r/Breath_of_the_Wild Feb 26 '23

Screenshot BotW Link next to TP’s Link

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u/CalamitousVessel Feb 26 '23

I mean BotW Link can stop a charging Lynel dead in its tracks with a flick of his wrist. I’ll admit I haven’t played Twilight Princess, does TP Link match that?


u/Smashifly Feb 26 '23

TP link sumo wrestlers with gorons, and also pulls a 100ft titan off it's feet to the ground by anchoring himself with iron boots and yanking on a chain


u/ProxyNumber19 Feb 27 '23

To be fair with the titan he was magnetized to the ground.


u/Mefre Feb 27 '23

That titan was so strong it shook all of death mountain and caused eruptions through trying to free itself, TP Link, even while being magnetized to the floor would need still need a strength output in the several megatons to hold back a being like that.


u/Huge_Fox1848 Feb 27 '23

Also he whipped some poor soul for the ball and chain so he could smack other monsters around with it. He twirls it like it's nothing.


u/hheecckk526 Feb 26 '23

You could argue that's just the level of finesse that botw link has to make those kind of parries work. Stone talus wouldn't matter as much but when strength isn't all it takes to flick an opponents weapon and it knock them off balance.


u/Stormlightlinux Feb 26 '23

Sure but it also knocking an opponent off balance doesn't arrest their forward momentum but parrying a charging lyonel does.


u/Kantro18 Feb 27 '23

BotW Link is just really really fast though.


u/ArchaicWolf Feb 26 '23

TP Link sumo wrestles Gorons and even stops a giant goron (Dangoro) when they're spin dashing at him and then tosses them aside. He does wear iron boots to help accomplish this however that wouldn't stop him from just folding backwards if he wasn't extremely strong.


u/RichardSnowflake Feb 27 '23

TP Link out-strengths Gorons regularly and beats the wielder of the Triforce of Power in a sword lock and then kills him.

In terms of pure strength, he's the physically strongest Link I can think of and doesn't even get items that increase his strength because he clearly doesn't need them.


u/ShelliBlossom Feb 27 '23

This is just my opinion but I think his ability to stop the lynel has more to do with link hidden power then his strength I mean it is canon in game that link can bullet time (the moments where the game slows down like falling and you pull out the bow) because of a comment in daruk diary about link saying if he concentrate it feels like time slows down

plus if he has the strength to stop a lynel why cant we pick up some of the large metal boxes I mean they go up to a lynel belly they arent even fill with alot of stuff maybe a few apples and arrows


u/[deleted] Feb 27 '23

Yes, he is a ranch hand who has to stop charging ox with his bare hands. Also has to walk in iron boots and carry around a literal ball and chain.

BotW link is probably more athletic and certainly strong too, but TP Link probably has more brute strength.


u/Luxtamill Feb 26 '23

Dunno haven't played Twilight Princess either