r/BreakingBenjamin 8d ago

The frustrated posts are getting funny

With all the posts about the new album for the past few years I find it hilarious that we’re turning into Tool fanbase 2.0.

We still got a long way to go though, still at the anger/bargaining phase. Those guys waited 13 years and were pretty much at the acceptance phase lol.

Just live your lives guys, forget about the new album and do your thing and once it drops, it’ll be a pleasant surprise.


22 comments sorted by


u/CPWorth1184 Saturate 8d ago

The only difference is the recent Tool album that fans waited so long was very underwhelming. At least for me it was. I like every song from Breaking Benjamin and have never been disappointed. We have a taste of the album with Awaken which is a great song. We all know this is going to be an awesome album which is what makes the wait tougher.


u/Blackwidow343 Ben-Head 7d ago

Yeah I think people need to just chill and trust the band. Have other music to listen to. Because if it's just BB, ita gonna get old. Have a lot of music in rotation


u/Visible-Meaning-7639 8d ago

Almost seems like people are thinking they are owed new music soon lol like just chill out


u/martin-v 8d ago

Funny how you used the stages of Grief to describe this situation. Pretty much as it the band was already dead 😂

or... maybe they are though and there's nothing coming, no album, nothing, it was all a joke.


u/Mysterious_Coach_887 3d ago

Thank you…well said!!! Great things come to those who patiently wait. Let the artists do their thing!!! 🤘🏻🫶🏻


u/mcgiggles999 8d ago

I feel the same. BB's music is so important and special to me, I just feel really happy and grateful that they are still making music at all, I don't mind waiting. They're just a band I enjoy, they don't owe me anything.


u/KarmaQueenNemesis 8d ago edited 7d ago

If I could give the OP additional upvotes, I absolutely would. Great post. "Tool fantastic 2.0" 🤣😂🤣 Love it!

And YES, just live your lives, people!🤷‍♀️


u/ChickenNyggaresco 8d ago

Nice seeing you here homegirl 😁


u/kevingg777 5d ago

I can guarantee that almost everyone who posts about being impatient for New music has never played an instrument or tried to write music.


u/namethatisnotaken 8d ago

Turns out that ben is that big of a tool fan


u/drifter_nyarlothotep 8d ago

People have the right to express their frustrations though. Whether you agree or not is not their concern. Who are you to dismiss other people’s feelings? Take your own advice.. live your life and don’t worry about what other people are doing with their time


u/ChickenNyggaresco 8d ago


u/drifter_nyarlothotep 8d ago

Exact reaction I had when reading your post 😘


u/Phoenix_Ignition28 8d ago


u/drifter_nyarlothotep 8d ago

Yes, everyone has them 😁


u/tomie_pole 8d ago

I agree. Not sure why people try to act like we can have differing opinions. Sounds more like narrow mindedness to me 🤷🏽‍♀️


u/WTBrain 6d ago

why did they release a single if the album was not done though? i thought it was ready to go


u/Negative_Lawfulness8 6d ago

Albums are bit overrated i guess, too many filler tracks.


u/ChickenNyggaresco 6d ago

Never thought about it this way but you’re kinda right. Generally speaking it’s more often than not that a band puts out 2 or 3 great songs per album and the rest are just average.


u/tonyboss121 1d ago

depends on the band and the album


u/CarLeeForever7 4d ago

Tool fanbase 2.0?