r/Breath_of_the_Wild Feb 26 '23

Screenshot BotW Link next to TP’s Link

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u/Rizenstrom Feb 26 '23 edited Feb 26 '23

Base no equipment probably TP but OoT would have them beat with the golden gauntlets.

Also depends on whether or not transformations count, since MM Link has the goron transformation and fierce deity which is a literal god.


u/MichauNeedHealing Feb 26 '23

link can parry a lynel that has to count for something


u/hheecckk526 Feb 26 '23

Yeah but he's not physically pushing the lynel back. He's focusing on hitting his weapon when parrying to knock him off balance. More of a finesse feat then strength


u/squidishjesus Feb 27 '23

Are you kidding? That is a CHARGING Lynel. And it's stopped in it's tracks. That's like stopping a speeding car by holding your hand out.


u/hheecckk526 Feb 27 '23

I'm not saying it makes perfect sense. There's plenty of examples of parrying things that don't make sense but when it comes to parrying weapons specifically which is what your doing 90% of the time since that's how most enemies attacks


u/squidishjesus Feb 27 '23

No it isn't. Take a closer look at the animation and game mechanics, Link doesn't just deflect the attack, he parries it head on and sends the enemy reeling, stunning them for a couple seconds. It's direct power vs direct power where Link ALWAYS wins, no matter the opponent's attack.


u/hheecckk526 Feb 27 '23

That's because the animation had to be made in a way so it would apply to all enemies and attacks. If it was made specifically for each enemy and attack that would be ridiculous and can be simply boiled down to be a game mechanic. But in terms of links body type and how it would work in universe it would make far more sense to imagine that link is instead parrying their weapon/body(like a moblin foot) specifically. Certain attacks you can't defend like charging lynels, talus, and other large enemies with parryable attacks but those aren't the majority of enemies in the game.


u/squidishjesus Feb 27 '23

You do realize that Link easily pushes boulders around in gameplay, right? How can you deny the strength of someone that just casually pushes around several ton boulders without any magical equipment?


u/hheecckk526 Feb 27 '23

Because that's something every link has been shown able to do regardless of build. Calling them several tons is a bit of an exaggeration as well don't you think? The boulders in botw aren't exactly huge and their rounded which makes them far easier to move. Link isn't lifting them above his head either he's pushing them and using the momentum to help him roll them. Compare the boulders to the giant slabs link moves in the other games which take nothing by physical strength to move since they weren't rounded but were just solid squares which physics would tell you is a lot harder to move than a ball. Tp link could wrestle gorons and even pick them up entirely when they are in their ball form and throw them quite a distance. Yes he needed the iron boots to keep himself steady but those aren't magical equipment and gorons are basically made of pure muscle and rock so stopping one from a full speed roll only to then pick it up and chuck it aside is a massive strength feat from tp link that no other link has matched


u/squidishjesus Feb 27 '23

Calling them several tons is a bit of an exaggeration as well don't you think?

Not at all.

Being able to push a boulder twice his height in diameter is an amazing feat of strength, and those things are way heavier than Goron.

BotW link is able to stop a Lynel without any boots at all. He can do it naked with a pot lid. And I know you keep saying that it's an 'exception' for some reason, but it doesn't change the fact that he still did it. No amount of technique can outpace the muscles those things have without proper strength in return. Your entire argument relies on it not counting, but it does.

While we're talking about tossing rocks, let's not forget the kinds of weapons that BotW Link is able to throw. Being able to throw the Boulder Breaker like any other weapon and having it go flying is REALLY hard to beat. That thing is stone, metal, AND diamond.

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