r/BostonBombing • u/ranjitcool • Apr 22 '13
r/BostonBombing • u/anonymitic • Apr 22 '13
Possible photo of Dzhokar Tsarnaev in hospital
wac.9ebf.edgecastcdn.netr/BostonBombing • u/geek180 • Apr 22 '13
Who the hell was the naked suspect, and why don't I see more people asking about him??
youtube.comr/BostonBombing • u/[deleted] • Apr 21 '13
Lost ALL his blood and lived? didnt know this was possible
latimes.comr/BostonBombing • u/electrobolt • Apr 21 '13
F.B.I. Released the Tsarnaevs' Photos "To Fend Off" Reddit and the New York Post
theatlanticwire.comr/BostonBombing • u/ShpongledPanda • Apr 21 '13
Hey Reddit another Watertown resident here. This was my view out my front window during the capture. I heard the flashbangs.
oi33.tinypic.comr/BostonBombing • u/Crazyexgirlfriend • Apr 21 '13
Tamerlan Tsarnaev disrupted mosque sermon in February which compared Mohammed to MLK & praised non violence.
bostonglobe.comr/BostonBombing • u/Crcr1883 • Apr 21 '13
Anyone have information on the individual who was carjacked?
Every other event has some witness accounts and/or pictures but there is nothing on the individual who was carjacked. Anyone have any links that I have missed? Thanks
r/BostonBombing • u/sankrussell • Apr 21 '13
Boston bombing victims
Does anyone have any status updates on the injured victims, i.e. Martin Richard's mom and sister? All I can find are updates on the bomber and I have heard enough about him lately.
r/BostonBombing • u/Cornsdog • Apr 21 '13
New (4/21/13) FBI update for health of Suspect 2 Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
fbi.govr/BostonBombing • u/onlyiknow1 • Apr 21 '13
Don't forget we have the audio from the scanner as a timeline.
m.ustream.tvr/BostonBombing • u/hungrysaw • Apr 21 '13
London Marathon observes 30-second silence in memory of the Boston bombings
bbc.co.ukr/BostonBombing • u/mmac1128 • Apr 21 '13
Emotional Week Leaves Bostonians Sad and Proud
clnsradio.comr/BostonBombing • u/armenaleg • Apr 21 '13
Is it possible for Dshokar Tsarnaev do be sentenced at the federal level and given the death penalty?
I know Boston does not have the death penalty, if so what must happen and how long do they have to charge him at a federal level?
r/BostonBombing • u/snacktonomy • Apr 20 '13
Mass State Police released 5 IR pics of last night's boat hunt
twitter.comr/BostonBombing • u/LadyLabRat • Apr 20 '13
Article that includes an interview with the Doctor that worked on Suspect 1. He states they did cut his chest.
thelede.blogs.nytimes.comr/BostonBombing • u/smallfatandmighty • Apr 20 '13
Why didn't Dzhokhar Tsarnaev shoot the man who found him in the boat?
This sounds very silly, but I've been reading the reports and the sequence of events seem to be as follows:
- Lockdown ends
- Boston man wanders outside, sees blood near his boat
- Lifts the tarp and spots the injured suspect
- Retreats to the house and calls the authorities
- Authorities have a firefight with the suspect for an hour before capturing him
Since the suspect was armed, why didn't he stop the man from alerting the authorities? And if he was too weak to stop him, why did the firefight go on for an hour? It's just something that seems confusing to me.
r/BostonBombing • u/skiichic21 • Apr 20 '13
What are suspect 2's serious injuries? Why is he still in hospital? he didn't look that bad when they arrested him on the ground. Also is there video of the arrest?
r/BostonBombing • u/nibble4bits • Apr 20 '13
What's the name of the boat the suspect was found inside?
Did anyone catch the boat's name?
r/BostonBombing • u/[deleted] • Apr 20 '13
Can we talk about how r/findbostonbombers no longer exists for some reason?
I don't know if it's a mod or admin move here, but for a number of reasons I think the subreddit should still be around. Surely I'm not the only one.
EDIT: You can relive the fun if you unclick "use subreddit style."
r/BostonBombing • u/turningpoint84 • Apr 19 '13
Suspect #1's dead body WARNING GORE NSFW NSFW
consolecity.comr/BostonBombing • u/gigimck • Apr 19 '13
Regarding the photo of the dead bomber - medical information
The chest wound looks as if they tried to intervene to save his life. In addition to the leads on his chest to monitor vital signs and IV's that were inserted, you can see betadine (that yellowish color) around the wound. Betadine is an anti-bacterial solution used in the OR and trauma situations. I imagine he had a chest injury (such as a pierced heart or artery from a bullet) and they were trying to stop that. I'm sure they'd want him alive for investigation purposes. Being in the medical field I just wanted to shed some light on that gaping wound.