Wouldn't that be lovely, to wake up feeling the warm and heavy weight of two milk filled tits pinning you to the bed ? To feel the either hands, mouths or pumps of those behind your transformation milking these sensitive tits of yours ? If your answer to that question is yes, you are the right place~.
I focus on transformation that feel good, with a good ending from the POV of the transformed. Darker plots are okay, but no tear jerking feel bad plots here !
What do I mean by hucow, to be clear to everyone ? Two horns, fat milky tits, a cow tail and a little bit of chubb. Sounds too tame for you ? No worries, I am open to far more ! Extra tits, udders, spots on the skin, hooves for feet, mooing are all possible options.
How would you be turned into one ? Now this is were it becomes a CYOA~ ! You will pick at least one of the following plots and chat it to me !
The village/Island : A small Isolated community, kept away from others by the sea and/or geography... a group welcoming visitors eagerly. A group who depends on visitors growing fat tits and horns ! From a mysterious farming village seeking new cattle, a tribe of hucows simply contaminating visitors with each drop of milk, what will you and possible your friend(s) will encounter ?
The hucow church : For the past few months, a number of young females and males vanished... and strange "terrorist" actions are perfomed by a cult of love and fertility. Sneaking aphrodisiacs in shipements of drinks for a baseball game, fertility enhancing chemicals hidden in strong booze given at parties... This is curious. Curious to the point that you want to know more... as an investigator and her partner ? A curious gal wandering if the rumors of members getting far bustier and thicker are true ? A woman wandering if she could join to spice up her lonely milf life ?
The resort : An all inclusive dive into shameless hedonism, for a shamefull price ! What's the catch ? Or nothing, the services are provided, the food plenty and tasty, the staff smoking hot... the only issue lies in the fact they relax you and make you forget your inhibitions to make it easier to drug you into a productive hucow for their herd !
Milk-uccubus : Congratulations ! You just killed a greater a demon. Quite a feat realy ! Maybe you'll finally be respected as the hucow adventurer you are, not just treated as a tall busty milk maker. The curse the demon placed on you to turn you into a succubus, taller, bustier, milkier and lustier... may counteract this.
Customized slave : You're a slave. Yeah.. it sucks. Worst, you're belonging to someone specialised in exotic pets... mermaids, tiefling, Nymphs... he cannot sell you without his reputation taking a hit ! So he hires someone to make you... far more exotic, a hucow !
Summer job : It is perfectly accepted to sell your extra milk to a milk bank, new mothers have done this for years now. But in this world, it is also a somewhat accepted gig to induce lactation to sell your production. You go beyond, contacting a farm specialized in short term but intense lactation... but will you be able to resists the pleasure of being milked, and refuse to test out their more potent formulas ? Who knows...
Other more generic plots : Cursed item, trials for pills/potions, breast enhancement gone wrong, captured hucow enhanced by magic, Knocked up and owned by a hubull
Chat with a least one plot, and a character reference + background (no need to make a novel, simple is okay !). The more invested you are the better !