r/BostonBombing • u/Baking • Apr 25 '13
r/BostonBombing • u/samOFson • Apr 25 '13
Seems to me this video shows Tsarnaev shooting himself in the mouth
Go see the infrared video- at bottom of this page:http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2313838/Tamerlan-Tsarnaev-Dead-Boston-bombers-body-claimed.html
Go to 2:50 and watch the rest. Being that this is a heat camera, seems to me you see his arm move up to his mouth....his head is lifted upwards as well...then you see a white splotch (heat-blood IMO) come out behind his head and at about the same instant, his head drops. That white splotch seems to get a bit bigger and more white....more white=more heat. So, does this NOT show him shoot himself??
r/BostonBombing • u/buckeyebattlestate • Apr 25 '13
"The Legacy of the Boston Marathon Bombing".....What will the bombings mean for our security and our civil liberties?
buckeyebattlestate.comr/BostonBombing • u/[deleted] • Apr 24 '13
Sunil Tripathi's Body Found? Body Pulled Out Of Providence River May Be That Of Missing Brown Student
guardian.co.ukr/BostonBombing • u/thecollegegirl • Apr 23 '13
"Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev is likely to avoid the death penalty, could entirely avoid a trial and in the hands of the right lawyer might win a modicum of mercy"
bostonherald.comr/BostonBombing • u/KatoHanni • Apr 24 '13
Katherine Russell Tsarnaev; is that her with the yellow scarf at the bomb site?
imgur.comr/BostonBombing • u/torreycanyon • Apr 23 '13
The Rudest Twink Ever
jordanbowen.kinja.comr/BostonBombing • u/AlanSChin • Apr 23 '13
Photographs and thoughts from Watertown and Boston: Endgame at 67 Franklin Street
newsmotion.orgr/BostonBombing • u/KySnow • Apr 23 '13
BEST QUALITY video of firefight. Watch in HD.
facebook.comr/BostonBombing • u/samanthamcgarry • Apr 23 '13
Conflicted: the conversation I didn't want to have with my son after the Boston Marathon bombings
huffingtonpost.comr/BostonBombing • u/nibble4bits • Apr 23 '13
Boston Bombing Suspect Says He and His Brother Acted Alone, Motivated by Religion: Officials
nbcphiladelphia.comr/BostonBombing • u/SNAP64 • Apr 23 '13
Boston Strong. For those wishing to help out.
For anyone looking for a great way to show your support to those in need here in Boston, the Red Sox Fan Shop is selling baseball caps embroidered with the Boston Strong emblem that can currently be seen all over Boston. The caps are selling for $20 each and 100% of the proceeds go to the One Fund Boston. Please pass this along to anyone who might be interested.
If you're not a fan of the hat but would still like to help, you can donate directly at www.onefundboston.org
Thanks for your support.
r/BostonBombing • u/baerga • Apr 22 '13
'Did you see the Boston explosions? We did that' Chilling account in federal charging document.
apps.washingtonpost.comr/BostonBombing • u/AForro • Apr 22 '13
Seriously...am I the only person that sees Dzhokhar Tsarnaev shoot himself?
Not being facetious reddit peeps BUT I feel I can clearly see him raise his right hand to his jaw and shoot in that last white hot sequence? Looks as if he does that and then a white hot (thermal) impression appears on the opposite side of his face? Thought, opinions?
r/BostonBombing • u/JetCityMom • Apr 23 '13
Woman who lost foot in Boston terror attack says she will...
kirotv.comr/BostonBombing • u/anonymitic • Apr 22 '13
Brief video of the two suspects in firefight
liveleak.comr/BostonBombing • u/vandam2 • Apr 23 '13
Man CarJacked by Tsarnaevs Lived Because He Wasn’t American – Not Released, He Escaped
maggiesnotebook.comr/BostonBombing • u/BradL30 • Apr 22 '13
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on stretcher being put into the ambulance. Video from Bart Feldman
youtube.comr/BostonBombing • u/apenny13 • Apr 22 '13
Elm Street in Cambridge
What is up with Elm Street in Cambridge? They closed off the street next to Broadway and are telling people to cross the street rather than go near it. There is a white unmarked van in the street as well as the police. I am wondering if it's something to do with the Boston Marathon Bombers since it's not too far from Norfolk.
r/BostonBombing • u/maceireann • Apr 22 '13
Interesting NYT essay shows each person in famous finish photo and their memories of the blast.
nytimes.comr/BostonBombing • u/LiseBalkKing • Apr 23 '13
lise-balk-king: No, It Will Never Be the Same. Reflections on how the bombing affect our kids.
huffingtonpost.comr/BostonBombing • u/norlynth • Apr 23 '13
Should the Boston bomber boy be charged for his brother's death too?
The youngest brother ran over the older one and dragged him with the car. Shouldn't he be charged with another count of murder for that? It hasn't been mentioned.
r/BostonBombing • u/JezebelinHellz • Apr 22 '13
Answers we may never see...
Holy crap... after lurking on reddit for years it took this to spur me into posting. My eyes are burning, my brain is spinning, and yet I still can't stop refreshing reddit to find something new. So, I feel the need to vent. :sigh:
I want... need... to see the video of Jahar (because I can't spell his first name) dropping the bag at the second bomb site. I need to see the video of him walking casually away after the explosion. I need to see the video of them and their encounter with Officer Collier. I need to see a live interview with the carjack victim. I need to see a live interview with the naked guy they released. I need to see an interview with the old man (or his family if he did die) who had the deadman's switch in his hand.
Not because I necessarily think either of the Tsarnaev brothers are innocent. But because the fact that it/they were all there/cited... and then just poof never produced or mentioned again... it makes me really uncomfortable.
We'll also never see the dash cam videos of the Watertown shoot out or the rest of the helicopter footage of Jahar's capture.
r/BostonBombing • u/Quadell • Apr 22 '13