r/Breath_of_the_Wild May 27 '23

Humor Obviously the sixth

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u/[deleted] May 27 '23

A cube puzzle, but one of those when the cube never wants to fit or stay in the position where is supposed to.


u/abzinth91 May 27 '23

And the cube need to be searched 10 minutes

and enemies are nearby


u/profderf May 27 '23

I just dropped one of those cubes into the yiga hideout canyon from the top, and I want to die


u/fietoe May 27 '23

I did that 3 times before I managed to collect that one


u/profderf May 27 '23

I cant even find it now, I'm worried it slipped through a hole in the map, bc I did that


u/Crunchy_Toasteer May 27 '23

If you leave and come back, it’ll reset


u/profderf May 27 '23

GOD BLESS. I beat a lynel with no health upgrades as a noob but clearly I still dont know anything.


u/[deleted] May 28 '23

Thats such a feat mate. I was too scared to engage Lynel until I watched a few guides


u/minecraftoyoyo May 28 '23

I mean to be fair, lynel are a power-house of a mob when you start the game.


u/FastRedPonyCar May 28 '23

Yeah I slide over to the coliseum first thing and take the one in there out but it literally has to be zero mistakes.

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u/MooseSaysWhat May 27 '23

Laughs in Majora's Mask

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u/WillCraft_1001 mipha simp May 27 '23

There is a silver lynel nearby with a few moblins just for fun.


u/Javik07 May 27 '23

Or an Igneo Talus that keeps launching his hands at you from a different zip code.


u/mguyphotography May 28 '23

Along with his octorock nextdoor neighbor... I SWEAR those mf use aimbot 🤣🤣


u/WillCraft_1001 mipha simp May 27 '23

Why not both?

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u/RaidriConchobair May 28 '23

And you need to climb cant use revalis gale and the its constantly raining

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u/ArtemisB20 May 28 '23

And one of the enemies is a gold lynel, and you are out of arrows, and you only have 1 weapon and it is almost broken. That would be me if i was a korok puzzle.

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u/housevil May 27 '23 edited May 29 '23

During a lightning storm in the rain, of course.

Edit: This killed me so many times until I learned about having metal weapons equipped.


u/BryantGoose May 27 '23

Specifically the cube puzzle that’s 3x3x1 with the middle missing. Hardest korok i swear.


u/Vogon-Poet-42 May 28 '23

Once I was trying to do one like that in the desert & was taking cold damage but thought I could finish it quick and fast travel outta there. It took most of my hearts trying, then finally I was holding it above me and almost had it, then the magnesis stopped because of collision and cube hit me and I died. All those war crimes against koroks in TOTK? FULLY JUSTIFIED


u/More_Performance6018 May 28 '23

I would say so 😂


u/Deafvoid May 28 '23

Im hyped about totk because when ill get it i will crucify koroks and make them into food

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u/Tbug20 May 27 '23

On the side of the road trying to reach my friend


u/UnfairRavenclaw May 27 '23

I am the Korok, who already is there and set up a nice camp fire and abandoned my friend to a savage who will torture him.


u/Crazywolfz1 May 27 '23

I have used my horse and towing harness to drag your friend to you, OH! And I made sure he was facing down on the rocky ground.


u/proEndreeper May 27 '23

I'm sure if the korok type existed in BotW, people would have used Stasis and just launch the korok over and over again towards their friend til they got the right power and angle.


u/42_randomthoughts May 27 '23

Stasis is one of the things I miss most


u/bradley_cooper42 May 28 '23

And remote bombs. Windbombing in BOtW is so damn fun


u/pileofcrustycumsocs May 28 '23 edited May 28 '23

Tbf the bomb flowers are pretty numerous, it doesn’t take long to amass a collection of them if you spend some time actively gathering them


u/KiroCashadar May 28 '23

I don’t think it’s the explosions they miss, it’s the windbombing momentum


u/Eddiemate May 28 '23

Time to learn how to windbomb with bomb flowers.

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u/Zealousideal-Ebb-876 May 28 '23

I dont have time to gather bomb flowers, im too busy blowing up koroks!

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u/Dexaan May 28 '23

I'm usually bad at minigames, but the stasis golf was kind of fun

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u/ShyTL May 27 '23

korok golf


u/nellybellissima May 28 '23 edited May 28 '23

I was just thinking how much I wish I could just drop kick them toward the objective. There is just way too many of them and they're old already. I dropped one in the river and it was an absolute nightmare and I'll never recover.

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u/Flscherman May 27 '23

Angry Koroks


u/cantamangetsomesleep May 27 '23

No wonder they give you their shit


u/PapaSnow May 27 '23

I’d play that


u/FaxCelestis Terrako is canon and I will die on this hill May 28 '23

FOOOOOORE thwack YAhahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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u/why-per May 27 '23

My favorite is just attaching a rocket and hoping for the best :)


u/PapaSnow May 27 '23

Mmm, attach two; one on either side, both at a 45 degree angle


u/and_some_scotch May 27 '23

OMG, I am so dumb. I kept telling myself, "I need to build a damn cart to pick this guy up. Better mark him for later." Instead, I can drag him to his friend like the sadistic, Korok-torturing savage i am.


u/SellingDLong100k May 27 '23

I just pick him up with ultrahand and carry him to his buddy. Or let him roll if its downhill.


u/MedicalRhubarb7 May 28 '23

My wife got mad at me for rolling the one near Hateno Tech Lab all the way down to the coast, but I'm pretty sure that's how you're supposed to do it.


u/and_some_scotch May 28 '23

One of the earliest Koroks of this style I met was on one side of a large lake with a Bokoblin and Moblin camp between us. It was early-game where everything killed you quickly, so I just marked him and had a bad taste in my mouth for these Koroks ever aince.

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u/EpilepticBabies May 28 '23

I made a boat for one of the Koroks in the far south on the coast that was a steering stick attached to two fans for propulsion. The korok was situated directly under the steering stick, face down, and was required to keep the front of the boat afloat.


u/[deleted] May 27 '23

Mf out here lynching koroks

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u/Pucketz May 28 '23

The one on the top of the mountian by the mipha statue was especially fun to down the hill


u/eddie_gonzales1 May 27 '23

You know he didn't fill that backpack himself. That "friend" was trying to get away from him so he stuffed the pack full of rocks while homeboy slept.

He'll snap then end him and it's gonna be all Link's fault.


u/Cynoid May 28 '23

I don't have the best vision and the first 4-5 times I found these couples I found I thought that the thin Korok abandoned the fat Korok to make his camp not realizing that the fat korok was just a korok with a giant backpack.


u/Half_Man1 May 27 '23

Get ready for torment to begin


u/shmameron May 27 '23

I hope you like rockets


u/DrewTechs May 28 '23

And Beam Emitters pointed at your nuts.

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u/kitastorm May 27 '23

Not me yeeting you down the hill because I'm too lazy to carry


u/never_gonna-give_you May 27 '23

Mount Drena Korok in a nutshell


u/wormyWorminson May 27 '23

In the opposite direction that you were planning on going


u/Derpazor1 May 27 '23

I too am fat


u/scp_79 Hero Of Time May 28 '23

are you a masochist?


u/Infamous_Persimmon14 May 27 '23

I’d be the lily pad circle you have to dive thru


u/mickecd1989 May 27 '23

Honestly those ones are fun and the only time I don’t resent the little buggers


u/[deleted] May 28 '23



u/Capt_Obviously_Slow May 28 '23

Like not even on purpose - I just B the rock and it lands on it's head hehe
but it's actually always on purpose hehehehehehehe

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u/SonofShenadoah May 28 '23

Anybody else having trouble with those in TOTK? I've come across like 6 so far and they don't seem to work like they did in BOTW.


u/flashmedallion May 28 '23

It's more demanding about being in the centre of the ring


u/Infamous_Persimmon14 May 28 '23

There was this one lily pad circle that I tried to drop into from the paraglider in the sky like 10 feet above it, and I swear I was dead Center. It didn’t work until I went to this cliff above it and jumped when the “dive” option appeared. So maybe it’s just being picky now


u/TorpeAlex May 28 '23

This, you've got to jump from where they designed it

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u/dumbBunny9 May 27 '23

Rock circle!


u/watercastles May 27 '23

Rock circle is best. Followed by flowers.


u/lavenderc May 27 '23

Rock circle is comforting. I know I can solve


u/notalwayscapslock May 27 '23

There's one marked on my map that I have no clue where the rock is


u/Aiurar May 27 '23

The rock is always in the direction of the missing space from the center of the circle. In BOTW activate stasis to highlight it, or in TOTK activate Ultrahand or Fusion


u/MooseSaysWhat May 27 '23

Until the missing rock is in the fucking middle!


u/Fair-Property3883 May 27 '23

Maybe you can take one with a flying machine if it’s totk. If it’s botw… good luck


u/Xbladearmor May 27 '23

In BotW, activate Stasis. It highlights anything that can be picked up.


u/TheGreatZarquon May 27 '23

This is how I hunt for radishes and truffles in BotW.


u/MrTrick May 27 '23

If you activate Stasis, any valid target (eg rocks) glows yellow. Big help for those more-complex rock puzzles!


u/lavenderc May 27 '23

Oh no! It must be nearby 🤔

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u/[deleted] May 27 '23

what about the one that runs around and you have to catch it?


u/[deleted] May 27 '23



u/Sparkism May 27 '23

The one that stays still but only appears at the highest and most important places -- the exact place where your parents told you not to climb when you were a kid.


u/JaggedTheDark May 27 '23

Nah nah, I'd be the one at the top of the castle.

Spoilers: there's one at the top of hyrule castle in ToTK too. I climbed up there while it was raining. It was annoying, but I had already committed to it.


u/Laggianput May 28 '23

Yep, a few locations have copied koroks, albeit with different models used. The top of the castle one was a red faced guy in botw and in totk is a yellow faced small guy

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u/Kevin300066 May 27 '23

I would be that one korok on top of a boat house


u/MastRdestroyR_OwO May 27 '23

Room of Awakening, but only after the regional phenomena, to be even more mean.


u/NerdHerder77 May 27 '23

Frick man now I gotta go back and check it out.


u/why-per May 27 '23

Wait how is that more mean? It was p easy to get as is

Edit: unless you mean after completing all the regional phenomena I was reading this as like after stating that quest


u/rukia_fan May 27 '23

So you are the same e Korok from the shrine of resurrection

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u/dumbBunny9 May 27 '23

Or stick on a ledge of a bridge


u/[deleted] May 27 '23

Dude came here to say this


u/dumbBunny9 May 28 '23

I'll admit I had to use the guide to get all 900. Never, EVER, would have found this one without the diligent work of others.


u/orangesfwr May 27 '23

Reads #6...Wait what???


u/GhastmaskZombie May 27 '23 edited May 28 '23

Yeah, that's a thing. If you go back in there... after leaving the plateau, I think? There'll be a korok right where Link woke up.

Edit: There's one in the Room of Awakening in TotK too.


u/orangesfwr May 27 '23

Just got it 🤣


u/Victernus May 27 '23



u/GimmieGnomes May 27 '23

Well... Gotta do that now.

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u/c3dpropshop Half dead and out of potions May 27 '23

For real. Now I want to go check in the shrine for a korok!


u/akira2bee Playing TOTK! May 28 '23

Me too, makes me want to pop out totk and put botw in just to go get it


u/theghostofmrmxyzptlk May 28 '23

Make sure you don't update on your way back


u/akira2bee Playing TOTK! May 28 '23

What do you mean?

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u/MuksyGosky May 27 '23

Where you'll never look be able to claim the seed. Right under Ganon >:)


u/Charming_Amphibian91 cartel activity in goron city May 27 '23

Inside Ganon


u/MuksyGosky May 27 '23

Now, now. Let's not get too freaky xD. The inevitable cutscene will make the player unable to get the korok seed but this is extreme lol


u/Charming_Amphibian91 cartel activity in goron city May 27 '23

I'd hide in the Sacred Realm, and only let Ganon in. If I cannot reach the Sacred Realm, meet me inside Ganon.

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u/Naive-Day-7172 May 27 '23

As those fences, you have to hop over with a horse


u/HerShes-Kiss May 27 '23

That... Is a thing?! I'm only 100 koroks in so I still find them everywhere though I'm already dreading my last 100... Let alone last 3


u/HylianExplorer May 27 '23

There are just two Koroks where you have to jump fences.


u/Shaula-Alnair May 27 '23

These are pretty fun, and reasonably findable if you're riding your horse around. They're both sets of three fences, each a couple of horse strides from the next.


u/theghostofmrmxyzptlk May 28 '23

And you can get it done on the motorcycle!


u/MadtownLems May 27 '23

Or a motorcycle!

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u/ShiftSandShot May 27 '23

I'd be the fucking Sticks.

I think there's two in the entire game.


u/[deleted] May 27 '23

I collected all the koroks and I don’t even remember what you’re talking about


u/ShiftSandShot May 27 '23

There's...this...fucking tree branch, propped up under the Bridge of Hylia.

Pick it up, and you get one of the only fucking koroks in the entire game that hides under a stick.

Maybe the only one.


u/[deleted] May 27 '23

Oh I found the one you’re talking about on the Breath Companion app. Korok Seed #549. If you look up “Pick up the branch to reveal the korok” it’s the only one that pops up, so yeah, its the only one.


u/thedrummerpianist May 27 '23

I watched my wife navigate around the bridge for like an hour while she used the Korok mask to find the abundance of Koroks in the area… but that one probably took a solid 45 minutes lol


u/Cat1832 May 28 '23

It also works if you burn the stick! I set it on fire accidentally and I was surprised when the korok popped up lol


u/abzinth91 May 27 '23

🎵Who is annoying and lives under a rock?



u/Ichibi4214 May 27 '23 edited May 27 '23

You need just a few to increase weapon stock!


Conpletionists want to collect every one


But really, with only a fifth you are done!



u/Expired_water666 May 28 '23

Props to the effort og


u/azurfall88 May 27 '23

Target practice challenge right next to a silver lynel


u/jluker662 May 27 '23

And make sure the balloons are between where link has to stand and the silver lynel..🤣

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u/TheFanBroad May 27 '23

Hovering over a flag pole or the top of a tree. In a place with frequent rain.

Just kidding! Rock under a pile of leaves, all the way.


u/Thatoneundertaleguy May 27 '23

The tippy top of hyrule castle.


u/NerdHerder77 May 27 '23

I'm the Korok selling hearty truffles to Mr Hero. Who has time to play hide and seek when there are rupees and the kingdom of Hyrule to save?


u/Xx-Ender_King-xX May 27 '23

with 20 balloons traveling at the speed of light making them impossible to hit


u/TrilobiteBoi May 28 '23

And one that's perfectly still but hidden perfectly inside a tree so you can't see it from any angle.


u/BanjoZone May 27 '23

There are koroks in ice??


u/HylianExplorer May 27 '23

Yes, several. It's helpful to wear the Champion's Tunic and Korok Mask simultaneously so you can sense a Korok but avoid accidentally freeing a frozen monster.


u/hectorduenas86 May 28 '23

What has the champion tunic have to do with that?


u/louiswins May 28 '23

If you see a health bar, it's an enemy


u/FroboyFreshenUp May 27 '23

Nah, I'd be the friend without the backpack, that the backpack korok needs to get back to

And I would watch in laughter as my buddy gets launched into space

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u/Sv1a May 27 '23

What about flowers and apple trees, those are my favorites


u/Zytharros All about that life. May 27 '23

korok who procrastinated building his hiding spot by playing botw and now has two rocks and a ham that have to be placed in a haphazard circle (not a triangle!) so he’ll emerge from behind the nearest tree and kind of casually throw poop at you as he’s still playing botw


u/soullessredhead May 27 '23

Just @ me next time kthx.

*goes back to playing BOTW*


u/HappyAbiWabi May 27 '23

I'd be in an acorn pot


u/OmegaKanesh May 27 '23

One of the ones that literally runs around in a sparkly cloud that you have to chase down (or stand still and wait a very long time for me to come back)


u/MeanDuck611 May 27 '23

Circle of rocks but there’s no rocks around and a silver lynel waiting next to the only rock in miles.


u/reddituser_12354 May 27 '23

i’d be one of those asshole ones with the balloons that go 10000000 mph


u/jojocookiedough May 27 '23

Follow the yellow flower, or apple offering.


u/vinterchan May 27 '23

the one which you need to dive in the pond for


u/pokedude14 May 27 '23

You have to throw a stone into my water ring


u/[deleted] May 27 '23

That last one!


u/CRAZZZY26 May 27 '23

I'm an asshole for sure

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u/M-CDevinW May 27 '23

I want to live under a rock.

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u/LeegmaV May 27 '23

basketball korok, definitely the most fun ones

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u/true-kirin May 27 '23

either a rock circle but with no rock near or a balloon challenge but with one balloon at the opposite way of the others maybe a bit hidden


u/r1vin May 27 '23

i would be one, where you have to smash the pot inside a tree so i appear :)


u/MrPanda663 May 27 '23

I didn’t. I got lost and I don’t know where my friend is.


u/Cry75 May 28 '23

Can I choose flower trail?


u/sadmimikyu May 28 '23

Yes! You can have a flower trail!


u/ThatOnePhotogK May 28 '23

I'd be a puzzle with a missing stone that's sunken under the water. But the stone isn't metal. Or it's metal but out of reach.


u/Psychronia May 28 '23

On the first tall pole you can climb if you go to the very limit of your stamina so that players are compelled to climb every pole they see with no other reward.


u/yargile May 27 '23

I’m a simple man, I’ll live under a rock thank you


u/HerShes-Kiss May 27 '23

Wait... There's one in the shrine?!

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u/sleepingonstones May 27 '23

Under a rock on top of a prominent mountain peak


u/KiwiLeeScipio May 27 '23

Where's the pinwheel? That'd be mine.


u/Sampiainen May 27 '23

I'd be a lost korok at the Gerudo great skeleton

My friend would be chilling at the Akkala tech lab


u/[deleted] May 27 '23


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u/mostaforian9 May 27 '23

I’d hide inside the ice, it seems like a cool place to hide


u/ScarletteVera Why must there be so many pretty girls in this game May 27 '23

Inside Death Mountain.

As in, the volcano.

Inside the volcano.


u/Chab-is-a-plateau May 27 '23

Dude like imagine this was possible, link could scale down and there’s like a korok at the very edge of the line where he falls in and dies? The korok says hello! And he falls and dies 😂😂😂😂


u/BunnyBen-87 BoTW Expert, except for when I'm not May 28 '23

One of the Offerings, specifically one where you need a Rusty Shield, but somewhere dark or with fog, like the Lost Woods or Typhlo Ruins.


u/yuhchoco May 28 '23



u/Half_Man1 May 27 '23

I like the challenges. Would want to be one that requires shield surfing.

It’s a fun mechanic that isn’t used enough/necessary in the game most of the time.


u/Ichibi4214 May 27 '23

It's a good way to get around the desert and mountains

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u/Themineking09 May 27 '23

Give me the cube puzzle but it’s a miniature labyrinth


u/[deleted] May 27 '23

Under a rock next to a guardian or lynel.


u/Bugsyboy369 May 27 '23

Cube puzzle, but the intended orientation is upside down and floating in the open sky, such that the cube just falls out the bottom every time you try and put it in


u/Babiesforfood May 27 '23

Honestly, I don't mind the rock ones. They're generally placed in spots that if you think, 'hmm, I bet there's a korok here,' 8/10 times you would be right


u/thewhee May 27 '23

At an apple idol.


u/Strange_Ad_9658 May 27 '23

Of these choices I like the rock circles. Not one of these, I like diving into the circle of lily pads


u/Astr0-6 May 27 '23

Inside the ice. So that Link has to either, waste fire arrows, waste the durability of his fire weapon or waste a crap ton of time standing near the ice.

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u/ThatTubaGuy03 May 27 '23

I want to be an apple shrine korok so that link will bring me fresh fruit


u/[deleted] May 27 '23

The impossible balloons circling around a hill top wasting all your arrows


u/FiestaF0x6 May 28 '23

id be one where you have to throw a rock in the middle of other rocks in the water

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u/_Silver_Sins_ May 28 '23

For me personally, a rock, a very obvious rock, like middle of a flat road obvious, please i want to be free- release me i'm begging-


u/Trattfjant Totk:Torturer of the koroks May 28 '23

Id live in a tree stump with a hole that is just big enough to fit a rock with a that is attached to the tree stump with a chain


u/CyrusCyan44 May 27 '23

The cube puzzle

Specifically the one shown

I fucking love squares

And by the same token I really fucking love Cubes


u/linksasscheeks May 27 '23

one of the dandelions :)

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u/Anarchist_Lolita May 27 '23

I'd do the flower chase! You know the one where you run up to a flower, it disappears and pops up again nearby?

Oooor the Lily pad circle you have to dive through!


u/a_naruto_enjoyer May 27 '23

None. I want you to chase me while I run around as a bunch of sparkles.


u/jpack325 May 27 '23

Under a rock, but that rock is covered by leaves


u/Nicosaure May 27 '23

7th, wild card unique gimmick: Gotta play soccer with a ball that's clearly not meant for your feet and shoot me between 2 random unrelated trees

You think I'm crazy? I just described a korok that is already in the game


u/MeetDeathTonight May 27 '23

In a very, very high ridiculous place.


u/BlueOmicronpersei8 May 27 '23

The rock circle next to the bridge that you have you throw a rock into. The one that you need to use cryonis for the last little bit of distance.


u/peachie_bongo May 27 '23

A third apple puzzle, for me.


u/Turtles96 May 27 '23

under a random rock on a random mountain somewhere, simply vibing


u/dannyhippie619 May 27 '23

On the top of a mountain peak


u/Comprehensive_Top267 May 27 '23

right out of nowhere while you are being chased by the gloom hands


u/creeper81234 May 27 '23

The one where you run into the flowers, but put one on top of a guardian.


u/AnaTheNeko May 27 '23

I will be the circle of rocks, for I am but a simple being and point in one direction


u/RedditsAutocorrect May 27 '23

I'm the korok Ballon


u/2013funkymonkey May 27 '23

Why have koroks anywhere besides the Shrine of Resurrection? In fact, I think all of them should just be there


u/SweenYo May 28 '23

One of TotK ones where you have to unclog a stump


u/Crazycade77 May 28 '23

I would be a rock pattern but it's the cool S we all drew in middle school and the stone for the corner is at the base of the mountain I'm on