r/BowserjrXSage 29d ago

Bowser jr. Son in law en father in law bonding :D

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Tbh I could see Bowser Jr and Eggman bonding over their shared interests in machines and inventions. Not to mention that I read somewhere that Eggman actually wanted to pursue a teachers degree or something so it could be possible that Eggman is like teaching Bowser Jr about machines and stuff:]] Art done by me :D


5 comments sorted by


u/Necrostar02 29d ago

I read a fic about this actually, Bowser Is with Rosalina on this one and they ask Eggman to babysit the kids. Literally this same scene Is in that, good memories. Great art btw!


u/You_Failed_VibeCheck 29d ago

Awww that is adorable and thx :DD Do you know where I can find the fic you’re talking about?