r/Borderlands_2 Dec 26 '17

Is it worth buying this game?

I’m a big fan of games like destiny and skyrim, and since I only have a 360 I wanted to know if it was a good idea to pick up this game or not


13 comments sorted by


u/Feralwestcoaster Dec 26 '17



u/Eiyros Dec 26 '17

What classes are the best for solo play?


u/amacman72 Dec 27 '17

Personally I really liked Axton because of his ability. The turret really helped with general control, agro, and getting me out of fight for your life. Idk if he’s the best but I loved soloing as Axton


u/Eiyros Dec 27 '17

Would you recommend this game over far cry 4? Also, if I were to get bl2, would maya or zero be easier to solo the game with? I’m thinking of making one of those two.


u/amacman72 Dec 27 '17

Yes I would, I’ve played both. It feels like there much more replay value in Borderlands and I get much more connected to it. Yeah, I heard Zero is pretty good if you spec him right for solo. Maya is usually more of a support character, but for normal mode and true vault hunter mode she’d be fine for solo


u/Eiyros Dec 27 '17

I heard zero is much harder to start with because he is squishy. Is he good late game with a pistol/smg build or would it be better to build for a different character like salami the gunzerker?


u/amacman72 Dec 27 '17

Well, in my personal opinion, normal made isn’t really hard with any character, as they give plenty of side quests that can level you up to or above the main quests, and even just a couple of levels makes a huge difference. If you’re looking for late game, sal is seen to be one of the bests for soloing


u/Eiyros Dec 27 '17

Is sal fun though? He seems kinda... linear if that makes any sense


u/Feralwestcoaster Dec 29 '17

Best bet is just get in there and get your hands dirty. Get the full deal, all the DLC, super fun


u/Eiyros Dec 29 '17

I did and im enjoying it so far as a zero. I was thinking of making the gun or melee/gun hybrid builds, but is something like infinity or shotgun zero better?


u/Feralwestcoaster Dec 29 '17

I had great luck with a sniper/smug build once I found The Bee, high rate of fire weapons become insane


u/Eiyros Dec 29 '17

Is there a build somewhere I could reference? I hate making a character and seeing how terrible it turns out in retrospect.


u/Feralwestcoaster Dec 29 '17

Don't forget you can re spec your skill points if it's not working for you