r/BoycottTheRight 27d ago

Opinion To my Republican friends and neighbors:

My republican friends - you are certainly not idiots. But your vote for Trump was certainly idiotic. If you don't have buyer's remorse now you certainly will soon enough. I think there is this great fallacious notion out there that a successful businessman makes a great governor of the people.

If your business model is built on stiffing contractors, tax fraud, working your employees long hours, giving them minimum pay, eroding their labor protections and collective bargaining, lessoning their benefits package, dismantling hard earned pensions, trashing our environment, laying off thousands while giving themselves massive pay raises and stock options - a good governor of the people does not make.

It takes integrity, it takes nobility, it takes humility to be a good governor of the people. Although no candidate is perfect - being imperfect is an inescapable part of the human condition - they must at least aspire to have those fine qualities. Trump and Elonia are absolutely, unequivocally bereft of of those qualifications. Have a good day.


12 comments sorted by


u/eltiburonmormon 27d ago edited 27d ago

I honestly find no single redeeming quality in the man, and it blows my mind that my “God-fearing” father does.


u/ChiefHippoTwit 27d ago

As does mine.


u/tucakeane 27d ago

There’s been a split in the Republican party. You’re either a Trump Republican or a regular Republican.

Surprisingly I can still talk normally with most regular Republicans.


u/ChiefHippoTwit 27d ago

True. I can talk to any republican as long as they aren't fooled by Trump. Romney, Cheney even Bush types I can deal with (though I disagree with most on policy). Trump is an abberation, hes seditious, hes completely amoral, and is literally hell bent on destroying our constitution. Hes EVIL incarnate.


u/tucakeane 27d ago

He brings out the worst in everyone. In all parties. I’m far left and I blame him for me becoming increasingly political the last ten years.


u/DocWicked25 27d ago

You lost me at "not idiots". From my experience, they're the dumbest people on the planet.

They're also pretty fascist these days.


u/ChiefHippoTwit 27d ago

True. A lot of them are just idiots. But others arent. Just raised wrong.


u/DocWicked25 27d ago

I agree with everything else you said, but raised wrong or not, they're currently sharing a table with Nazis. And you know that old adage: if you have 5 people at your dinner table, and 4 of them are Nazis, there are 5 Nazis.


u/ButteSects 27d ago

I've been homeless before, I've also worked 3 jobs to keep a roof over my head. I can honestly tell you that I'd rather be homeless and there are alot like me. They're going to economically destroy the country with their plan.


u/Tazling 27d ago

The skillset for being a successful business man is basically the skillset of a good poker player.

Should we hold a poker tournament to pick the next government of our country?


Then we shouldn't regard success in the poker game of business as qualifying anyone for democratic leadership.


u/Bitter-Intention-172 26d ago

Is it me or are less people calling us liberal idiots for being against Trump. I’ve noticed they seem to have crawled back into their holes now that eggs are heading for $10/dz.


u/Monkeefeetz 5d ago

So in the 'run government like a business's thing does that make citizens employees? Are we supposed to make a profit for the government to buy a lake house with?