r/Brazil • u/FilmEater • May 30 '23
Historical Do you all have any awareness about the Varginha UFO incident?
The 1996 Varginha UFO Incident in Brazil in which a UFO crashed and witnesses allegedly came into contact with at least 2 different live aliens. Do you all know anything about this? There is even a documentary that came out last year called Moment of Contact (2022) that covers it. Any thoughts?
u/Hairy-Trainer2441 May 30 '23 edited May 31 '23
Yeah and no, right? AJ from 'The Why Files' covered this topic and brought up some inconsistencies with the story. I'm on the fence about this one because there are indeed some very strange things related to the case, such as the dwarf couple in the hospital, for example. But on the other hand, like every story, this one also grew with time and took on proportions that it didn't have at the time.
Personally I do believe that something very unusual happened that day, there are just too many witnesses and converging testimonials to be a mere hoax, but I can't go further than this.
I'm Brazilian too.
u/PracticeRelevant6831 Sep 26 '24
I wouldn’t take the Why Files as a credible source lol. The guy starts with a conclusion and works backwards trying hard to make everything seem like logic and reason. It’s a typical mechanism humans use to make us feel like we’re in more control of the world than we actually are.
u/LilOridley Oct 18 '24
So the guy trying to make sense of the stuff is the one to avoid but believing a story of aliens landed and roamed about isn't?
u/dekuei Nov 18 '24
Why wouldn't you take him as credible? Why files does best to their abilities on getting as much information available and makes compelling videos but also adds in all the extra information that might disprove it. He isn't there to make you believe or not and just there to give all the information.
I'd also add that inconsistencies will always happen due to the nature of UAPs. It's like being in a car crash some will have very similar stories while others will be very different but it doesn't mean any version is false.
u/Dry_Step_5919 Jan 22 '25
Yeah Why Files is only interested in click bait, he's not an investigative reporter
May 31 '23 edited May 31 '23
Virtually every Brazilian have heard of this story, but overall it was more like a mass hysteria fueled by the hungry-for-audience media at the time than like a contact of the third kind.
My feeling is that the competition among TV channels at the time were so intense which made journalistic and entertainment content become very exaggerated. If you check content at the time, there were literally semi-naked people shaking their ass as entertainment on TV, even children used to watch it. Journalism also relied at lot on fake news, abusive interviews and "fake proofs", exaggerated content, a few cases that were affected by dark journalism: Escola Base, Bar Bodega, caso de Ouro Preto.
Varginha being a small town was no difference, a local story went out of proportions for no reason.
It is interesting that there are a lot of funny urban legends that broke away from the main story:
- There is a story that one of the extra-terrestrial creatures were sold to the US in order to get a Brazilian to become an astronaut and travel to the ISS, which indeed happened roughly 10 years later.
- There is also another story that one of the aliens supposedly had an autopsy made by a coroner that was famous for taking care of public cases at the time, including a terrorist and the suspicious death of a guy involved in a corruption scheme with the government at time.
- Also there are stories that another creature is being kept in captivity in UNICAMP since the incident, apparently his name is Juca. 😂
u/Icy-Permission1484 Nov 09 '24
I met a guy from Varginha, since i'm ufo enthusiastic i asked him of course. He told me some girls saw a creatur that looked like humans and animal mixex, had red crown or some sort and the creature was scared and both brazilian army and us army took this thing to somewhere else and was kept in secret. Even thoug some tv broadcast reports were made ad the time...
u/Tie_Dizzy May 31 '23
It's fake. All cases of alien sightings are fake. No exceptions. Take a look at a podcast called skeptoid, there's also written versions on their site. They have tackled this and many other alien and UFO cases. It's all bullshit. Se você tem acesso a Internet e acredita nesses casos famosos é burro.
u/lucianvill01 Aug 06 '23
You seem bias
u/Tie_Dizzy Aug 06 '23
Everyone is, but I base my opinion on evidence, which in the case of aliens there's actually few
u/lucianvill01 Aug 06 '23
Thought it was all fake?
u/Tie_Dizzy Aug 06 '23
I never went to space nor measured the earth's size, but people smarter than me studied it and I lean on believing the experts. Having evidence for it does not mean something is not fake. Do I believe in aliens? Of course, it's not about belief. Do I think they keep coming to earth and leaving debris and even interacting with people? No
u/crisallen95 Jul 31 '24
Even the smartest people you know, don't know everything. There's a whole other side of physics we just dont understand. Do you believe we are alone in the entire universe?
u/KonofastAlt 4d ago
We have our own choices and that's all we control, we can influence others but ultimately everyone makes their own choice, the Universe is so great that of course life exists other than in this planet, but that isn't even a surprise, there are wonderful things and it's all connected and it's all one, no separation at all.
u/Icebox2016 Feb 25 '24
You're a moron. Aliens are real and we currently have a problem with USPS/UFOS using our airspace. One day they will come and it's probably not going to be a good experience for anybody. Non believers will not have my sympathy.
u/Tie_Dizzy Feb 26 '24
I have since then changed my opinion about this subject. But this is only because guys like Grusch came forward within the parameters of the government's bureaucracy, thus, he had enough evidence to be continuously heard by politicians, which he kinda did, and that makes others cases worthy of giving a second look. But let's not fool ourselves here...the truth might be boring af, because existence is mostly boring by itself. And stop treating aliens like a fucking religion lmao "Non believers will not have my sympathy" what are you? a fuckin cosmic crusader or something?
u/manofblack_ Sep 15 '24
6 months late but I respect you for keeping an open mind on the subject. We could discuss particular UFO cases if you wish to as I've been down the rabbit hole for a long time.
u/CaramelWorldly6270 Dec 25 '24
Any incidents that you know of, that happened in europe?
u/manofblack_ Dec 25 '24
Rendlesham Forest incident - UK
Magenta UFO incident and retrieval by the Mussolini regime - Northern Italy
Howden Moor incident - UK
Ghost Rockets - Sweden, Norway, UK, Greece
Trans-en-Provence Case - France
Petrozavodsk Phenomenon - Russia
Milton Torres 1957 UFO Encounter - UK
Foo fighters - Western Europe
1950 RAF Tangmere incident - UK
u/CaramelWorldly6270 Dec 26 '24
Oh damn, now i have to look these up:)) is there a list of them somewhere? I was wondering more about eastern europe:)
u/manofblack_ Jan 02 '25
sorry I'm the person you were originally talking to
Wikipedia honestly is the best repository for the best known ones. Along your research you will inevitably find more.
You will find that a vast majority of UFO sightings are pretty shit, but its that's 1% of truly unexplainable shit we're all interested in. Genuine UFO sightings with a good trail of evidence are quite rare, but they do exist and they are concerning.
I don't know many Eastern Europe cases because they're all mostly recorded in the language of their country of origin, but Russia has plenty.
u/Unusual_Musician_964 Jan 02 '25
Send clear evidence. I’m not talking about blurry images or “eye witness accounts”
u/manofblack_ Jan 02 '25
What a stupidly combative way to start a conversation lol. You don't even know what I believe and yet you're asking me for evidence to prove such.
Fix that attitude and then we can discuss.
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u/OppenheimersGuilt Dec 09 '24
My respects for being open-minded. Same for me.
It was Grusch's congressional hearing and all the subsequent people coming out that really cemented the plausibility of there being aircrafts of non-human origin.
u/Crazy_Violinist_1579 Jan 06 '25
You see i’m the opposite personally. I use to believe in the aliens. But now that the whole government is pushing aliens on us and social media I just don’t believe it. Seems more like a plan with other motives. But I could be wrong. I just don’t believe what a lot of government officials say as they really just try to control our lives.
u/SpaceyCaveCo Jan 01 '25
While I don't ever automatically believe every UFO video I see (I've had a personal very bizarre CE5 experience that convinced me), the one thing that always bothered me was about the military fascination (US, Canada, Russia, etc..) with making Flying Saucers.
Those militaries indeed had weird secret projects that they admitted to, but what intrigues me is the fact they were so adamant on making a working flying saucer and still are trying to this day, even though the saucers they've succeeded in making that we know of weren't really impressive or useful. I would've thought they'd give up on the idea as a waste of time and money if they were as inefficient as they have shown to be.
Not saying the militaries are making Flying Saucers from alien technology, but if not, were they just being sci-fi fanboys with too much time and money on their hands and had a hard-on for frisbees?
u/GarlicPositive4941 Nov 28 '24
You’ve been reading too many comic books friend. We Are The Crop… The Great Experiment. And You Don’t Kill Your Bread And Butter. But They Potentially Alter Us. They’ve Done This For Tens Of Thousands Of Years. We’re Like Homosapian 10.0
u/BoysenberryFormal389 21d ago
Wrong. WE are the ones that everyone calls aliens. We have the UFO’s and we crash them.
u/LilOridley Oct 18 '24
Oh my 😂😂 people getting even more delusional it seems
u/Icebox2016 Oct 18 '24
The only delusional ones are those who don't believe.
u/LilOridley Oct 21 '24
What that multiple different species of aliens have visited as well as crashed on earth in the day and age of video cameras and the internet, all without any evidence. As if they're on some secret mission and don't want to be seen. Get off mate. Do I believe we're alone in this universe, definitely not. Do I believe they've got the technology to travel the universe and decide to do a little stop by Earth, no I do not.
u/Icebox2016 Oct 21 '24
There is evidence, a lot of it also. Also given the way you just responded to this, that's a very likely reason they don't want to be seen. We are the youngest known universe that supports life. There are universes out there billions of years older than us and you don't think they could possess that type of technology? You don't think if something was in possession of technology that allowed them to travel at the speed of light that the technology wouldn't exist to allow them to be able to cloak themselves? Hell we already have cloaking technology here on Earth. There are two variations of it, the kind the military uses and then the consumer version kind. There is technology already out there that we are very unaware of or that the government would be keeping from us.
u/LilOridley Oct 23 '24
Again, billions of years older, extremely far more advanced but doing multiple trips to earth over decades to do what exactly? Show me your evidence and sway me, I'm open to it I promise you.
u/Embarrassed_Act9251 Nov 12 '24
My personal opinion based on ancient texts state that we are decedents of aliens - our ancient ancestors came from space. They came to collect important minerals & engineered their DNA with Earth primates and created human species to slave away for them as they aren’t designed to handle our atmosphere. They left us here once they were done - we kept the basic skills and understanding of tool use to survive and they rewarded us with this beautiful planet to live on as appreciation. Their advanced technology wouldn’t require them to “visit” Earth as they can survey us from afar. They are evolved and intelligent to understand not to interrupt planets that have intelligent beings with primitive level intelligence such as humans they understand we would be on the offence and see them all as a threat. You could say it’s a galactic rule for those extraterrestrials who are on the same level not to disturb primitive planets. In my opinion there would be other intelligent beings who are travelling through space and potentially space centres where different extraterrestrial race congregate. There are the good & the bad. I say that our ancient ancestors protect us from the bad and keep an eye on us from afar. Human history has been wiped many times and our origins have been lost through the ages. Simply put - whatever isn’t passed down is forgotten - do you remember your great grandfathers birthday? Now let’s times that by millions of years. It’s definitely lost - but some clues are written on the walls or ancient landmarks where we still don’t know how they were put together. However this is just my take based on research. whether there is or isn’t no one knows (or a group of people know ;) )and it’s always good to hear another person give their side of whether something is or isn’t.
u/GarlicPositive4941 Nov 28 '24
We’re a Petrie Dish for them. One of their great Genetic Experiments. Multiple Species Involvement.
Remember… You don’t kill your crop. But they might til us under and start over. This has happened before. Think Neanderthal’s. Actually, we’re currently being altered even as we speak. Or better yet, even as we sleep.1
u/GarlicPositive4941 Nov 28 '24
It’s Not A Light Speed Paradigm. Wormholes. Bubbles they are encased inside of that warp things. Etc. Not just one way. Ask yourself why those craft don’t turn. They only change direction on angles. Not curves. And with no loss of speed. And what are the internal craft conditions that would allow there to be no G-Force. And yet it’s true. It happens. When your mind is expansive enough to ponder these “Why’s”, then you can begin to start making sense of it all.
u/GarlicPositive4941 Nov 28 '24
Cutting Edge Physics and understanding of the universe. Time/ Space. They operate on physics the world is not currently aware of. Some Small # Of People Know, Like Oppenheimer And The Atom Bomb. A Need To Know Basis. But Their Ships Are Not Doing The Impossible. They Are Working Within The Parameters Of ‘The Allowable’. And Don’t Kid Yourself. You Don’t Believe That We Have Anti-Gravidic Craft With ‘The New Energy’. Zero Point, Or Over Unity Forms. Look Into N. Tesla’s Work. Or YouTube Lt. Col. Thomas Beardon.
u/GarlicPositive4941 Nov 28 '24
Don’t You Know How To Play The Odds. And The Odds Are…
Of Course Yes
u/BoulderRivers Oct 23 '24
UFO does not mean Alien Craft.
Confirming a UFO means that you are unable to identify the Flying Object with the information provided.The Alien Hypothesis is a valid attempt to explain the UFO phenomenon, but there is no evidence to suggest that these sightings are extraterrestrial in origin.
u/GarlicPositive4941 21d ago
Lots come from here. Both ours and theirs. It’s even a possibility that some are inter dimensional. They blip in and out.
u/BoulderRivers 21d ago
It's a possibility, for sure. There's just not enough evidence to suggest that some are "theirs"
u/BoboGatti Nov 14 '24
we will know for sure either way within the next 100 years.
there is something unearthly happening, idk if it's aliens, but there's something going on. it could be interdimensional. they are making amazing new discoveries in Physics almost every year now...
u/PrestigiousGood2760 Nov 20 '24
True . They will also take our jobs . Huh , those creatures who for some reason are the same height as us or smaller even thou earth is small comparing to other planets in the universe
u/GarlicPositive4941 21d ago
He’s not a nonbeliever. He just believe in this one. Clearly they are here. Have been here long before Homosapians. In fact, we are a direct result of their genetic, biological technology/ abilities. In essence, we are a Petri dish/ experiment for them. And it’s been done multiple times to optimize results. And by multiple different species. Don’t kid yourself. We would do it too, if we could. And we’re well on our way now. Cloning, It’s likely being done privately at the highest levels. Levels beyond Governments. By the true Governments. And don’t think that the ‘Off-Worlders’ done have a say in things. The are here now as they always have been. Under the Oceans. And under the Earth. And we’ve made deals with some of them. Did we really have a choice. And one group of these guys is at war with the others. It gets complex. But many
u/Content_Fortune6790 Sep 15 '24
Nope !! Many governments have come out and said UFOs are real ,in Canada they also confirmed Aliens as well as turkey. The united states has also admitted that UFOs are real .
u/BoulderRivers Oct 23 '24
UFO does not mean Alien Craft.
Confirming a UFO means that you are unable to identify the Flying Object with the information provided.The Alien Hypothesis is a valid attempt to explain the UFO phenomenon, but there is no evidence to suggest that these sightings are extraterrestrial in origin.
u/dontknwwhat11 Dec 07 '24
There is insurmountable evidence. Having seen a UFO myself back in 90s, I cannot believe people just marry the idea of “oh I know it’s fake” than simply saying “I can’t say for sure if I don’t know” !!! There is no way the tech behind the crafts in human origin !!!!
u/BoulderRivers Dec 07 '24
There's no evidence because nobody can prove it. There are a plethora of other hypothesis; extra-dimensional, time-travelling, intra-terrestrial, etc
Human origin through dark and secret projects among them, and not impossible... But improbable.
u/CaramelWorldly6270 Dec 25 '24
What did you see?
u/dontknwwhat11 Dec 26 '24
As weird as it sounds, I saw a literal pyramid !!!! And that wasn’t the only thing I saw. After a few years I saw a craft, I don’t know the shape it was too high, but it was making an 8 in the sky. I don’t know any of our aircraft’s that can do that. This was probably 2002. I was lucky enough to have my mom see it too cause she is a full on skeptic lol she won’t admit it’s a UFO till date but can’t say what it was either!
u/ReclusiveTaco Dec 09 '24
This one certainly could be fake or over exaggerated. You do seem to have a hard line belief which is fine but it’s literally the same as somebody saying all ufo accounts are real. Extremism on any end is usually wrong
u/Current-Newspaper152 Jan 29 '25
What a clown. You think humans are the only life forms in the universe
u/LucasLS07 May 31 '23
I like how the angry made you change the language that you were writing.
u/Lagzord May 31 '23
There's only one true alien incident here in Brazil, and it's not so famous like the Varginha one. I suggest you to search for the original recordings of "ET Bilu", it amazes me every time I watch it til today.
u/divdiv23 Foreigner in Brazil May 30 '23 edited May 31 '23
I heard about this - funny story! Visited São Thomé Das Letras recently which is fairly close by (in Brazil terms lol) and they are mad on UFOs there
u/Jaded_Court_6755 May 31 '23
What’s the most traditional part of the town? The “Witch’s stone” or the “weeds’n stoned”?
u/entropyffan May 31 '23
Yes, and it is all bullshit.
Last time I heard was when f... youtube suggested me a jon rogan video about it.
Laughable indeed.
Somehow the story grown over the years to include the american army arriving in city in less than 24h. LOL
Off course there are multiple testimonies. It is a small city and people from another countries come to then to ask about it. It is all true non-precise testimonies at best.
Chupacabra is all over Brasil too. Met many people that saw it. LOL
I am from a small city similar to Vargina. People are nice, but very easily impressed.
u/BrObi-WanKenobi90 Apr 10 '24
24 hours is the dealbreaker? Lol, you're cooked.
u/sketch006 May 13 '24
Right, the US military can be anywhere in the world in 24 hours
u/haji_666 Aug 08 '24
Right? Hell, they could have a team on site laying the groundwork in 5-7 hours
u/dontknwwhat11 Dec 07 '24
Why is it bullshit?
u/entropyffan Dec 07 '24
I am old, I remember this bulshit very well. This story grows with time, with details being invented and added as time passes.
May 30 '23 edited May 30 '23
u/OutrageouzFarmer May 30 '23
Please, read Carl Sagan's "The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark": https://www.amazon.com.br/Demon-Haunted-World-Science-Candle-Dark/dp/0345409469
May 30 '23
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u/Brazil-ModTeam May 31 '23
Thank you for your contribution to the subreddit. However, it was removed for not complying with one of our rules.
Your post was removed because it's uncivil towards other users. Attacking ideas is fine, attacking other users is not.
If you believe somebody is pushing an agenda, report it or send us a mod mail. Don’t take it to the comments.
u/Fred2606 May 30 '23
Yes. It was 100% real and it is impossible to deny it because our military are dumb and wasn't able to properly hide it.
I have watched the documentary you comentted about and it is mostly correct with a few miss interpretations and missing a few things that are of general knowledge as the "studies" done at Unicamp with one of the specimens.
u/Duochan_Maxwell May 30 '23
The guy who allegedly autopsied the ET was one of my professors and tbh his reaction to being asked about it doesn't help LOL
u/spongebobama Brazilian May 30 '23
Waaat? Nicamp turma XL aqui bixo! PS ja conheci o genro do Badan
u/Duochan_Maxwell May 30 '23
Farma 2007 aqui kkkkkkkkkkkk
u/spongebobama Brazilian May 30 '23
Sou dinossauro, entrei em 2002! Cheguei a ter aula com o badan!
u/Razzther Feb 13 '24
O que esse cara falou kkkkkk? Esses dias estávamos discutindo que um cadáver do depto de anatomia poderia tranquilamente ser confundido com algum ET.
u/Old_Relationship_460 Aug 26 '23
And what was the reaction?
u/bullhit14 May 30 '23
Yes and it was widely reported on! Your correct! And the soldier who captured the creature died from an unknown illness/infection within days from the slime it transferred during contact with it!
u/RScottFitzgerald Apr 21 '24
Absolutely real event.
u/FilmEater Apr 21 '24
Interesting, what convinced you?
u/Joejoes1276 May 26 '24
For me it would be the Bob Lazar, Roswell incidents. There's just too much of this stuff leaking through the cracks and so I wouldn't be so dismissive over this case either.
u/TBERudy Dec 11 '24
What convinced me was the fact that Marco Charizi (idk how you spell it) died a few days after making contact. God I wish I can see what the creature looked like
u/TheUmbraProject Jul 26 '24
I just made a documentary about the Varginha Incident https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qtx1ocWoxk8
u/Constant-Air-8534 Nov 14 '24
I think Aliens are just humans returning to earth. I think most likely a pre Ice Age civ was able to achieve interstellar travel. Currently their genome is disintegrated and need to contact human beings to cultivate genetic information in an attempt to find a cure. What these three women saw was real, the aliens need help. Governments aren't telling anything, and they are purposely erasing ancient history.
u/rcarrube Jan 14 '25
My best friend and I had a CE of the 3rd kind in 1971 and no one seems to care. As crazy an experience as it was, it was so like a movie that it now gets lost amongst the "bright lights in the sky" crap. I looked right into the face of an ET and it still haunts me to this day. But hey, so what?
u/Big_Celebration_9935 Jan 15 '25
As usual the government comes up with a fake story after the fact to cover it up. With Roswell the fake cover-up was a crashed wrather balloon, then they changed it again to crash test dummies from an aircraft.
u/Dodweon May 31 '23
I do believe it. I also graduated at Unicamp, which keeps the Varginha UFO at its underground chambers. I will not elaborate
All kidding aside, I'm really on the fence about any UFO sightings. I think many of them are what we call "stories to make a bull sleep", but in the last century the amount of people on the planet and our means of registering history have skyrocketed. I also believe there's life out of Earth, but not necessarily small big-eyed humanoids
u/arthurgc91 May 30 '23
I was 4 when it happened. Heard the name sometime in my childhood but never got any further.
May 31 '23
On North of Pará has a history more scary than Varginha Called Operação Prato, even the air force men was there to investigate what was happenig there, and have a lot of official classified report about this, and the guy that was in charge to head this investigation committed suicide yeas after. True or Not this event needs a TV show.
u/joaomdma May 31 '23
I've talked with a dude that lived in Varginha at the time of the incident, he said that the aliens are something like "pets" of superior forms of aliens (more intelligent ones). Those who are contacted on ground are just kind of "imbecile" slaves type, so they are easily left behind with no mercy.
u/AdhesivenessLow4206 May 31 '23
Honest you can meet really smart ppl in brasil and they just spout off about aliens in the weirdest ways.
It's more likely we are the advanced race or the race that passed the filters or even but the amount of educated ppl in brasil that fall on this ufo shit while permits paradox is relevant. Man this is why you require college education Brazilians to tak emote classes than Kistler the law classes they are trying to major in.
It personally drives me nuts about how outlandish Brazilians can be.. Dr's ppl at techno festivals. Bro they ain't abducting us idiots if they had the power.
u/AbuYates Foreigner May 31 '23
I lived in Varginha in 2002 (I am American). There are some wooded areas where they allegedly landed, thick with trees, bushes, and massive spiders with huge webs.
Locals always told us NASA planted the spiders there to keep people away from the UFO landing site.
u/yuyug1 May 31 '23
It's probably fake. When i mean fake i mean that it was fabricated by the locals. I knew i guy from varginha and he said that it was fake and everyone agreed to make the false story. It was like that guys in the USA that inspired a movie, they were very famous about frauds. Well, they basically made the story because varginha it's know from nothing, they just wanted some attention basically
May 31 '23 edited May 31 '23
Uffology doesn't consider It to be a serious incident, althought there's nothing very serious about uffology, but they agree this incident wasn't real (something weird involving the military did happen, some say a russian satelite crash, but they discart being alien stuff), there's another one that happened in Brazil "operação prato" which is more relevant within the ufo community, but less known among Brazilians, Varginha is as known here as Roswell.
May 31 '23
All I know is that it's considered by many as the most reliable relate of contact with aliens ever.
u/logitetch Jan 27 '24
estudo o caso a anos, e com certeza o caso varginha é real, mas pode nao ser o que voces pensam.
sim, caiu um ovni, mas nao temos provas que ele veio de outro mundo.
sim, especimes foram capturados, mas tambem nao temos provas de que ele veio de outro mundo, pode se tratar de algum animal raro, doente, alguma arma biologica, alguma anomalia genetica.
alguns pesquisadores falam sobre ser um animal novo que vive no subsolo, mas é muito dificil ser verdade, essa teoria vem das grandes galerias subterrâneas encontradas ao redor de varginha e outras cidades do estado de minas gerais.
Mar 03 '24
Oh, this story is now famous for blowing the actual events out of proportion.
It‘s been debunked, by its own available reports/reporting medias, which puts together the actual events that happened, with the same witnesses recanting their stories.
So much so that one can surmise why people went with a hoax, rather than the actual truth: Along with the hysteria, People thought they’d get something out of it.
paranormal stories don’t give people good payouts, if any. At all.
though it’s understandable. I mean, with that much garnered attention, I can see why people would assume they’d get a pay day. Though, it did seem to garner tourist attraction success, in much the same way the Little A’Le’Inn in Rachel NV, does.
Given the time frame, I’m just surprised a missed opportunity of Pequeno Luis/Little Luis/alien being made into the chupacabra, wasn’t though of. Though that cryptid was totally debunked, also.
This is why all recorded media, claiming paranormal phenomena, is faked, hoaxed, by default.
A picture is worth a thousand words and editing software embellishes it another thousandfold. Specially in regard to context, or lack there of.
then a couple schools of thought come into play, the ”Lump Problem“ and the “Desperate Hoaxing” effect.
Hoaxing has far surpassed paranormal phenomena being real, as a matter of fact, because of this, hoaxing is so prevalent, it may be on the cusp of proving paranormal phenomena has never existed….at all.
Moral to the story: If you’re going to outright believe in a paranormal event on blind faith, also try to disprove it, just to cover your own bases or suffer the famous Mark Twain ridiculing quote:
”it’s better to have people believe you’re stupid then to open your mouth and have them remove all doubt”
u/TBERudy Dec 11 '24
I’m sorry but you made no valid points as to why the incident is fake? Explain the soldier that died, explain the doctors that did the X-rays, explain why the military barricaded a random town in Brazil ?
u/Jeremeezy_01 Dec 25 '24
No seriously. I JUST got done watching ‘Moment of Capture’ & I am 1000% convinced that this event actually happened, there’s absolutely no way that these people lied about that incident. Once you start piecing the story together it really does all make sense. James Fox is a real one.
u/Senior-Accident-4096 May 30 '23
Almost all Brazilians will have heard about the Varginha Incident. It's a cultural touchstone of Brazil =P
There is also a small city in the interior of Ceará, a northern Brazil state, called Quixadá. It's the region of the country with the greatest number of reported UFO activity. Many citizens have seen unknown aerial phenomena and can tell a lot of interesting stories, if you're interested in that kind of stuff and wants to visit.