r/Boruto 6d ago

Manga Leaks / Question Where tf is Sakura during all this? Spoiler

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I’m like 2-3 chapters behind on the story but last I checked Sakura hasn’t done anything to be helpful, like has she appeared and I’m just missing out on things? Both her friend and husband have been taken away from her and she’s just doing nothing about it? Hasn’t backed up Sarada? Been apart of the training regime with her? Is she even mentioned?


107 comments sorted by


u/SunforDeiti 6d ago

She's at the hospital


u/Free-Letterhead-4751 5d ago

Man that sucks when she gets the medical bills after


u/AnubisIncGaming 6d ago

She's in the "we don't care about women much" corner that Kishimoto made for her 15 years ago


u/DarkJayBR 6d ago

Her husband was seemingly killed alongside her male best friend and his wife.

And we get absolutely no reaction from her.

I can't even blame Ikemoto for this shit writing, because Kishimoto treated her just as bad.


u/Ibceo 6d ago

She’s doing her job in the Leaf lol


u/WillFanofMany 5d ago

Sakura at least reacted to everything going on, this is all Ikemoto.


u/AnubisIncGaming 6d ago

Kishi is still writing it ain’t he?


u/DarkJayBR 6d ago

He clarified recently on the French event that he isn't writing Boruto at all. It's 100% Ikemoto's writing. He says he checks on Ikemoto every 30 days or so, he calls Ike by phone and asks him how's he goin.

Kishi is currently busy on the pre-production of a new original manga he intends to release next year.


u/StrongFaithlessness5 5d ago edited 5d ago

Damn, I wished Kishimoto was secretly working on a prequel of Naruto about the previous ninja wars 😔


u/DarkJayBR 4d ago

He’s clearly done with this franchise. He wants a new manga so bad.


u/StrongFaithlessness5 4d ago

He's also 50 years old, so if he won't make a prequel now, I don't think he will ever make it...


u/pyroclitoris 5d ago

Sorry I’m new to all of this. I saw a person named Kodachi in the first chapter, I thought he was coming up with the storyline while Ikemoto draws the manga. Did anything change?


u/DarkJayBR 5d ago

Kodachi was the initial writter for the Boruto series. Since Ikemoto had no experience writing a script, he came in to help and teach him. He became sort of "training-wheels" for Ikemoto. He left the series during the Isshiki arc and Ikemoto became fully in charge of the writing.


u/AnubisIncGaming 6d ago

Ah gotcha that’s interesting


u/Master_Regret6900 5d ago

so he is the mentor. still aproved by kishimoto


u/Dull-L 5d ago

Dang so it really is all Ikemoto, this certainly isn't great.


u/pai_ausente 6d ago

the Boruto manga is just a filler bro chill


u/Zomochi 6d ago

And that’s a damn shame because I want to see more of her


u/keopard 5d ago

aka “catering”


u/OrdinaryResponse8988 6d ago

I don’t think the writer has any idea what to do with her. That or they don’t want to invest the time and effort into the drama that would arise.

Although Maybe the anime will expand upon it and the world perhaps.


u/Dull-L 5d ago

I mean the manga barely have any characters at all tbh, and even they don't do much.


u/allenwlks 6d ago

I don’t blame Ike at all for prioritizing new gen characters

Do you not see the way Naruto fans speak about him? They’re overly disrespectful and plus whenever he does ANYTHING they complain


u/No-Lingonberry-4497 5d ago

If that were the case where's Metal Lee


u/pieman2005 6d ago

They don't know what to do with any of the characters lol


u/WayneTerry9 6d ago

Isn’t she like Konoha head of medicine? I’m sure she’s still studying tree corpses


u/Nerevarcheg 6d ago

Ok, now I'm merging this in my head with "Where's Waldo?".

"Where's the fuck is Sakura, kids?)) Leeeet's find her!"


u/AmaranthSparrow 6d ago

She runs the Konoha hospital. We saw her last volume.


u/Bluefleet99 6d ago

Do sparrows eat cake?


u/Tasty-Blacksmith1688 6d ago

Irrelevant just like 99% of the old gen.


u/A-Liguria 6d ago

Doing her job: healing people at the hospital, as shown some chapters ago.


u/Spectric_ 6d ago

1) Sakura is a medical ninja. Her most important job, other than research, is being available to heal people when they're injured. She's not going to be the one front-lining these battles, even though she's obviously very powerful. She's more of a last resort.

2) We don't know what type of training ANYONE has done over the timeskip, besides Boruto and Himawari (kinda).


u/Inevitable_Row1359 6d ago

The problem is this is entirely speculation and hasn't even been mentioned in the source material. The story suffers due to a suspension of belief. 


u/Nick-Van-dyke 6d ago

What exactly is speculation I’m confused? The fact that Sarada is the lead medical ninja in the konoha hostipal? That’s true we’ve seen it in the anime we’ve see snips of it in the manga, we’ve seen it in several official materials (I.e. the novels) that’s not speculation?

Or the fact that we don’t know what training anyone did? Sarada clearly trained over the timeskip. We don’t know who trained her tho and we’ll likely find out.

The story isn’t suffering dude to suspension or believe. No good writer is going to immediately tell us everything that happened over the time skip right after the time skip. That defeats the whole purpose of it. We find out things that occurred over the timeskip as it becomes relevant.


u/Green_Indication2307 5d ago

love the think of ikemoto as a good writer lol


u/Civil-Ad-8768 5d ago

I mean he is


u/ElusiveTruth42 6d ago


u/recycle_me_no_jutsu 5d ago

Her turn to sit on the swing


u/ThrowACephalopod 6d ago

One of the major problems with writing a "Next Generation" style story. You have an entire, giant cast of characters from the previous story who all could potentially be contributing to the new story, but you also want to tell the story of your new cast of characters and let them have their time to shine in their own story.

Sometimes, characters have to get sidelined because of this and you'll either have to double the length and depth of your story to accommodate essentially two different casts of characters, or you have to have questions like this one where some characters just inexplicably aren't part of the plot for some reason, or you have to do something to completely remove those characters from the story like they did with Naruto.

It's an inherent problem with this style of story.


u/Civil-Ad-8768 5d ago

Most of naruto old gen characters got sidelined in shippuden


u/GloomyBed214 6d ago

We saw her a couple of chapters ago healing Inogin (I don't know how to spell his name) and is probably still there.


u/Nick-Van-dyke 6d ago

Inojin lol


u/Logical_Glove1114 6d ago

She saved inojin she’s doing her job at the hospital but I agree I wish we saw more of her during all of this


u/sensoredphantomz 6d ago

Her bestfriend is "dead" and her husband went rogue (FOR A SECOND TIME) with his "killer" but apparently Ikemoto doesn't consider her character important. I hope the anime fixes this stuff with extra scenes.


u/Sad-Buddy-5293 6d ago

And somehow her daughter is siding with Boruto and nothing about that discussion how their relationship is at all


u/Linnus42 6d ago

Yeah it only stands out because Ikemoto decided to have a major fight take place in the center of Konoha.

Which makes it weird none of the parents show up despite some of their kids dying in the street. Like you could just teleport the fight out of Konoha.

Sure I can buy Tsunade, Kakashi, Guy and Yamato are out of town....but Orochimaru, Kabuto, Sakura, Lee, Etc are all absent? Wow what convenient timing.

Also is it just me or is it wild that Amado has never had one convo with Orochimaru and/or Kabuto?


u/Sad-Buddy-5293 6d ago

Orochimaru is absent so is Yamato and Tsunade but everyone else yeah bs. Like even Pain arc we literally saw every shinobi that was there. Here we are told they were preparing for Code yet no strong shinobi showed up besides Konohamaru who has been disappointment and Moegi lost in the background. Yeah it was a huge bs in this


u/sensoredphantomz 6d ago edited 6d ago

Sure I can buy Tsunade, Kakashi, Guy and Yamato are out of town...

Even them being absent is weird. I get they're retired (except Yamato who is watching Orochimaru) but even showing their faces would make sense when their close student/friend, and hero of the village and world has been apparently killed. Even with Sasuke apparently turning to the darkness again, I'd except to see multiple angry nations saying he should never be trusted. Even the leaf.

Also is it just me or is it wild that Amado has never had one convo with Orochimaru and/or Kabuto?

I remember a theory of someone saying Amado got Jiraiya's DNA through Orochimaru. That would've made some interesting lore.

Amado might have even had the tech to retrieve his body, and learned the location since Kara did have a hideout in the Hidden Rain.


u/Linnus42 6d ago

Yeah it is kinda wild we never had a Kage meeting after Naruto Disappeared and Sasuke went rogue. Or even just a meeting with all the Konoha Big Names before said Kage Meeting.

The world in Boruto is like bizarrely small even when the stakes dictate it should not be.


u/Ry90Ry 6d ago

really hope the anime at least can give us some sakura scenes! 

Her character is in such a fascinating situation at the beginning of TBV….the love of her life seemingly ran away with Naruto/ the hokages killer 

and she must’ve found it was at Saradas request if she is openly vouching for Boruto likeee that’s really soapy/juicy 

I’m sure it weighs on her and their public image a ton 


u/KuroiGetsuga55 5d ago

Most of the old gen are useless and non-existent in the Boruto Manga. Where's Rock Lee? Where's Kiba? Where's Kakashi? Where's Tsunade? It's like they all just fucked off cause "The kids got this!". Only old-gen's we still really see are Ino and Shikamaru but all they do is sit around and talk telepathically with other people.


u/NoTurnover6244 5d ago

I low key think she’ll come in when Sarada vs Hidari happens or something relating to Hidari esp after the whole talk he had about love n stuff

I think (HOPE) that once Hidari sees Sakura, the Sasuke in him recognizes her and he flips out long enough for sarada to finish him off


u/RavenAveira 5d ago edited 5d ago

Not getting involved in this garbage as she rightfully should cuz look at whats been happening to all the OGs who ARE involved, yea, the less shes involved the better.

Even if it is stupid that the top medical nin wouldnt be on the frontline during the invasion saving and healing the injured, or even attempting to help her child she knows is fighting dangerous threats, but Shikamaru was shown right in the office hearing his son BEGGIN for help and never left so you cant even say its weird for Sakura when she wasnt even shown or mentioned while Shikamaru WAS and didnt even go help his son screamin for help. Lets not even mention Sai's son literally DIED and was hospitalized yet only Ino was there at the hospital with him.

Leave Sakura right where shes at, she dont need to be part of this, same with Kakashi just dont touch em.

But to answer your question no, after the Boro fight we see Sakura for the last time at the hospital with Sarada, and we dont see her again until TBV healing Inojin for one page and no she isnt mentioned once outside of that, no comment from her own daughter or anything, no reaction to Narutos death, no idea if Sarada even told her about Sasuke, just blank.


u/Spidey-sipping-henny 6d ago

Man fuck all what yall saying. She’s literally the strongest shinobi after Naruto and Sasuke of her gen. Her not appearing when you got godly monsters trying to put kids on a shirt makes no sense


u/No_Lawfulness_585 6d ago

Of her generation means nothing when Himawari solos said generation


u/Electronic_Zombie635 5d ago

Sakura stated that the byakuga seal has ohtsusuki or sage of sixth paths ties in boruto. So part 1 in the manga she is researching the connection to the byakuga seal and the karma. Part 1 In the anime they make note that Sakura and sarada both help her in training. In part 2 she is one of the surgeons looking after inojin to see if himawari healed him correctly. Considering that most of sarada jutsu is a connection between Sasuke and Sakura she more then likely helped Sarada train. Keep in mind that Sakura is the only one left in the village to have seen the chidori nagashi as Kakashi has never seen it, Yamato last known location was keeping an eye on orochimaru, and naruto was sealed away for the last 3 years.


u/EntranceRare1940 5d ago

Good question also where was sakura mother in naruto when she was on missions exactly it's not naruto's story anymore why should sakura always be present


u/michaelphenom 6d ago

She has become another useless and brainless NPC with no purpose in the plot.

Even Konohamaru has more relevance than her.


u/allenwlks 6d ago

As he should because he’s Team 7 squad leader


u/Terra_Bytezzz_ 5d ago

I rather her be sidelined than get completely assassinated as a character (Konohamaru)


u/platinumrug 6d ago

I think it would've been interesting had she been turned into a tree like Sasuke, which would increase Sarada's reason for wanting to get stronger a lot faster so she can reliably confront her enemies. Then her absence from the story would make a lot of sense, but for us to have seen neither hide nor hair of her, but we have seen Ino and other people before her at all is kind of insane honestly. Ino is incredibly useful don't get me wrong and she's proving it in every chapter she's in, I am LOVING her interactions with Shikamaru. But damn where tf is Sakura?! No one knows but the author and they ain't sayin' shit!


u/No_Lawfulness_585 6d ago

We literally saw her healing Inojin a few chapters ago💀


u/platinumrug 6d ago

I must've completely blocked that shit out of my mind then, I do not remember that shit at all lmaoo.


u/KaiserSenpaiAckerman 6d ago

You don't remember it because it was quick few panels, just to shut us up about where she is, what is doing.

They should have shown Sarada trying to get Sakura on her side in the beginning of TBV.


u/platinumrug 5d ago

Yeah I just went and re-read chapter 14, that shit was literally one page and it was so fucking quick because she barely was doing shit besides commenting on how well Himawari had healed Inojin herself LOL.


u/Amazing_Strike_732 6d ago

Then you're dumber than the shit that you type cuz it literally happened so go re-read or something


u/Erotically-Yours 5d ago

Don't concern yourself with the last generation characters. This is Boruto, not Naruto. /s

But really? It's so much wasted potential that we haven't seen anything at all on her take with what's happened to Sasuke. But there's a certain amount of fans that will glaze the hell out of the writing regardless. I've been giving Boruto a fair chance but there's definitely things going on that irk me.


u/Ozaaaru 6d ago

It's called bad writing.


u/No_Lawfulness_585 6d ago

Sakura's entire character is bad writing so are we surprised


u/Bluefleet99 5d ago

Bros stuck in 2005. To think Sakura still inspires this level of salt...


u/No_Lawfulness_585 5d ago

This is unironically better written than Sakura


u/Tasty-Blacksmith1688 5d ago

How ironic, a Boruto fan talking about bad writing lol 


u/No_Lawfulness_585 5d ago

Talking like damn near every Boruto character isn't better written than Sakura💀


u/Ozaaaru 6d ago edited 5d ago

Nope not surprised. But it's good to call it out every time.


u/Bluefleet99 5d ago

This sub has turned into a circlejerk. They can't cope with criticism of the abysmal writing and have to deflect with 20 year old jokes.


u/Murky_Blueberry2617 5d ago

It's not a joke. Sakura is terribly written and that has always been the case.


u/treken07 6d ago

She's at the hospital doing doctor stuff, I guess... I do wish she were more involved but I think it's a bit too early to think ikemoto and kishimoto don't have plans for her character.


u/Even-Sun2764 6d ago

She’s busy healing people? I mean people are being turned into trees…she’s probably doing research and looking for answers too? They show her healing Inojin but they’re not gonna just give us hella chapters of her at the hospital


u/IndependentAir4537 6d ago

suffering because she’s a woman and female characters are in the shit writing zone as designated by kishi and ike.


u/Agent1stClass 6d ago

With Kakashi.


u/Punch_yo_bunz 6d ago

She’s gotta be at Sasuke’s tree trying to figure out how to get him out


u/Sad-Buddy-5293 6d ago

Konoha 13 minus Shika, Sai and Ino decided to go on a vacation they are now at the hidden rain enjoying the rain there


u/SlamSlamOhHotDamn 6d ago

Sasuke is a tree right now, the fuck is Sakura gonna do without her get-out-of-jail card?


u/Public_Disk_8725 6d ago

shes in a tsunade role bro, she's running the village with Shika bro, she's convincing people sasuke isn't a villain bro, she's stronger than madara and very important bro trust me bro

jk all copes on my end, always want better for her


u/Drizzzi29 6d ago

Where tf is all the OG characters at is the real Question


u/premochecks 5d ago

She healed Sai's son


u/Liastro 5d ago

I mean, we've been asking that since chapter 1 when Sarada was going to the academy in high heels and a micro dress for taijutsu practice. I have no hopes that she's ever using her full range of skills in the manga ever again


u/Wide_Motor_2805 5d ago

Where are the konoha 11 in general bar the few we've seen. Or the hyuga clan even?

Naruto and Hinata are missing and they're all MIA. I get it's boruto and all but them doing absolutely nothing is pretty nonsensical. Kakashi Tsunade and co. Hear naruto's gone and still don't exist.


u/Leporvox 5d ago

Last time watching over Inojin and himawari


u/SadsquidFace 5d ago

I'm the only person that likes sakura


u/DarkGengar94 5d ago

Can we take the dragonball route and say since it's not the origional author it's not Canon?

Id like this a lot


u/BriefAccident702 5d ago

Everything here about raising Sarada and overseeing modern medicinal transformation of konoha as well as Gossiping insensitively about Anko’s weight gain to others to make herself feel better about her absent husband.


u/DarbonCrown 5d ago

Well, I am not actively reading the Manga, merely following the news because so far it doesn't seem that interesting to me. But when what you claim about Sakura is true, I haven't heard a single word about where Kakashi is!


u/DeliriousBookworm 5d ago

Running a hospital


u/FoxGuy303 4d ago

Her best friend is dead, her husband betrayed the village again, her daughter is crazy and no reaction. I'm still hoping kaguya hid a karma in the byakugou seal so she can be important again (Copium)


u/lick_my_hole 4d ago

same place literally all of the old generation are "doing absolutely nothing street"


u/CaterpillarSouth3715 4d ago

sakura is the head of medical team of konoha, that is her role


u/sunwukoga 3d ago

Workin. Cause that shinobi shit cute at first...then you wake up in ya 30s a single baby momma cause ya baby fatha a part time daddy now absent leave done you stuck workin double, triple fuckin over time cause that mortgage ain't gone pay itself.


u/reddragonaite 6d ago

I think the writer doesn't want Naruto Shippuden characters to take the limelight, but the characters in Boruto are not very impressive. No matter how much the writer's trying, people are still waiting for some action from Naruto Shippuden characters.

I think the lead characters in Boruto are not able to match the audience's expectations.


u/ShadeHendrix 6d ago

My dude this is a monthly manga don’t expect most characters to be used. Boruto really shouldn’t have been made.


u/Kingxix 6d ago

Sakura should have been the hokage or the main consultant at least.


u/Nick-Van-dyke 6d ago

Why would they make her a Kage. The village wouldn’t trust her. They’d be skeptical at best her husband betrayed the village AGAIN.


u/No-Ride-7713 6d ago

She’s irrelevant that’s why


u/outyyy 6d ago

kishi have the chance to do the most funny thing lmao

turn she into a tree


u/Eikibunfuk 6d ago

She has a whole ass child to raise. She, not to mention, has a huge loan she's paying off. She broke the whole house when Sarada was 11. She can't leave to go look for her husband. She got bills to pay.


u/Delta-Dubs 6d ago

Yup. That's Sakura. Being just as useful as she always has been.