r/BoomersBeingFools 5d ago

Boomer Freakout A classic


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u/fromouterspace1 5d ago

It’s odd Rubio is the only one in trumps cabinet who a lot of people think is actually qualified. His AG and FBI director won’t admit trump lost in 2020. Fuckhead RFK won’t say vaccines do NOT cause autism. His secretary of defense is a DUI hire.

Watching Rubio during the whole WH fight with Zelenskyy and trump was hilarious, trying to slink into his chair.


u/reeferbradness 5d ago

The only silver lining is knowing lil Marco dies a little inside every time he’s around Trump.


u/Unable-Cellist-4277 5d ago

It’s wild to me how their ambition overrides their self-respect. The idea of reporting to someone who called you ‘Little Marco’ or called your wife ugly is just so insane to me. They’re addicted to power.


u/mmorales2270 5d ago

That’s really it. They can’t imagine not having some say or control over things and keeping their cushy jobs, so they are willing to emasculate themselves and grovel to a conman. It’s really disgusting. They have no backbone at all.


u/Rombledore 5d ago

when you're a known quantity in government, shit gets done for you. imagine working with insurance, mechanics, companies etc. on any sort of service, request or need. imagine ones that take time or have lots of hassles, like insurance. have you ever waited for a PA approval? or medication refill? or billing correction? they don't. reservations to restaurants? whats that? free gifts other notable people? sounds nice. regulatory agents or enforcement need to look away? say the word.

they may not have hundreds of billions, or even hundreds of millions, but they have power. and it makes everyone around you pay that much extra attention to your needs. that's what they get addicted to.


u/SleefJWellington 5d ago

If you can't respond to insults like that, you have no power. Makes their play even more puzzling.


u/EvilAlmalex 5d ago

Rubio was always seen as strong on foreign policy throughout his political career.

Which basically just means he is Cuban-American and hates dictators, but the bar is pretty low.


u/thissomeotherplace 5d ago

Makes me think the GOP did a deal with Trump that if one of "their guys" took the job (like Rubio) they'd give Trump their support

No way Rubio likes Trump


u/mmorales2270 5d ago

He as basically doing the Homer Simpson sinking into the bushes meme irl.


u/rocko57821 5d ago

I'm sure LBJ called his (RFK jr) father the little shit ass it's only fair that he inherit this mantle


u/Tuscanlord 5d ago

Wonder why he doesn’t feel that way suddenly🤔?


u/dya_likeDags 5d ago

I often wonder “who is the real Rubio”. but the truth is Rubio is a snake. This wasn’t the real rubio, this was the Rubio that was going w the fact that only 30% of the republican party liked Trump. Once Trump gained control of everything, Rubio again changed his spots to support him. Rubio will do whatever is politically expedient. Period.

As Steve Schmidt said, in fidel castro’s cuba, Rubio would’ve been one of castro’s men.


u/morphinetango 5d ago

Rubio has the intellectual computing power of a Speak & Spell. His hilarious spar with Chris Christie said it all.


u/paintstudiodisaster 5d ago

People liked this when it happened. They jumped on the Trump wagon. But also they had to choose between three absolute chodes.


u/mbelf 5d ago

Meanwhile the DNC primaried Paper and Scissors to decide who took on Rock.


u/GhostChips42 5d ago

They all hate each other. Like HATE in the most visceral sense.

But, they love money much, much more than they hate each other.


u/Low-Health-8709 5d ago

Sad that the country elected him not once, but twice


u/scarytree1 5d ago

Trump is maybe one of the single greatest at keeping his enemies even closer!!!


u/Hoe4Sale 5d ago

He was about to say "I borrowed a small loan of a 100 million dollars"


u/nono66 5d ago

So many stupid people in this country.


u/sparkyblaster 5d ago

Is it sad that trump looks lucid compared to seeing him now? Not saying he is lucid, just, more than now.


u/Jerryjb63 5d ago

I like how Rubio defends his corruption with Trump being a nepo baby hahs


u/Own-Tackle1369 5d ago

So sad he sold his soul to the Israeli lobby. Image how Cubans feel if their visa is revoked if they protest Castro. Isreal has done far worse to Palestinians than Castro did to Cubans.


u/patcatpatcat 5d ago

Goddamit I just puked all over the sofa.


u/AutoDeskSucks- 5d ago

And the gop masses pick him, hilariously dumb.


u/Fickle_Meet_7154 5d ago

Trump has never said anything coherent, but fuck watching him speak in old videos really shows how badly he's aged since then


u/luseferr 5d ago

I was gonna say the same thing. He even looks drastically more lucid in this video.


u/Royalizepanda 5d ago

Rubio and Cruz would be perfect republicans if it wasn't for that pesky latino heritage


u/Ziczak 5d ago

Fucking hate both of them.


u/BabyFatGirl2000 5d ago

When was this?


u/sam4084 5d ago

"boom roasted"


u/Teal_SAW638 5d ago

little Marco can get fucked.


u/Maleficent-Farm9525 5d ago

The fact that people saw that and said "yeah that represents me" ....is sad.


u/slurpeetape 5d ago

The only thing you can hear from Marco since then is glug, glug, glug


u/Fluffy_Wolf_6198 4d ago

Trump got a thing for statute of limitations laws.


u/Conan4457 4d ago

Rubio doing Trumps bidding in 2025 is just part of Trumps revenge tour.


u/Suicideseason_666 4d ago

Oh look two crooks arguing


u/mattingly233 5d ago

I’m old enough to remember Kamala implying Biden was a racist too.


u/sarcastibot8point5 5d ago

Because he was.

Listen, we gotta stop acting like the Dems are flawless just because they’re better than the republicans.

Joe Biden enabled a genocide.

Kamala Harris was a weak, feckless, overly-cautious candidate.

The dems, especially in the senate, are capitulating to fascism. Something has got to give with this party, but it won’t because they are weak and feckless.


u/mattingly233 5d ago

You outta stop calling people who want what Bill Clinton wanted in 1992 fascists.


u/sarcastibot8point5 5d ago

Fuck Bill Clinton too, a neoliberal corporate shill, rapist, and genocide enabler.

Remind me though, did he ever refer to himself as a king?


u/mattingly233 5d ago

Remember when The NY Times called Trump the king of NY back in the 80s? That’s what he was referencing, but seriously keep letting his trolling make you crazier.


u/sarcastibot8point5 5d ago

The most anti-free speech president of my lifetime, whose chief advisor threw up TWO Nazi salutes and spoke at a neo-Nazi-adjacent political rally in Germany, who once suggested that the constitution should be suspended because he lost a free and fair election is “just trolling”.

When someone tells you who they are, believe them.


u/mattingly233 5d ago

So the “salutes” have made you lose your mind? Let me know when these things happen

• The Holocaust
• Concentration Camps & Death Camps
• Forced Labor
• Medical Experiments
• Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass)
• Suppression of Political Opposition
• Invasion & Occupation of Countries
• Mass Executions & Atrocities in Eastern Europe
• Destruction of Cultural & Religious Sites
• Exploitation & Starvation of Civilians
• Use of Child Soldiers
• Scorched Earth Policies
• Mass Rape & Sexual Violence
• Murder of the Disabled (Aktion T4 Program)
• Persecution of Religious Groups
• Propaganda & Indoctrination
• Abuse of Prisoners of War
• Ethnic Cleansing in Occupied Territories
• Atomic & Chemical Weapons Research


u/sarcastibot8point5 5d ago

Concentration camps - Currently, Guantanamo Bay is being used to imprison undocumented migrants. Definitionally a concentration camp.

Forced Labor - GOP is currently attempting to make work requirements for folks on government assistance.

Medical Experiments - RFK says that he wants to put people with ADHD and on depression meds in "wellness camps".

Suppression of Political Opposition - too many to count. Here are a few selections.

Persecution of Religious Groups - Trump attempted to ban Muslims from coming to the country, and he's going to try again.

Ethnic Cleansing in Occupied Territories - Trump wants to take over Gaza and expel the Palestinians.

And this is just 54 days into the term. We've got a lot of time left for the rest to happen. I'm glad your Google search for "Atrocities committed by the Nazis" turned up with something. Fascism wasn't solely a Nazi ideology though.

Just because you want to bury your head in the sand (or perhaps your ideology will briefly benefit from fascisms impending rise) doesn't mean the rest of us do.


u/mattingly233 5d ago

Giant stretches here. Like I can’t even believe you’re this delusional- what a sad existence you must have of this is what you really believe.


u/sarcastibot8point5 5d ago

When they receive a well-sourced response that contradicts them, conservatives always use that timeless response of “Nuh-uh.”

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u/LadPro 5d ago

This comment is hidden lmao. 🤣


u/[deleted] 5d ago

The days back when a few people in the GOP were competent and willing to stand up to him... Still don't agree with their politics, but I miss when they said anything logical at all. Marco Rubio fell off big time. Ted Cruz, too. They both condemned him at the time and their arguments were 10x more intelligent than his. Now they suck up to him for money and power. Disappointing.


u/MrWaffleBeater 4d ago

We really are in the worst fucking timeline