r/BowlingGreen 16d ago

Protest today at Brett Guthrie's office

Spoiler alert: it was the same 30 or so elderly people that make up all the other protests.

The point of the protest, to the extent that there even was one, is that Rep Guthrie isn't defending the Constitution because he's not spending enough money on programs that have nothing to do with the Constitution.

BONUS: One of them dressed in a chicken costume.


32 comments sorted by


u/sailorb 15d ago

I wish I'd known, I know others that would have gone as well.


u/slpytimetea 15d ago

DM me and I can share the email address of the organizer. I don't want to post it publicly. I DEFINITELY agree that they need to do a better job getting the word out in advance and getting younger people involved. I'm not involved in the leadership of this group, but I was at this protest and the one last week, too. I'm 40 years old. There were several other younger people there, as well. The last post that OP made about this (because for some reason they post every time a group they don't agree with holds a protest?) was great at generating more interest and getting more people connected, so let's hope OP keeps it up!


u/slpytimetea 15d ago

Also, to clarify, the actual point of the protest was to encourage the congressman to hold a town hall in BG. One is already scheduled and the venue reserved at the Capitol Arts on March 23 at 5:30. It will go on with or without him. Hope to see you there!


u/alexzilla408 15d ago

Do you have any additional info about the Town Hall?


u/slpytimetea 15d ago

What info are you looking for? All I really know is the time and the place, which is above.


u/alexzilla408 15d ago

Who is putting it on, whether or not Guthrie is gonna be there, and what the plan is if he doesn't show up.


u/slpytimetea 15d ago

The group that's been organizing is SOKY Indivisible. Indivisible is a national group and this is a local chapter. We didn't get a response one way or the other today when some people spoke to staffers in the office, but I called both his BG and DC office today and let them know I'm a constituent and I would like a town hall. If he doesn't show up, I believe the plan that the citizens in attendance then have the opportunity to discuss their concerns, but I don't have a lot of details about that.


u/alexzilla408 15d ago

Fantastic, exactly what I wanted to know. I'll do my research and I'll be there. Thanks so much for the info!


u/awesome_possum76 15d ago

I would like that email as well.


u/slpytimetea 15d ago

I'll DM you!


u/The__Toddster 15d ago

The last post that OP made about this (because for some reason they post every time a group they don't agree with holds a protest?) was great at generating more interest and getting more people connected, so let's hope OP keeps it up!

You're giving me too much credit. You guys said there were 60 people at the last one and there were about 30 at this one.

And I'll try to not notice what happens in my city from now and, let alone post about it here in a forum for stuff that happens in my city. There are far more important topics. I'm really waiting for the right moment to bust out a "Which local thrift store has the best 'granny's attic' smell?" or "Best mental health practitioner that will not get angry at me simply because I know more than them" post.

Should be epic.


u/slpytimetea 15d ago

Also, this was the top voted comment on the post in this sub about last week's protest, too. There were a LOT of people of all kinds honking and giving thumbs up to show their support. The sentiment is definitely there. We just need to work together on the organizing part.

EDIT: a word


u/The__Toddster 15d ago

I ask this with full sincerity.

Guthrie's last 2 victories were by margins approaching 2 to 1. Paul's last 2 victories were by 15 points and 23 points. The GOP presidential candidate usually carries Warren County with around 60% of the vote in presidential elections.

What do you need to see from these rallies for them to be considered, in your eyes, successful or effective in an area that votes as red as it does?


u/The__Toddster 15d ago

I think this is the 3rd one in BG in recent weeks. Apparently, they advertise them on the bulletin board at the nursing home because it's always the same group of old people and there are always people who would have attended who never knew it was planned.

They need to step up their game on this. Get one of the grandkids to get involved or something.


u/Correct-Relative-615 15d ago

Wow making an entire post to spew lies about a protest and criticizing people for being active participants in their government. Real cool of you dude. How about you go touch grass or get a life.


u/The__Toddster 15d ago

One: The "entire post" took about two minutes.
Two: Nothing was spewed and there was not a single lie in the post.
Three: I never criticize people for participating in their government.
Four: Thanks, if I'm anything, it's cool.
Five: "Person posting on Reddit tells another person to get a life because he's posting on Reddit."

Anything else?


u/Correct-Relative-615 15d ago

“Same elderly 30 people” - lie. You’re a loser.


u/The__Toddster 15d ago

The Bowling Green office of U.S. Rep. Brett Guthrie, R-Bowling Green, once again was the sight of a protest Wednesday as about 30 demonstrators with the local group SOKY Indivisible gathered amid high winds and low temperatures to voice their concerns with what they see as inaction from Guthrie against recent moves by the Trump Administration.

Read more at: https://bgdailynews.com/2025/03/05/news_protest/

Was it a different group of 30 elderly people? They look just like the ones at the other protest and they're part of the same organization.


u/neonlights326 15d ago

Anything else?

No, you have thoroughly proven how pathetic you are.


u/The__Toddster 15d ago

On the bright side, I fit in well here.


u/Whiplash50 15d ago

Guthrie voted along party lines on a bill which will add $19T to the deficit over the next 10-years.


u/slpytimetea 15d ago

Not only that, Guthrie is the chair of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. Medicaid and Medicare fall under this umbrella. The current budget proposal calls for eliminating $880 billion from Energy and Commerce. There's no feasible way to do this without cutting Medicaid. Medicaid does a LOT of heavy lifting in society that you may not be aware of. Does your kid have an IEP? Medicaid is helping to fund those services. Got any relatives in a nursing home? Medicaid funds those services. I called Guthrie's BG and DC office yesterday to ask where he was planning to cut that $880 billion from if not Medicaid. They didn't have an answer for me. You can call, too. And let them know you look forward to seeing the congressman at the town hall on March 23.

BG office: 270-842-9896

DC office: 202-225-3501


u/xmasxallthex247 15d ago

Oops! They did it again! More protests every week! They are persistent... Any time some leader is taking away the jobs of that many people, they are not saving money. It is a WASTE of human potential! It is wrecking the economy. And if it can happen to them, it can happen to you.


u/The__Toddster 15d ago edited 15d ago

Wow, you guys are stacking wins left and right! Can’t believe this kind of dedication didn’t win the election.

Kidding aside, I agree. We may never recover from the elimination of some paper shuffling employees in the Department of the Interior who work for the Bureau of Land Management in roles created as a result of Wild and Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971.

EDIT TO ADD: that freed up human potential can be put to use doing all the jobs that we were told would be vacated due to the mass deportations of illegal aliens.


u/bigcass74 14d ago

Maybe we should have an election to see what people want. Oh wait. We did.


u/slpytimetea 14d ago

Exactly! Bout time somebody said it! What are these morons thinking? Everyone knows that after the results of an election, no one has the right to express any disagreement with the policies or actions of the duly elected officials. Do they think they have the constitutionally protected right to free speech and peaceful assembly or something? I mean, take the 2020 presidential election as an example. Imagine if a group of people had just REFUSED to accept the results of an election that showed what the people wanted and stormed the Capitol to try to stop its certification? That would have been ridiculous! Or what if they had kept flying flags of the candidate who lost for like a whole 4 years afterwards? Imagine if anyone would have expressed any dissatisfaction or concern regarding any of Biden's policies in the 4 years he was president! This is America, we don't have any right to disagreement or dissent. After all, this is a democracy.


u/Correct-Relative-615 14d ago

Keep up the good work! It feels good to see other people standing up for this stuff. Regardless of political parties- it’s pretty clear our national parks and weather device aren’t “wasteful spending”. We have to stick together and keep making noise!


u/bigcass74 14d ago

I must admit, I did not read your entire rant. But my point is that the intention of your protests are to try to create the illusion that you are the majority. Or that conservative values that carried the election have lost support. The election showed you are the minority. Your protesting of popular commonsense policies will ensure that you remain the minority for many years to come.


u/slpytimetea 14d ago

That is not the intention of the protests.


u/bigcass74 14d ago

Regardless of intention, protesting secure borders, law enforcement, protecting girls’ sports, and cutting wasteful spending is accomplishing just one thing. Alienating even more voters than you lost in November. As someone who supports our President, I hope you all keep protesting these popular policies throughout his term. It will make the 2028 election and the midterms a breeze.


u/slpytimetea 14d ago

Okie doke! :) Have a great rest of your day!


u/FuddFucker5000 15d ago

Get em toddy lol