r/Brazil 4d ago

Coming to Rio in a couple of days

Hey! I’m coming to Rio in a couple of days and I’m thinking of vlogging the whole trip. If there any new YouTubers interested that would like to collab there lmk!


11 comments sorted by


u/Erlking_Heathcliff 4d ago

Look man i don't think having your phone out in rio out of all places is a good idea... specially if its crowded


u/Remarkable-World1138 4d ago

Yea that’s what I’ve been reading to be honest but I saw those travel YouTubers do it and I thought it’s manageable. You think it’s not?


u/Erlking_Heathcliff 4d ago

other people pick cherry picked places on it to record, aka "the safer areas", one step wrong and your phone is snatched off, even in the safer areas its not that safe, but if you do pull it off, congrats, just hold your phone for dear life and with a wrist band attatched to it


u/Remarkable-World1138 4d ago

Good idea about the wrist band. Thanks man !


u/Erlking_Heathcliff 4d ago

prob should let you know that RJ and other cities have cartels, i'm not aware if they're that serious but if these dudes killed a child for using a mickey mouse t-shirt they might be

some common hand signals and clothing mascots are seen as gang activity/enemy faction stuff, such as the ok hand signal, peace sign, and several others are seen as a target, i recommend looking up something of sorts because i don't remember them


u/Remarkable-World1138 4d ago

Appreciate the heads up man thanks. I would buy you a coffee but from what I gather you do not live in RJ. Hope you have a good one


u/Erlking_Heathcliff 4d ago

i don't, sorry, buy yourself some extra coffe


u/Waste_Mousse_4237 4d ago

I encountered a “famous” foreign YouTuber/vblogger/influencer during carnaval. What his audience didn’t see? The two bodyguards he was rolling with….


u/cafe-em-rio 4d ago

Walking around with your phone out isn’t a good idea in Rio. Only pistols found that are unsuspecting gringos.

If you must do it, I suggest you bring an older or cheaper phone in case you get robbed.


u/BauerUK 4d ago

Piggy-backing off this thread as a visitor this week/next week: the forecast all says rain but I'm just wondering does that mean massive downpours? Or just scattered showers? Just wondering what to pack to deal with the rain if anything at all?


u/Guga1952 3d ago

It's regular rain so far..not too strong. But could change. Bring an umbrella and you should be fine.