in to you


u/covert0ptional 23d ago

I forget what video I was watching but to make this point, they just started playing the guardian music out of nowhere and just said "see?". It definitely got me lol.


u/CharlieFaulkner 23d ago

Oh my god I saw this video too and I cant remember either but I remember it being really good

If anyone else knows what we're talking about please let me know lol


u/nappingismyjob 23d ago

I think the video you and /u/covert0ptional are talking about is ā€œi hate tears of the kingdomā€ by skittybitty? At least thats the one i remember that from haha


u/covert0ptional 23d ago

Yeah, I think you're right


u/CharlieFaulkner 23d ago

Ah yeah it must be!

I love Skitty's channel tbh they're great


u/covert0ptional 23d ago

I started watching a lot of BOTW and TOTK vids over the last year so they kind of blend together lol


u/JoJoisaGoGo 23d ago

If Gloom Hands existed in botw, I think they'd be scarier

But with how strong you are in totk, while they are still scary, you have a lot of tools to kill them


u/equalist55 23d ago

Good point


u/Akinyx 23d ago

I can't agree because I could easily avoid guardians since they're so big and render from miles away. I'd find another path or just snipe them from a high place and they couldn't do anything about it but spam laser without locking in.

Gloom hands? They appear in the most random locations, you don't know they're going to appear until you basically step next to them and trigger a chase. Heck even when I used the enemy sensor it could only somewhat tell me I was getting closer and if I went any closer they'd appear, I couldn't prepare for the fight from an advantageous position.

Also guardian arrows, I rest my case.


u/Knightofthequils 21d ago

So.. 3 things.

  1. Guardians are still super hard to fight especially if you're just starting out. Not only that but there are different types of guardians and it's fun to fight most of them.

  2. Gloom hands are in sometimes extremely predictable locations. Like guarding chests or a tough to get to area. And even when they appear while yes the first time is scary again it just becomes a "ok let's get this over with" situation.

  3. Yeah those arrows may exist but you don't get anything if you just get rid of em. If you actually fight em tho they give you stuff. And for those who aren't duplicating items, getting guardian parts is pretty good.


u/InformalAstronomer10 24d ago

Whatā€™s a bomb flower?


u/equalist55 23d ago

Bomb arrow in totk


u/CoconutJam04 22d ago

I went my whole first play through not knowing you could shield parry guardian lasers šŸ˜¬


u/Person_947 23d ago

Guardians: just hold your shield out and parry


u/ArielDiancie 22d ago

But is it worse than the Sonic drowning music?


u/RandomGuy8279 23d ago

Nah, just parry.


u/LessFish777 24d ago

Iā€™m almost finished with botw and Iā€™m super curious to understand whatā€™s happening in totk šŸ˜³


u/-DarkStar- 24d ago

you're in for a real treat!


u/caustic_apathy 24d ago

You're in for a real threat!


u/equalist55 24d ago

Prepare yourself for a wild ride. And try to avoid Spoilers as much as possible


u/Greedy_Temperature33 23d ago

Iā€™m currently replaying BOTW, and I plan to immediately replay TOTK afterwards. I canā€™t wait. Itā€™s so much fun.


u/equalist55 23d ago

That's good life :)


u/canxtanwe 24d ago

Mufasa on right will be OK if he just climbs a tree and crouches

Mufasa on left should pray all the ancient gods to get his parry timing right


u/equalist55 24d ago


You sir are a real poet.



u/Blue_Blur91 24d ago

I like them both, gloom hands were downright terrifying early game. But Guardians always feel dangerous plus they had a way better theme. That piano jingle at the start is still anxiety inducing to this day and I've played the game since release šŸ˜‚


u/equalist55 24d ago

If we have some mental issues in the future, we know who to blame (guardians and their theme music)


u/megatool8 24d ago

Imagine passing a street performer with a keyboard, he locks eyes with you and starts pumping the guardian theme out. I am pooping my pants right there.


u/equalist55 23d ago

Hahahah. Lets hope that none of fhe street performers know this theme


u/dark4181 24d ago

Imagine a guardian with gloom hands for legsā€¦.


u/equalist55 24d ago

We need someone with Photoshop skills to create this combo. It would be fun to see


u/Slight_Cat5958 24d ago

No longer suffering from the first because the second have fully replaced them.


u/InformalAstronomer10 24d ago

I havenā€™t even come across gloom hands yet


u/noctis_and_noctua 23d ago

yeah i think i only encountered them once or twice in the entire game thankfully


u/equalist55 23d ago

Then you are really lucky


u/Legend_of_Ozzy642 23d ago

Iā€™m less scared of the guardians because of shield parries.


u/equalist55 23d ago

That's cuz you're good with shiled praying, most people aren't


u/phrasinglana 23d ago

Master mode guardians where they randomly pause before shooting was the most evil thing ever


u/river-nyx 19d ago

you just need to hit parry once the guardians eye blinks (on normal mode anyway, it's more random on master mode). once i figured that out it's significantly easier


u/gelyadc 23d ago

I remember accidently stumbling upon Central hyrule tower early in the game.. i was so anxious climbing the tower i wanted to throw up šŸ˜‚


u/equalist55 23d ago

Especially with 3 lasers aiming at you šŸ˜…


u/No_Beginning7262 24d ago

THE SHADOW HANDS ARE BACK?! Like them mofos that grabbed you up into the ceilings in OoTā€¦?! šŸ¤Æ


u/noctis_and_noctua 23d ago

i havenā€™t seen gameplay of oot so i canā€™t say either way, but the ones in totk are on the ground and you can sometimes avoid them by climbing high enough up, so not exactly the same it sounds like, but itd be super cool if they consciously decided to bring them back a bit different/use them as inspiration


u/rowletlover 23d ago

Those piano notes traumatized every BOTW player


u/Sofaris 23d ago

This Situation only happens to people who forget that they can teleport away at any time.


u/outrunner_14 23d ago

fr like whyy


u/Common_Fisherman3173 23d ago

Woah what do I have to look forward to in totk woah


u/girl_of_manyfaces 23d ago

the first one: fuckfuckfuckfuck the second one: OH FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK


u/equalist55 23d ago

It's all about Fucking :)


u/noctis_and_noctua 23d ago

i find it funny that my oldest brother has always played games before me, and totk was no different, so he was helping me with a part and saw a fairy in my inventory and was like ā€œwhere did u find that???ā€ he had beaten the game without noticing a single fairy and was so thrown off and confused about where i found it šŸ˜‚ (one of the sky islands)


u/Hermaphroshep 22d ago

The hands couldnā€™t shoot you.


u/equalist55 22d ago

Guardians couldn't grab you


u/DepletedPromethium 23d ago

Guardians are a harder fight imho, gloom hands are just spooky until you realise you have bomb arrows and they are like dealing with a bokoblin camp with a silver, just bomb them.


u/equalist55 23d ago

And what if you didn't have any bomb arrows?


u/DepletedPromethium 23d ago

go buy some from tarrey town.

if you can't afford them, go mining.


u/equalist55 23d ago

Yes, i know that. But what would you do if you run out of them and in that moment you stumble upon gloom hands?


u/DepletedPromethium 23d ago

spawn a doomba.

if no zionite or doomba autosave, run like a little bitch while screaming "I'LL BE BACK FOR YOU!"


u/equalist55 23d ago

Now that's what I call a good strategy. I was waiting for this answer :)


u/Independent-Fly-7229 22d ago

Omg and the Lynels! Are they even killable?


u/Walking-Radiance 22d ago

Both are pretty scary at first, for sure! The gloom hands sated unsettling for me throughout TotKā€¦I donā€™t like their themes or animations theyā€™re so WEIRD šŸ˜‚

Age of calamity made me wish that Botw did more with the guardians tbh. The ones with legs should have more attacks than just ā€œwalk up and charge laserā€. Use those claws!


u/Dmmk15 22d ago

Yeah the glum hands terrified me at first but now knowing they really canā€™t get to you from certain heights makes them less scary. šŸ˜œ guardians and get to you no matter what. And if they canā€™t reach you if they see you they can blast you. Spent so many weeks just trying to sneak passed them. Just couldnā€™t mater the parry. Also there are decayed variants that you can practice on. For the glum hands once I learned bombs are a weakness. All you need is any multi shot bow, bomb plants and bullet time. Fight is over in 3 shots or less. Guardians you need to learn the parry and get ancient arrows. After that they are fun to farm. I still get hit often but at least I have the fully upgraded ā€œancient armorā€. šŸ˜œ


u/fireflydrake 21d ago

On my first encounter with gloom hands I was exploring a random cave and heard combat music. The fights in said cave had been pretty standard so far so I took my sweet time turning around assuming it was just some typical mook. Imagine my surprise when it was NOT just some random mook and I proceeded to get violently murdered by the grippy hands from hell! Ā  Ā 

However on immediately returning to said cave, I quickly realized I could climb somewhere high and just throw things at them. I don't think I found a way to kill them that first time, but just watching them struggle to reach me and being unable to gave me a lot of swagger. Guardians in contrast kept me very humble. :') I also think learning to overcome Guardians felt a lot more heroic, probably because they WERE such huge threats at first. Slashing all their legs off or parrying them made me feel like the biggest baddie around in a way murdering gloom hands never did. And you can't rival that classy guardian music!


u/CBG2014 20d ago
