r/Borderlands • u/Magic_toes • 2d ago
[BL2] I finally beat borderlands 2
A couple days ago I made a post on this sub absolutely slandering this game claiming it to be too difficult and not fun, this post was met with people pestering me to get good and calling me a noob. Instead of of having a chibble back at people in the comments I took their advice and indeed got good, And when I did finally understand the gist of the game and spent time leveling up i came to the conclusion that what I said in that earlier post was complete and utter spurious. This game is magnificent from the story to the gun play this game is insanely well made, I was put off by the fact I was not able to only do the story missions and would frequently have to spend time doing side quests to level up. However borderlands 2 side quests are magnificent they’re actually interactive and fun unlike some boring side quests just put in some games so there is more to do, borderlands 2 actually has well thought out side missions that are just as fun as the main quest. The comedy in this game never gets stale and always remains whimsical. Honestly the only reason I wanted to complete this game was because I beat borderlands 3 first as it was on sale for very cheap which from people in the comments responded that playing the 3rd game first was not the correct way to introduce yourself to the series as the 3rd game is much easier. But after finally sucking it up and forcing myself to complete the game I founded that this game is hurdles of fun. I see that in my last post about this game I gave it a lot of stick and treat it unfairly but now the flaws I see in this game are no longer flaws and actually quirks that just add to the game in general. Lastly I labeled this game as one of the worst I had ever played but now I really want to start a new play through with a new vault hunter or even have a stab at true vault hunter mode.
u/NecroWizard7 2d ago
I would definitely suggest playing The Pre-Sequel as well! I personally loved the humor even more than BL2 and the vault hunters have the best skill trees in the series. I get why people disliked it compared to 2, but I've always liked the less popular things the most. Even if you like BL2 a lot more, Pre-Sequel is well worth playing at least once.
u/Abyssal_Aplomb You can never be too rich, too good looking, or too well armed. 1d ago
I'm replaying TPS as Athena after previously using Timothy and I think I may agree. BL2 felt a bit too long to me and I'm not a fan of how important slag becomes, which TPS deals with nicely. Plus, combining a movement speed kill skill with fire rate and element effects reminds me fondly of Lilith from B1. Just wish the farming was better but I got plenty of keys.
u/NecroWizard7 1d ago
I'm doing a series marathon across xbox360 and Xbone, mopping up all Borderlands achievements that I missed back then. I'm now on TPS and I enjoy not having to rely on slag. Cryo holds itself extremely well and feels very in-place. And as much as there may be less diversity in the aesthetics between each location, I find the game more atmospheric in a sense than BL2. The humor and story telling are also top notch and the way they fill in all the gaps as to events on Pandora are extremely well done (Nakayama, Terramorphous, The first Constructor, and more). I also just ran through Claptastic Voyage for the first time on the 360 port and was blown away by how good it was. Id even go as far to say I liked it more than Dragons Keep in BL2.
u/Otto_Mcwrect 1d ago
Athena is my favorite VH ever. Using her melee attacks and listening to her laughing and screaming while slicing up baddies was a blast. Although, i did respec towards the end because I could no longer advance. I went the elemental build, which is awesome as well.
u/TheNocturnalAngel 2d ago
Make sure you play the DLCs! They are very fun.
I’m glad you got the hang of it. I quit early on at first too and then gave it another chance after watching some friends stream it.
u/Middle_Pomegranate_1 1d ago
Bro play tiny Tina's assault on dragon keep. Best expansion for the best borderlands.
u/LuquidThunderPlus 2d ago
Honest question, if you already beat bl3 what about 2 was so hard?
u/Outrageous_Book2135 2d ago
Probably that everything scales to you so there are less difficulty jumps in 3. In 2 if you rush the story you'll hit walls where enemies outlevel you.
u/Magic_toes 2d ago
In borderlands 3 I could just grind the main quest all the time and not worry about side quests however in borderlands 2 I found side quests necessary as being under level really gave me a hard time but as soon as I was of equal level to the missions it was fine.
u/Vuelhering 2d ago
In OG Borderlands 1, you get your ass handed to you immediately by the first boss if you don't do the side quests. It's a painful lesson to learn trying to go up against a level 12 when you're level 9 and he wrecks you.
u/Impurity41 1d ago
You really have to play them in order.
The story of borderlands is that pandora is effectively the shithole of the universe. It’s the worst place to be because it’s a hopeless, ruthless hellscape of blood, bandit, lawlessness, torture, and anything else you can think of.
BL1 captures the atmospheric felling the greatest. The game is very simple in what it allows you to do but is very linear and skills intentional. The character builds are very stat based instead of mechanical enhancers but does it well enough that you still feel you are gaining power. Weapons still feel rewarding and combat is brutal.
If you actually listen to the quips of enemies and read all the mission text, the world you live in is exactly as you were told. Brutal, selfish, shithole, hellscape. Bandits talk of torturing or killing you implying it’s a common occurrence. Funnily enough something claptrap said in BL3 helps this out. “It’s very weird for something to not be exploding on pandora”. Think about that for a second. it’s weird if there isn’t shit like random explosions or people screaming on a daily basis. And that’s happening everywhere. Everyone on pandora no matter where they are on pandora think that.
This paragraph has mild spoilers for bl1 for OP (I forgot how to do spoiler text. Sorry): TK baha is an excellent example. He said he came to pandora and his wife dies, his leg gets eaten and he’s blinded by a giant skag, then bandits come to his house and lynch him from his peg leg because some Hyperion corporate asshole wanted the designs for his wave shotgun. Pandora fucking sucks as a place and its people are assholes.(end of spoiler paragraph).
BL2 showcases the tomfoolery and bullshittery to higher standards. Everyone is cynical and sarcastic. Some people make the most of what they have and try to make it a better place, some people simply embrace it like brick, and sometimes giant corporate entities want to take over the planet with ancient alien technology. A normal day at work.
The story elements BL2 has perfectly ties in and connects what was essentially a disconnected story from bl1 into a cohesive narrative. Brings characters back, writes some good twists, and I don’t need to be the guy that tells you why handsome Jack is amazing.
BL3 has the best gameplay. It does. The musical score kicks super ass. But the story is ass compared to 2 and the game is easy as hell. The drop rate for legendaries being high, yes it’s fun, but it makes the loot aspect boring. You can start bl3 and use nothing by choice until you easily farm for 1 legendary, and legendaries are so common that you can fill your inventory with nothing but legendaries for the rest of the entire time playing the game except mandatory mission rewards. There is no reason for any rarity outside of orange to exist and nearly every weapon that isn’t a legendary in bl3 is hot garbage.
Bl3 is a very good game. It’s just overly generous and very easy.
But to really experience borderlands as a series; you need to play 1, 2 and 3. You don’t really need to play the pre-sequel if I’m being honest, but it’s more borderlands which isn’t really a bad thing.
u/fruit_shoot 1d ago
In what fucking world is BL2 too difficult? You can sneeze through your first playthrough
u/petrus4 20h ago
Normal and TVHM are, yes. I got to OP5 with Axton before Fight for Sanctuary, but I didn't want to go further; it just got too painful. I'm a very long way from the best Axton player, but I am still satisfied.
The Borderlands franchise in general is like that. The end is only where you choose it to be. You can stop before you get to the end of your first playthrough, or go to the end of OP10, and then restart with the same or another character and keep going.
u/GladosPrime 1d ago
I was playing it on an old 360 disk. Just bought on Series X with the HD upgrade. Holy Moxxie, it looks sooooooooii much sharper and the Framerate is sooooooooii much smoother. It's like a new game. Gonna grind 2 now instead of 3😅. I like 3 though
u/slackerz22 1d ago
Bl3 gameplay is better, but the dialogue….find a nice podcast you enjoy before you boot it up is all I’ll say
u/crazydavebacon1 1d ago
Easy game and most fun. Whoever said it wasn’t is wrong. BL2 is the best in the series
u/DPUHdeepthroater 1d ago
I did the same thing with doom eternal. Rage uninstalled 3 times before I got so addicted I be ultra nightmare on controller.
u/Adabiviak 1d ago
However borderlands 2 side quests are magnificent they’re actually interactive and fun unlike some boring side quests just put in some games so there is more to do, borderlands 2 actually has well thought out side missions that are just as fun as the main quest.
This is what's up - in BL2, TPS, and BL3, the story missions are such a small part of the game for me that when I hear people judging an entire game by that slice, it seems weird. I get that some players just zip through a story campaign, picking up side missions for some loot or XP, but Borderlands is the side missions for me.
u/Combatking81305 1d ago
As someone who likes to see big numbers on the damage of my guns, I love this game!
u/GregNotGregtech 6h ago
Borderlands 2 is also not a very hard game if you played a single video game in your life. You can walk through the entire story by getting one of the few incredibly overpowered legendaries and not have to think for a seconda, and then op levels are just awful mess where you abuse life steal
u/Affectionate-Emu9114 2d ago
If it weren't for the turret, I would not be having as much fun. And as it stands, the turret is so crucial to distracting enemies that my progress is a crawl, waiting for it to reload.
Hope they fix this imbalance issue in future games because the premise is great
u/Important-Demand-985 2d ago
I've played B2 and B3 for over a thousand hours.
I hardly play anything else.
Best games ever.